Whitelist Server PlasmaCraft FTB [Whitelisted] [24/7] [Direwolf20]

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hello my minecraft name is: modrellgm2222
im from the US
i have alot of experience with ftb and know almost how to work all the mod packs
i also have no reason to grief anybody, i have been griefed lots of times thats why im resigning with an whitelisted server
i do not have a youtube channel, but i do have skype and im willing to tell you it once i get in game
thanks so much and please consider my reply, thank you
IGN: DirtDoctor
Age: 17
Country of Residence: Wales
Experience: Played vanilla since 1.0, started with Tekkit, then moved in to FTB as it was 1.4.7
Im not a griefer because I enjoy playing the game and would like to let others aswell
IGN: Zannos
Age: 15
Country: Wales
Experience: started playing 1.0 tekkit then changed to 1.4.7 FTB
I would not grief because i have been griefed plenty of times and i see no point because your just ruining the game for everyone else!
Age: 16
Ign: Redheadtn
Country: United States
Experience: I've played for a while but am not a genius with the mods.
Why I am not a Griefer: I respect other people's work and wouldn't want anyone to grief me, so i don't grief anyone else.
16 From Michigan, U.S
been playing FTB/DW20 since it came out, been playing with mods since 1.7.3
I dont grief because i think its stupid when you can just go get the stuff.
IGN: FinnyDahFanny
IGN: ThaKipsta
Age: 16
Country: USA
Mod Experience?: I've never really played for too long on a single server/save, so my knowledge is just above basics. I've been playing for a few months on FTB/Ultimate/DW20.
I won't grief because I don't find ruining the gameplay experience for others fun. I've been griefed many times over in the past, and I hated it every single time. It might be fun to them, but I like to help others make progress, not strip it from them.
I'm 13 years old.
I live in the US.
I played on other modpacks before this so I know most of the mods though I've only played on ftb a little bit.
I'm not a griefer because I know how much it sucks to be griefed.
15 years old from Canada B.C.
First played the Yogpack and then got interested in the other mods so i briefly watched the DW20 lets plays and got a grasp of some things and started playing that modpack instead.
I'd like to join a decent sized community so that what i say doesn't get lost in the chat right away
I don't like griefing or being griefed. I dont like to ruin what people spent lots of time on in one go.. It just saddens me that there are people out there who would want to do that.
Skype name Nooders IGN liujordan (messed up when buying account and i don't feel like wasting another $20 so i has to live with it :P)
IGN: darkusmoon
Age: 16
Country: USA
Experience: I've played Tekkit before this and ventured into FTB,
Fairly new trying to find a nice server to learn on.
Why I Don't Grief: I'd rather build something then decide to destroy somoneelse's build.
InGame Name:slimetammer24
Age: 11
Country: USA​
Experience: played with direwolf20 mod pack for 2 months​
Not a griefer: have played on many non mod servers and some mod servers, havn't ever griefed, i respect peoples work!​
I'm a 32 year old from Canada. IGN Shade0922. I have almost a year of FTB under my belt. I like to build things for people, and help out others alot. When I'm not helping others or building 'community' stuff, I hole up somewhere private, but cool, and gather resources. I've never greifed, and having been on the receiving end of greifing, am happy to call out greifers and help rebuild any damage they cause. I have a new computer, so am considering doing streams or youtube vids, but have not yet started on them.
east coast, USA
have been playing direwolf20 for atleast 3 months now havent really been able to get into a good server with anti griefing and not a bunch of randoms constantly joining the server and stealing crap, have also hosted my own server for direwolf and ultimate
Hey I am 16 from the Pennsylvania, USA
Only been playin ftb a few months, but I feel confident in my abilities
I want to join because it would be fun to see how others build and develop ideas and their projects overtime. Also it would be nice to Have a friendly world where people actually listen to rules. Also want to do a LP series for youtube.
I dont grief hate it! I always in my server would ban people who did it
My skype is KevinEarlRudisill and IGN is KLPF123
I am 15 years old and from Norway.
I've been playing FTB for a couple of months now and have been enjoing every bit of it.
I have ben looking for a good whitelist server for a while now, and the the reason i want a whitelist server is to prevent greifers. (I am so tired of them messing up my builds.)
I dont have a Youtube channel. You can find my only posted work here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/zephyre-pvp-map/ (It is a vannila build, but i thought i could put it in here)
My IGN is: Superokiko
IGN: Legoman1212909
Age: 18
Grief? Why? What purpose does it solve other than angering someone else and destroying all their hard work?
Mod Experience: About a year dabbling in all the mods from the FTB pack. Played vanilla for three now, and I'm a pretty good redstone technician.
Yes youtube, but no videos in production or posted (perhaps videos coming soon, not guaranteed).
Yes I do have skype.