Hello! To first start off my post, I am simply going to imply that you may have noticed that i recently joined. This is because I haven't had a reason to till I seen this thread.
Real life name: Devin (Perfered to be called on servers)
Age: 15
Country: Canada; Ontario (No we don't have polar bears in our backyards and no we dont live in iglus for homes)
Experience: I have been playing Feed The Beast for about 4 months. Relatively new to thermal expansion but a couple of DW20 episode later, simplified. ( I'm a quick learner)
Vanilla: I have played since 1.0.0. I was waiting around for enchanting.
Why I'm not a griefer: I am not a griefer because if I was to build something and to be proud of and to log off for supper to come back on to see its destroyed to be pi$$ed and upset, why would it be aloud for someone else to be griefed. I am just the same as everyone else but different. (Meaning everyones different in personality, looks, height, etc. I have a great personality by the way.)
Skype: DevinRay122; Devin Pettit
I perfer not to use it due to my annoying little sister. (No litterally, she takes the mouse to my computer and hides it. New spot every time every day.)
In Game Name (IGN): DevinRay122
Sorry for post being long. Really hope to get on the server! If you had time to read this all, Congradulations!
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Real life name: Devin (Perfered to be called on servers)
Age: 15
Country: Canada; Ontario (No we don't have polar bears in our backyards and no we dont live in iglus for homes)
Experience: I have been playing Feed The Beast for about 4 months. Relatively new to thermal expansion but a couple of DW20 episode later, simplified. ( I'm a quick learner)
Vanilla: I have played since 1.0.0. I was waiting around for enchanting.
Why I'm not a griefer: I am not a griefer because if I was to build something and to be proud of and to log off for supper to come back on to see its destroyed to be pi$$ed and upset, why would it be aloud for someone else to be griefed. I am just the same as everyone else but different. (Meaning everyones different in personality, looks, height, etc. I have a great personality by the way.)
Skype: DevinRay122; Devin Pettit
I perfer not to use it due to my annoying little sister. (No litterally, she takes the mouse to my computer and hides it. New spot every time every day.)
In Game Name (IGN): DevinRay122
Sorry for post being long. Really hope to get on the server! If you had time to read this all, Congradulations!