Project: Feeding Eternal Time [Builder Applications Open!]

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
This looks really cool. Could I help in any way?

Unfortunately at this point in time, due to certain mods being not public, Applications for the build team etc etc are closed. But, in the near future, this can and probably will change.
Well, you'll certainly have a lot of people to draw upon with all the applicants that made it through the build team trials.
Only just saw this and it looks great, it will be interesting to see how the project turns out between the build teams work and the forums suggestions along with your own good ideas, cannot wait to see this when it's finished.

Also first post, woo.
All World gen is open, and we should be getting all the mods updated to 1.4.6 very soon! I cannot wait to see your progress on this, especially if it turns out to be as amazing as things that InHaze makes :) (he's a map maker from Planet Minecraft)
did you create the map with some editing tool, or did you just spawn in a world and thing "hey, this looks like a pretty cool. i should make a map out of it."
did you create the map with some editing tool, or did you just spawn in a world and thing "hey, this looks like a pretty cool. i should make a map out of it."

The map was originally generated on the Nishcraft server back in 1.2.5, and Akabane and myself have been altering, and building on that area of the Nishcraft map to create it. I will say though, MC edit has been used a few times, but only really to place large structures that have already been built into the map.

Sirbab said:
All World gen is open, and we should be getting all the mods updated to 1.4.6 very soon! I cannot wait to see your progress on this, especially if it turns out to be as amazing as things that InHaze makes :) (he's a map maker from Planet Minecraft)

Yeah, with RP2 now released we should be able to get some serious building done, I will be starting the server back up again soon, but, i am just waiting on the final touches of the instance from Mattabase. Once that is done, the server will be up, and i will be sending out the instance as needed to those that already have builder status for the map, and, if permissions go well, may even be able to upload the instance to the FTB launcher for people to try out :)
Good luck on the project! :D Can't wait to get my hands on it!

I would like to suggest updating the OP with the state of the project :)
Keep up the good work, guys! :D
Alright, the instance has been completed, and uploaded to our dropbox, there is just a small amount of testing to make sure the instance runs smoothly for everyone.

Those that currently have builder status, i will contact all of you soon (probs within 48hours), so i can add you to the dropbox as well.

Currently, just so people know, the instance currently loads up with 111 mods active according to the Minecraft load up screen (keep in mind that this number includes sub-mods etc, eg. Red Power Logic, and Machines are counted as different. Also, EE3 currently isn't in the instance, as well as a few dependencies so this number will increase soon).

There is also a few mods that we currently have to get permissions for, to upload and use them in the FTB pack, but we are pretty close to done.

A short while after, the server will be up and running, and I will start to whitelist the builders as needed, and building can finally get under way in full swing.

Have an ETA for the map? I know things like these take a while, but how is everything going so far?

No ETA at this time unfortunately, but we currently have approx. 15% of the area built (keep in mind that this has been with 2 people only building, and on/off due to mod updates etc etc pain in the ass, lol).

Watch this space!
Is there at this point any way of contributing/helping with this map?

Currently we are waiting on a V3 of the FET pack. This pack will include various fixes as well as adding some mods that weren't added previously.

Due to this the server has been still down, and no real work has been performed on the map.

But there is a staff meeting planned for Saturday, and we will hopefully have some kind of news for those in this thread wondering "What the hell is going on?" and "How can I help?", unfortunately, until after this meeting, I have no news to really say.

But, like I have said in the past, once the server is in full swing, and we get general build plans down, we will start to recruit members for the build team. Again, as I have said in the past, i will have to contact Slowpoke regarding this, as i am un-aware how many people he is sending me from the build contest he held a little while back, or even if at all. If this number is relatively low, or non-existent, I will post a new thread on these forums regarding some form of application.

As a little head start, once i draw upon the community as builders, the main point in the application will be basically, "Show me something you have built, that can be technical, or aesthetic, something that makes you stand out from the crowd as a builder in terms of your talent, (as almost everyone now days can build a sorting machine *cough*)."

That will be a basic guideline for those looking to get onto the build team in the future.

Anyway, that's all from me for now, like I said, i may have some more info after the staff meeting on Saturday, but we will have to wait and see :(
Stand out from the crowd? Would programming computers be "Standing out from the crowd"?

Depends really, on how complex the coding is, and what the whole device accomplishes.

I would like to post a quick link at this point in regards to the computer coding.

The link is from one of the current builders (FunshineX - The user who made the giant monument in survival 100% legitimately), and it was in regards to programming a game. the only thing about it is the fact that every item in the mods he had were coded with a full value and given certain points when those items were submitted, and it was done in a way that i though was quite clever.

Here's the link:

As i said, that is from one of the current builders, and he has alot more on coding computers aswell, including duplicating the system that Eloraam used on Forgecraft with the Skynet type system.

But, as i said before, it all really depends on how complex the coding is and what it is out to achieve.
Yes i have seen his series. When i code, my code sometimes have some kind of purpose. What i was able to do was making an automated tree farm, using a solar felling turtle (misc peripherals). I even made it persistent so mobs or unloading chunks won't stop it. In other words it was made to be persistent. This is really great for getting a basic wood supply somewhat early on in the game.

But i am definitely a newbie to coding, in fact this is the third and most advanced code i have ever made. Making the turtle persistent was a big and ambitious challenge. But the fact that i can do some Java programming made it much easier to learn. I have only gotten into ComputerCraft about a month.