Whitelist Server PlasmaCraft FTB [Whitelisted] [24/7] [Direwolf20]

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16yrs old of Belgium
I know my way around in all tech mods but others are new for me, I havent played a lot of FTB but i have played self made modpacks a lot
Looking for a smal server without a lot of lag and friendly comunity without 10yrs old screaming that they died and want to get their stuff back :mad:
I dont grief becouse its so anoying and i hate it myself
my ign is ObitOn
PS: where is the server hosted?
IGN: Dman77
Age: 16
Country: USA
Experience: I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.3 and i did play tekkit for a while until the FTB modpack came out. So i am experienced with the mods, and this server seems awesome.
Reason: I have been looking for a nice community that can do builds and projects together and have a great time.
Why I am not a greifer: I wouldn't want anyone to ruin my beautiful buildings so why would i ruin their's?

Dman, you are now accepted and whitelisted :D have fun
IGN: AznPrydeG
Age: 14
Country: USA
Experience: I've Been Playing Direwolf20 For Atleast 1 Month. Im still learning some other stuff and i've played tekkit for 1 year. :) I Have Also Played Minecraft For 1 1/2 Years!
Why I am not a griefer: I dont really like destroying other people's great builds and if i dont grief them they shouldn't have a reason to grief me.
IGN: sweden_revenge
Age: 15
Country: sweden (hard to guess?)
Experience: I haven't played FTB for a very long time but I've played tekkit a lot and watched many FTB tutorials from Direwolf20. I know how to use most of the mods and I'm learning quickly.
Reason: I've been looking for a nice server to play on and maybe meet some friendly players to build with. :)
Why I'm not a griefer: Why destroy other peoples hard work? I don't find any pleasure in making other players angry.
YouTube channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/THEswedenrevenge?feature=mhee
IGN: AznPrydeG
Age: 14
Country: USA
Experience: I've Been Playing Direwolf20 For Atleast 1 Month. Im still learning some other stuff and i've played tekkit for 1 year. :) I Have Also Played Minecraft For 1 1/2 Years!
Why I am not a griefer: I dont really like destroying other people's great builds and if i dont grief them they shouldn't have a reason to grief me.

AznPrydeG, you are now whitelisted. Have fun :)
IGN: TooAngryZin
Age: 14
Country: Canada (southern)
Experience: I know most of the tech mods well, except for Redpower. Also know some other mods in the pack like Thuamcraft and Soul Shards well.
Why am I not a griefer?: I find griefing to be terrible. It doesn't do anything but make people rage, and it's disrespectful. Putting hours of work into something only to have it destroyed - that's really bad.
my IGN IS: amaancool
AGE: 22
Played Minecraft for 2 years I think Played FTB for 4 months or so
From UK
I'm not a greifer Because I rather build something then being a useless prat
Age: 14
IGN: Mr_Danielz
Country: UK
Experience: Lots, over a year and a half
Not a griefer: I have allways hated griefing, I was once on a server, I got griefed 5 times, I got really annoyed , i respect peoples work.
Skype - mrdanielz2001
Anyone else add me or you can add me if you want to talk.
Age: 13
IGN: Blorog1
Country: USA
Experience: I have used FTB ever since the beta pack came out, but I have mainly just used IC2 and BC but this time I want to use thermal expansion and redpower to get to know the mods so I won't be super productive..
Not a griefer: I've been griefed so much it's not even funny, so of course I'm not going to grief anyone on the server because I know How annoying it is to be griefed and have everything stolen.
I hope that you consider me, this sounds like a really fun server.
Age: 13
IGN: krazykats
Country: USA
Experience with mods: I have been playing ftb ever since the beginning and played tekkit. I know all the mods but redpower is my favorite
Not a griefer: I have been on a couple servers and every one I have found my house stolen from or gone. It irritates me and I wont grief because it is useless and childish.
Age 18
IGN: Arjun623
Experience: I've been playing minecraft for 2 years and picked up FTB about 4 months back, and I have basic understanding of all the mods and some more advanced knowledge of some such as IC2 BC2 and TE.
RE:Griefing, never been one to grief as I find it a waste of my time to destroy someone elses work as it really brings no gains.
Age: 14/15
IGN: sigsus
Country: norway
Experience: played minecraft for about 5 years? and mostly mods
Not a griefer: im not a griefer of a hacker... but got banned from a srver cuz the admin spawned diamond ores under my house :/
IGN: Executionz
Age: 15
Country: UK
Experience: I have been playing vanilla for 1 year+ and played tekkit for around 2months. Then I started playing FTB for around 2+ Months and watching DW, i wanted to find a server to work alside other players and just enjoy the game.
Why I Am Not A Griefer: I am not a grirefer because i'd rather just play the game and i see no point in ruining other players experience by griefing.
IGN: gwtje
Age: 15
Country: The Netherlands
I'm actually doing a slow tutorial for ftb direwolf pack. so i know quit a lot about it. it's just that since im taking it slow in singleplayer im looking for server to play quicker and also building cool stuff.
http://www.youtube.com/user/gwtjee (small youtuber)

if you would ad me, i would join, and play about 8-10 hours a week on the server. if you wan't to know if i wont grief.. just trust me + you would probably have seen some bad commends on my channel.

hope to play on ya server soon...
Age: 14 years
Country: The Netherlands
Ign: same as my forum name (SpaceInfinity27)
Mod experience: I have played the same mods as DW20 for a long time (don't precisely know how long).
I'm not a griefer,because I have never been banned from a server and I would feel bad when I ruin someone's creations.
Experience: I've been playing for a couple of months, and pretty much mastered every mod
Why I won't grief: to destroy someone's construct would be destroying a thing of beauty
IGN: poopchunkle111
Age: 15
Country: U.S.A.
Experience: I have been playing for a few months and have learned a lot of things on the way.
Why I Won't Grief: Messing up something that someone worked so hard for is wrong. I'd be pretty mad if someone did it to me so i wouldn't do it to them.
ign: Baileyth
age: 16
Country: 'Murcia
FTB: 1 month
Vanilla: since alpha
why am i not a Grief-er?
Because I really think trolling in mine craft is dumb. you dont get the same reaction as you would from any other game. plus I'm really tired of playing FTB alone and i really just want to find a community to play in.