[Poll] Do you prefer TE or IC2? Why?

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Which Do You Prefer?

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Haha, I have most definitely done that my friend :) But see that's another example of what I'm saying; IC2 griefs you, and I think there's more than enough of that in the game as is.
Haha, I have most definitely done that my friend :) But see that's another example of what I'm saying; IC2 griefs you, and I think there's more than enough of that in the game as is.

I don't think "grief" is the correct word, even if it does cause grief. It is a design element that needs to be taken into consideration. BuildCraft's conductive pipes now explode if they hold too much power (mind you, they explode just themselves, not EVERYTHING), and ThaumCraft is pretty much designed to cause flux-related problems.

Perhaps config options for "wrenchlessRemoval" and "machinesBreakOnExplode" so you could remove things sans wrench without destroying them, and when a machine would have exploded, it'd now just pop into its item form.
Well, the buildcraft pipes give a brilliant visual indicator, and take a while. The Thaumcraft flux.... that's a fair point, but I honestly won't criticize because it can be fixed... it's not IMMEDIATE, and it makes sense.[DOUBLEPOST=1361940877][/DOUBLEPOST]Whereas you're absent-minded for one second and destroy a HV solar-array.... that's monitoroutwindow stuff.
Well, the buildcraft pipes give a brilliant visual indicator, and take a while. The Thaumcraft flux.... that's a fair point, but I honestly won't criticize because it can be fixed... it's not IMMEDIATE, and it makes sense.[DOUBLEPOST=1361940877][/DOUBLEPOST]Whereas you're absent-minded for one second and destroy a HV solar-array.... that's monitoroutwindow stuff.

Heh, yesterday I blew up a scrapboxinator and recycler because I placed a glass cable incorrectly. The explosion took out my extradimensional barrel of 600+ stacks of scrapboxes (you only get 64 stacks back when they are broken, even if they have more inside) and was one block away from destroying my matter fabricator and two blocks away from two ultimate solar panels.

On the bright side, it didn't destroy my matter fabricator and solar panels, hahah.

I'd say this is part of the enjoyment, especially when it is not happening to me (which is the usual state as I am usually fairly careful about such things).

But yeah, config options to disable them for some those that want it disabled would be nice. Maybe make pickaxes/drills/etc take a good deal longer than wrenching (the way TE works) which would make the wrench useful again.
Ugh, winced just reading that. Yea, I'm over IC2, for just that reason. Different strokes for different folks... I just don't think it's fun. I also think Quantum.. let alone Gravi is just really op; not trying to start a fight just stating my personal reasons. I like to do a hybrid approach, magic + TE + bees + factorization..... IC2 just doesn't fit anywhere in my playstyle.[DOUBLEPOST=1361941651][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh also, I'm at work so I can't check, I'm like 90% sure "wrenchless breaking" or whatev is actually a config option.
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not trying to start a fight

Hey now, look over this way <---

See that face? Does it look like the type of face that wants to fight?

Does it even look like the type of face that looks, period? Hahah!

I like to do a hybrid approach, magic + TE + bees + factorization..... IC2 just doesn't fit anywhere in my playstyle.

That sounds excellent. I've yet to really dig into bees, or IC2 crops (you might be interested in them as they have a similar mechanic, and are decently good in some specific cases), and I appointed a thaumagi on our server so I am waiting until I get bored of making more 36HP boilers before I start into there. Good times!
Haha... crops are the only IC2 thing I still use, I swear by them and push all new players towards them. I actually have a sign by the spawn farm "taters + crops = food solved"
Haha... crops are the only IC2 thing I still use, I swear by them and push all new players towards them. I actually have a sign by the spawn farm "taters + crops = food solved"

I have never experimented with Crops, sound nice tho
Couple things here.

Without EE3, Tesseracts are pretty expensive. ;)
Have to agree there. I took the plunge and converted a stack of iron into enderpearls, and now I feel less achievement for making some energy tesseracts.
I currently hardly ever see endermen, and usually they don't drop pearls for me. Building my first few ender chests was a pain, but had a great sense of achievement.

Seriously thinking about avoiding EE3 in the future, so that other mods are used as intended.
IC2 for jetpack and macerating/compressing coal into diamonds. TE for everything else. I like forestry, I like railcraft and TE is the IC2 for both these mods. Engines are fun, solar panels I find are boring.
IC2 for jetpack and macerating/compressing coal into diamonds. TE for everything else. I like forestry, I like railcraft and TE is the IC2 for both these mods. Engines are fun, solar panels I find are boring.

There are now MPS, that has the jetpack and stuff
Have to agree there. I took the plunge and converted a stack of iron into enderpearls, and now I feel less achievement for making some energy tesseracts.
I currently hardly ever see endermen, and usually they don't drop pearls for me. Building my first few ender chests was a pain, but had a great sense of achievement.

Seriously thinking about avoiding EE3 in the future, so that other mods are used as intended.

I have a enderfarm, so I can get up to 10 stacks per day of iron

I think thats a Gregtech effect, not vanilla IC2- if you're really unlucky, or leave machines in the rain the explosions can chain along and wipe out a fair chunk of your house.
There a config option somewhere in the GT folder.​

As for actual IC2 uses [Vanilla]
Refined iron= purus (The alternative being diamonds or silverwood)​
Rubber= Motus+imperito (you'll nuke the golem research)​
Rubberwood= Instrumentum​
Uranium is very useful for bee breeding​
Crops (sticks)- higher food yields​
Crops (breeding)- redstone/iron/gold/dyes, and beer! (put in the same effort as you do with your bees)​
Chainsaw (apparently it also cuts wood, though I've never used it for that)​
{With Gregtech/Add-ons}
Efficient metallic ore tripling (no more 30 min cycles- whack it in and go!)​
Mineral ore bonus when silk touched.​
Exp mining in the nether​
Lava-> Iron/gold/silver/tin/copper​
But generally, IC2 has gone from main mod/tech tree to quirky add on with a few useful features on the side.
Without EE3, Tesseracts are pretty expensive. ;)
I dunno... once one reaches the end, enderpearls are one of the cheapest items in the game... before that, yeah, pretty difficult.[DOUBLEPOST=1361960646][/DOUBLEPOST]
destroy a HV solar-array....
No. HV Arrays aren't destroyed when you use a pickaxe on them. They are part of the compact solars mod, not IC2 itself, and are therefore not subject to the chance of losing when you break with a pickaxe.
I lol and laugh and scoff an will scorn at/any and every one who doesn't use TE with GT/IC.

Not using both is like shooting yourself in the leg.

A quirky addon? My saplings+logs -> minerals production line says otherwise!
I lol and laugh and scoff an will scorn at/any and every one who doesn't use TE with GT/IC.

Not using both is like shooting yourself in the leg.

A quirky addon? My saplings+logs -> minerals production line says otherwise!

I don't
Well, I got what I asked for: advanced jetpack,

Lappack + jetpack. The dream of my life.

Well, the only reason I won't remove IC2 I guess.

Ps: unlocking the end is pretty easy (at least for me) and from there you can get as much enderpearls as you want, at cost of making a simple farm or soulshard or whatever.

Edit: those MJ tools/jetpack would be nice... In a redstone energy cell...