Not really unfortunately.
I have had some feedback from the pack testers, and I hope to fix a few things in the next version of the pack, but I an currently waiting on Eloraam to get back to me about an error i am getting with RP2. Mattabase, I believe has been working on permissions for the mods as well, so we may be able to place the pack onto the launcher when the time is needed.
Other then that, I have been reading the comments on here about a player area.
There was an idea at the start of the map for players to be able to buy houses and live in them in the cities, but with the way the previous comments are, there could also be estates outside the cities as well, albeit very expensive and possible late game, but atleast there would be a specified area that i may be able to control with command blocks (maybe). Alternatively, at very late game, within the Mages guild quests, there could be a quest line about a lost dimension, or something of the like, and once this side quest is completed, it could give you a book to a void world with a house, or hell, even and FTB monument on it (hahaha

), and that way players could have a secondary building area.
I don't really know at this point if it will be implemented, but it was just a few ideas that i had after reading the comments.
Other then that, not much really, the server is still down, as i am waiting on a definitive pack that can be used as a release candidate, instead of updating everything later. The map has however moved onto version 0.3, as I have updated it to 1.4.5, and removed some mod ores that were still on the map (as i missed them last time), as well as alot more buildings have been added including 2 working lighthouses.