Private Packs: How Do I Make One?

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Third Party Pack Admin
Nov 6, 2012
Geez.... I just gave up.... spent about 4 hours trying to get permissions for everything I want to use. There are 3 that I can't get permission for so the whole process I went through was a waste of time. It looks like I'll just have to distribute the pack myself instead of through the FTB Launcher :(. Although if the Ultimate Pack would come out sometime in the next century, I probably would just use that and give a big middle finger to the mods not included and just live without them.
Which ones didn't you get?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Advanced Solar Panels, Advanced Machines, MFFS, Xycraft. (I know I said 3, but you already mentioned Xycraft.)
All of those are IC2 addons (except XyCraft, obviously) correct? IC2 has a policy of letting anybody redistribute IC2 in modpacks, and I'd figure that would extend to addons as well. I'd bring it up with one of the IC2 developers. If that fails, you could always use the technic launcher's custom zip feature.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Without getting into this whole argument again for the millionth time, their rational is that one is for a private server, while the other is for Public distribution. Whomever is right or wrong, it really isn't needed in this discussion, nor is the topic of Technic really. It will cause arguments, and threads to get locked. Which would really suck.

Moving on, it seems that packs just got 10x easier with my above post, so yeah everyone!

the problem is that you can distribute private packs just like publics, if you want.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if you have played the direwolf 20 pack you might notice theres no recipie for the ultimate solar helmet and that theres a masive lack in ores. if i just wanted to add advanced solars and up the ore dencety would i still have to ask every mor author, because that would be a bit... dumb like im adding 1 mod and changin a config file i would be fine if i just had to ask the author of advanced solars but if i had to ask everyone then forget it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if you have played the direwolf 20 pack you might notice theres no recipie for the ultimate solar helmet and that theres a masive lack in ores. if i just wanted to add advanced solars and up the ore dencety would i still have to ask every mor author, because that would be a bit... dumb like im adding 1 mod and changin a config file i would be fine if i just had to ask the author of advanced solars but if i had to ask everyone then forget it.

you can add mods to the modpack if you want, no need to ask anyone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
a note on permissions:

courtesy or not, mod authors are creating derivative works. It is only by the (extreme) courtesy of Mojang that they are even permitted to use adfly links to their mods, as most games that permit derivative works do NOT allow third party mod authors to accept payment for their work.
Frankly, the attitudes by mod authors that demand any more than a simple credit for their mod in a readme file are extremely destructive of the community, as are mod authors that demand extreme shows of genuflection, such as publicly posting conversations where permission was given (Covertjaguar) or demanding that no one create further derivative works (Eloraam), mod authors that essentially demand that people play the game THEIR WAY and no other way (Flowerchild) and, most especially, mod authors that explicitly include destructive code that specifically targets and sabotages modpack collectors (sirsengir).

I know that they feel their income stream or praise demands are being unmet, but as an indy developer I have only one sentence that I can pass to these people that would truly communicate how I feel about their particular predicament: If you don't like being part of the community, make your own damned game. I appreciate the work these people have done, and will tell them so repeatedly, since many thrive on praise, but not one of these individuals is paying a licensing fee to Mojang to be an 'official addon or dlc', and thus, their concerns about individuals using their modpacks on a single server are not only entirely groundless, but akin to the crying of children when they 'lend' a toy to daddy who doesn't play with it the right way.

Their 'copyrights' have absolutely no legal leg to stand on, as derivative products, even disregarding the 'fair use' policy included in most nation's copyright laws. If I create a new space ship out of legos, I have absolutely NO legal rights to prohibit others from using my 'spaceship design' or even taking pictures and distributing them.

Socially, it is polite to ask permission CONVENIENCE PERMITTING, but asking each and every server owner to get individual permission to use these mods is trivial and childish. and FTB's demands for such egregious displays of grovelling just to satisfy some deep seated moral masochism are irrelevant. I will happily continue using FTB for my single player games, due to it's easily-modified nature and a friendly user interface. (with a lot of mods removed and a ton more added that make the game much more fun than FTB's basic packs) but for my server, I refuse to leap through their moral outrage-inspired hoops of fire to distribute my server pack. I will distribute it through technic, who's understanding of the legal groundwork is much more approachable for the thousands of individuals that run servers and fuel Mojang's growth (Who DO have a legal and moral leg to stand on regarding their core file distribution), or I will ask my users to use a tool like MultiMC to create a direct modpack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Facts? Who needs facts? I haz my IP law degree right here!! I even printed it myself!!!oneeleven"

