Is there at this point any way of contributing/helping with this map?
Currently we are waiting on a V3 of the FET pack. This pack will include various fixes as well as adding some mods that weren't added previously.
Due to this the server has been still down, and no real work has been performed on the map.
But there is a staff meeting planned for Saturday, and we will hopefully have some kind of news for those in this thread wondering "What the hell is going on?" and "How can I help?", unfortunately, until after this meeting, I have no news to really say.
But, like I have said in the past, once the server is in full swing, and we get general build plans down, we will start to recruit members for the build team. Again, as I have said in the past, i will have to contact Slowpoke regarding this, as i am un-aware how many people he is sending me from the build contest he held a little while back, or even if at all. If this number is relatively low, or non-existent, I will post a new thread on these forums regarding some form of application.
As a little head start, once i draw upon the community as builders, the main point in the application will be basically, "Show me something you have built, that can be technical, or aesthetic, something that makes you stand out from the crowd as a builder in terms of your talent, (as almost everyone now days can build a sorting machine *cough*)."
That will be a basic guideline for those looking to get onto the build team in the future.
Anyway, that's all from me for now, like I said, i may have some more info after the staff meeting on Saturday, but we will have to wait and see