I have played through Psi in DW20 new pack,it is the first time I play this mod,I heard a lot about this mod and I am excited to try it......and I am DISAPPOINTED

I have so many things want to say about the mod,I have watch the animated and when I try the mod it just...not that grate
the good things about the mod is it is easy to get ,it is some how early game,got free poison and the grate OP skill from Shiba Tatsuya

And the down side of this mod is, it can't really do much...
I assume that this mod is SUPER COOL and DO WHATEHERE I WANT,but I can't .
most of the trick is ok as a toy....but not in a application level.....
compare to other mod,this mod is fun....but not useful
like the number system is weird,sometime it won't able me to use a changeable number in power???
and some of the detail can be make more user-friendly....
the system is like a programming system but missing a few opsion,like delay or chain trick....
I also hopping there is some more trick like teleport
and also the loopcast system should not function that way...we should be able to loop cast one part,and do change into the spell.
looping the spell will draw a little amount of the psi,and doing change will also draw a part of psi.
I have so many idea in my head in how to improve it....but I can't do it by my own.
I only know the basic of programming and I haven't learn java

...but if I know how to do it,I will really like to make some improve on it.
hope someone in the psi team will see this,and if they need help and I can help,I will willing to do so.it is really sad to see such a great idea mod(because I am a huge fan of anime,especially 魔法科高校の劣等生 is a series I really like)can't show how great/OP it should be...