(Easy solution: If you don't like a mod author's stance on copyright, don't play the mod.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
a note on permissions:snip

I don't know where to begin, Badger. I really don't because your understanding of IP/Copyright law is screwy and you've molded it to fit your ideas rather then let your ideas be molded by it. Like I have said in the past, I have talked to someone whom this is her job. Granted its corporate and not private, but I think she probably has a better grasp then you or I. (She had to use little words when she explained it to me, I admit.) :p The gist, you're wrong. I have a post that details some of the finer points of it, I am sure you can find. I'll probably edit it when I have a chance. Wife wants attention this morning and you know how women are, don't you? Anyway, I think we have given you enough attention, because it seems like that is what that little blah post is all about.

{redacted -- watch the name-calling}


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sengir, you sabotaged Technic. You DAMAGED THEIR PRODUCT, even though, like you, they were creating a derivative work. I respect the pack you made (even though I won't touch the versions post 1.2.5 MC) and appreciate the effort you put into it, and will not hesitate to say so, as I do every mod author that exhibits quality and thoughtfulness and genuine attention to balance in their mods, but I am not going to ask permission of every deviantart artist that I might choose to display as my desktop background.

Frankly, If you are going to argue with me, you might wish to try a more informed tack than ad hominem attacks and 'proof by ridicule'. If you would like I could provide the American, Canadian and UK publicly-available copyright texts for your perusal? I don't speak Japanese, but perhaps you do and would like to examine their publicly-available copyright treaties as well. I was forced to learn about the former three in the course of designing Indy games for public distribution (One of the reasons I shifted away from some engines is their prohibitive derivative restrictions (Including the free-distribution engines). Now I mostly work with Pygame and two commercially licensed engines). Other Eastern European and Asian texts do not formally acknowledge the copyrights of other countries (One of the reasons China is so famous for their copyright violations and Piracy) So these would likely be useless. I understand that the European nations generally share common acknowledgement of other nation's copyright laws, so these should suffice.

Copyright law is not a 'stance' or an 'opinion'. it is written down, set in stone, and legally actionable. Whether I 'like' your stance on copyright law is irrelevant. I still play the 'minions mod' even though I dislike the mod author's stance on politics (and injection of those politics into the mod). The 'Stance' is again, utterly irrelevant to the entertainment value of the mod itself.

Frankly, your 'opinion' of your copyright has no bearing on anything unless you choose to discontinue your mod because it is not protected enough for you. That ball is in your court, not mine. You can either put it out, and accept what protections are offered (plagiarism and reselling for profit) or you can choose to not put it out. Frankly, I think that the only reason the technic authors did not prosecute was because they were good-natured and poor enough to worry about legal costs and inability to be remunerated.[DOUBLEPOST=1360246178][/DOUBLEPOST]Afa, understanding my rights as an IP holder IS my job, or I don't eat.


Forum Addict
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Third Party Pack Admin
Nov 6, 2012
If you don't like being part of the community, make your own damned game.
Right back at you.
While the legality of the issue might or might not be questionable, that's how we run things around here. The authors of some of the mods ask us to apply certain rules to the distribution of mods. While it is in our power, and for private and 3rd party packs it certainly is, we will do everything possible to respect their wishes.

We don't like people coming in and complaining that they don't like it and are going to use tekkit. If you wan't to use tekkit, go right ahead, but don't make large posts complaining about us. We don't care if it would be legal to use the mods without permission. We just don't.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is the only warning I will be giving y'all. This thread is about private mod packs. It is NOT about copyright laws. Continuing to bring up ancient history and/or debating off topic laws , or anything else that is not about the original topic will result in warnings, random deletions, meteor strikes and possible forum timeouts. Knock it off and stay on topic. Do not make us go through and hand out warnings for all the rule breaking. Further deviation may result in the locking and or deletion of this thread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can I just add that you guys realize that you're arguing about a game that's basically virtual legos. Why can't we all just have fun and play with our virtual legos?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
would you need to obtain permission to make a modpack that just removes voxelplayer? I use the mindcrack one, but noone wants voxel on the server cos we cant play hide and seek anymore. so would i really have to ask for permission to use all the mods in the mindcracked one, just without voxel?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
would you need to obtain permission to make a modpack that just removes voxelplayer? I use the mindcrack one, but noone wants voxel on the server cos we cant play hide and seek anymore. so would i really have to ask for permission to use all the mods in the mindcracked one, just without voxel?
Remove it from the server? Then just tell all of the users to disable the Voxel player on their launcher.
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