[Poll] Do you use Gregtech?

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Do you use gregtech?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You managed to make your post so i can't quote it correctly.

Polls and other statistics are a great source of information
How you phrased the options are indications that you wanted a flame war. They're inflammatory. You want a flame war and you're hiding behind this poll as you troll for one.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How you phrased the options are indications that you wanted a flame war. They're inflammatory. You want a flame war and you're hiding behind this poll as you troll for one.

If we can't joke...

And this kind of threads always make flamewars anyway. The "trolling" just make it happen faster (or not, i don't know). Intentionnal? Maybe...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't see the poll using tapatalk, so can't vote.

I'm not a fan of Greg's mod, but we're using it on our server. Hard mode with a couple of tweaks. Mostly because we're too lazy to mess with config files every update. I think some of the stuff he adds is pretty cool (centrifuging stuff, as one example), but I'm not a fan of the explosions, fires and chain reactions side of things. If I ever blow up all my machines my plan is to spawn then all in again because that's not a feature I'm interested in. (I know I can config it but I don't want to spend my time editing text files, I want to spend it playing the game!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't use it, but I won't hate on it either. I am not up to a flame war, it's just not my thing. But I agree with Skirty, I want to spend my time actually playing FTB not jumping through hoops.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You managed to make your post so i can't quote it correctly.

Polls and other statistics are a great source of information, so it isn't pointless. Even if all FTB players aren't on the forums, I suppose the ones here are a representative part of the FTB players. So for a ratio poll, it'll work fine. And i suppose there must be at least 10% of FTB players here.

Title is poorly worded. Polls and other statistics are a great source of information but only if they're executed and interpreted properly. Change the title to something like "[POLL] Do you use GregTech?" and you'll be off to a better start. To be useful, any sort of poll or survey must be crystal clear in its wording at every step. Your title is by no means crystal clear.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use it hardmode and like the things it brings, however I'm slowly getting to the point where its not fun.

It's an ic2 addon and it does very good at being that, larger power storage and generation, some advanced processing, I like all the industrial [name] machines, that's all good.

My problem is that he keeps adding more and more unnecessary machines (e.g. I now have to make copper ingots into copper plates before I can make a dense copper plate) instead of making the operation and usability, e.g. useful gui's and documentation, of his existing machines better. The gregtech computer cube gives info on the old fusion reactor in the new fusion reactor version.

Hell, I'm posting right now because I'm tabbed out waiting for energy flow circuits to craft in the new assembling machine that's really slow due to its myriad of dual component recipes is a nightmare to automate.

My fun meter is slipping.

I can't believe that greg forgot what made gtech popular in the first place and decided to ditch the other looser mods and become its own thing(And failing at that tbh).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't really answer just one.

The server I run has it on "hard".
Another server I'm on has it disabled.
My private world has it on "easy".

I don't really care either way. I like the tools it offers, but I'm not overly fussed if it's left out. I'm like the only "meh" person about this topic. I don't care all that much.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, why this haven't been done before?

I'm pretty sure I've seen plenty of GT related polls about why GT lovers/haters are more abundant than the other side/group/people in the short ~6 months I've been on these forums. And the results I've seen from those always point to a roughly 50-50 split in the community.

This leads me to believe that people who see more GT haters/lovers and think they are a majority somehow just surround themselves with people that think that way. There is nothing wrong with that, but (for example) if you're on a server with many people that don't like GT it's not weird that that's what you see most and think is the most common opinion. 1 server or even 10 are no representation of the FTB community though, in fact this poll on this forum isn't either. The people that vote here are the people that frequent these forums, but I'm 100% sure there are many many FTB players that have never been on these forums.

As for me personally, these days I'm kinda neutral towards GT (I was a pretty big fan). But I do think IC2 can't do without GT. I mean IC2 has all these weird balancing rules that don't balance anything but just replace it with awkward and senseless mechanics. "Oh nice wrench you have there, but this block is going to break itself anyway because a clumsy oaf like you needs a powertool in a special mode... wait, since when was an electric wrench more safe and gentile than a hand wrench?" and "These watermills running on water? you mad son? these only take water in buckets, cans or glass bottles. But water is infinite? The sun and wind are infinite as well, not to mention glass.".
GT adds some reason to have IC2 still around for me, because IC2 on its own is just "meh" to the point I would remove it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I first started playing FTB in the beta pack, I already had my hands full figuring out how to work all the new machines and things. GregTech added an extra layer of confusion on top of that, which got to me after a while, and I disabled it once I switched to the Mindcrack pack. More recently I switched to Ultimate and left it enabled, and now that I'm familiar with how everything else works, I actually like some of the stuff it does. Once you know your way around, the annoyances are easy enough to avoid, and there are a few things it makes quite a bit easier/cheaper (rubies instead of diamonds for energy crystals, sapphires instead of energy crystals for lapotron crystals, lots of great industrial centrifuge recipes, etc.) I'm not all the way to the top of the tech tree yet, but so far it's been good. Playing without it feels like I'm missing out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I run it on hard in SSP. Soon as I can get a board that supports more than a gig of ram, I'll take it off peaceful.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sometimes I used hard, sometimes Easy. Actually, What I do is start easy, then change to hard. I guess I can vote "Intermediate"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't like the power curve, and that's about it... I honestly don't like chains of multi-stage recipes that takes you forever to craft... I like the way redpower does things: "Here's this block. It doesn't do much by itself, but if you go on and combine it with the other blocks, maybe you'll find something useful...". Nothing in RP2 is particularly hard or time consuming to craft, but once you go about doing massive builds, things get expensive and time consuming fast. GT adds a bunch of superblocks that do amazing stuff that only has any use once you are already neck-deep into the GT stuff. Few stuff in Gregtech has any early game application... I'm like.... I don't know what's the point? Seriously, by the time you get to be able to easily get the resources GT asks you to get, you don't have much more need for the GT superblocks anymore. At some point in time, you realize, that because you have access to a lot of toys from other mods, that give you stuff before GT does, you're already in pseudo-creative before you reached EOL in GT.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I play GT with all the difficult recipes, but I tone down the EU reuirement for UU matter to vanilla IC2 levels and I disable the fire and explosions stuff when machines get wet. Until you get a fusion reactor, the EU requirement doesn't make much sense to me for SSP - it seems balanced around a server running 24/7. The rain stuff just seems silly, though. I don't advocate putting scientific machinery out in the rain, but I've worked with centrifuges irl and they aren't going to get screwed up by a little moisture.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've only just started using GregTech and I agree about the power curves. But as stated IC2 seems lacking at the moment, centrifuging seems fun as does making power outta zombies. I'm happy to play with or without it, but it'd probably affect what goals I set myself and what mods I focused on. I have a feeling that the people on my server aren't going to like it, so I'll probably end up switching to easy mode but for the time being I kinda want to leave Ultimate as default and play it like it was designed


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I liked gregtech because of all the stuff it added... but then the nerf nation attacked.

which means that in latest gregtech you can't disable nerfs, so yeah, not even looking at that plugin again in my life.

dravarden high as fuck, being polite when talking about gregtech and shit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I liked gregtech because of all the stuff it added... but then the nerf nation attacked.

which means that in latest gregtech you can't disable nerfs, so yeah, not even looking at that plugin again in my life.

dravarden high as fuck, being polite when talking about gregtech and shit.

I asked Greg that in his thread, and he said that he changed some of his own recipes for circuits etc, and you can still disable them to use the original recipes.
So before it was "recipe A if disabled in config, else recipe B"
and now it's "recipe A if disabled in config, else recipe C"

That's just my understanding from what he said, I haven't actually tried that version.

Also why does GregTech get so much flak for nerfing things? Forestry and Railcraft, among others, have been nerfing things for quite some time. GregTech is just doing it more quickly.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My understanding is the GT/RP are about the same 50/50. Personally if GT is there then fine, if not just as good. Oddly enough that's also the exact feeling on RP. I use both when it's convenient but neither are important to me. So if I had to give a 1-5 scale it would be 3 ... meh.

I will agree with many posters that this is an attempt of trying to fan the flames. I worked for a company that did surveys and that poll is totally biased and thus will get biased results. It could be the OP isn't objective/neutral or that they are seeking the answer they want and desire a 'see we have the numbers' result. The real question is are the results to reaffirm an opinion and desire to be in the majority, or majority rule on some issue.