Whitelist Server PlasmaCraft FTB [Whitelisted] [24/7] [Direwolf20]

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Hello! To first start off my post, I am simply going to imply that you may have noticed that i recently joined. This is because I haven't had a reason to till I seen this thread.
Real life name: Devin (Perfered to be called on servers)
Age: 15
Country: Canada; Ontario (No we don't have polar bears in our backyards and no we dont live in iglus for homes)
Experience: I have been playing Feed The Beast for about 4 months. Relatively new to thermal expansion but a couple of DW20 episode later, simplified. ( I'm a quick learner)
Vanilla: I have played since 1.0.0. I was waiting around for enchanting.
Why I'm not a griefer: I am not a griefer because if I was to build something and to be proud of and to log off for supper to come back on to see its destroyed to be pi$$ed and upset, why would it be aloud for someone else to be griefed. I am just the same as everyone else but different. (Meaning everyones different in personality, looks, height, etc. I have a great personality by the way.)
Skype: DevinRay122; Devin Pettit
I perfer not to use it due to my annoying little sister. (No litterally, she takes the mouse to my computer and hides it. New spot every time every day.)
In Game Name (IGN): DevinRay122
Sorry for post being long. Really hope to get on the server! If you had time to read this all, Congradulations!:) Your cookie will arrive in 2 seconds (Warning!: Cookie may of been eaten)
IGN: Snowsteal34
Age: 16
Country: USA
Experience: I've been playing FTB for a few months now and I'm pretty good with most of the major mods.
Griefer: No, I don't like being griefed so I don't grief others.
IGN: Furryboy2
Age: 15
Country: Australia
Experience: i've played tekkit for nearly 2 year then stopped and started ftb and played for like a few months now
Do i grief : no cause its pointless. even if you grief for items or blocks its still useless you will not be getting it legit.
Hello i would love to Join Your server
Ign: DemonicShadow89
Age: 29
Mod: Exp 1 year of ftb dw20 mod pack experience
Baned: No Never
Why: I would like to join a Server with mature Players that respect Server Rules and I love helping new players and like doing epic builds
Age : 14 and from the U.S
I've meddled around with direwolf20 a bit and I am fairly familiar and I'm very much exposed to Mindcrack and Ultimate
I would really like to join a mature server and really get to know people and do a lets play :D
I respect people's time making things and I understand how hard it is to lose something nice from a griefer :/
Skype name Ultra_xBrownies, IGN KidKiggz and Youtube UltraBrowniesGaming
Ign= nega_skoll
age= 14
country= uk
greifer?= no, i usually tend to to help people instead, and i have never been banned from a server
youtube channel?= yes but im currently working on getting a pc capable of recording minecraft as i'm on a notebook :p
i have very xp with ftb as i know many of the recipes, i know how to bee keep, not so much programme though, and i like to make processing systems with thermal expansion
skype= yes= hstupple or harry stupple
IGN: sam6555
Age: 21
Country: UK
Experience: A lot, like 6+ months worth of constant playing 10+ hours per day.
Why am I not a griefer?: Not a griefer because I love the way all these mods come together, not to mention I will probably live about 1k from most other players because I know how much of a pain it can be living near some people. You may say, why not play SSP?...well SSP is boring. >_< SMP gives you others to talk to, and when you're done building something in your base, you could tell others about it. Maybe even have others live near you if you let them.
IGN: TheNerdFactory.

Country: UK

Experience: I have played nearly every single ftb modpack there is, Im very familiar with nearly every single mod in the Direwolf 20.

Why am I not a griefer? : Well, I have never griefed on any server and I know how much of a pain griefers are and I like to be with others so I can just have fun and have a nice and friendly community, without any f*** griefers/robbers comign and griefing/stealing from you.

Hope I get accepted!

Yours ,
IGN: TheNerdFactory.
Age: 16
Country: UK

Experience: I have played nearly every single ftb modpack there is, Im very familiar with nearly every single mod in the Direwolf 20.

Why am I not a griefer? : Well, I have never griefed on any server and I know how much of a pain griefers are and I like to be with others so I can just have fun and have a nice and friendly community, without any f*** griefers/robbers comign and griefing/stealing from you.

Hope I get accepted!

Yours ,
Izzy A
Please post a reply telling your age (14), country (TX, USA), experience with FTB (Little, I want to learn)?, and why you are not a greifer (I hate greifing, and would never do it myself. If someone else has worked hard on it, you should let them enjoy it, not blow it up!). If you have a YouTube channel (here, but currently empty.), please link it in the post.
ign: mango1120
country: Australia
experiences: played since the first update came
why i am not a greifer: in my opinion i think it is wrong to destroy something that is not yours
[DOUBLEPOST=1363583136][/DOUBLEPOST]i did have a youtube channel but i took it down because i hadnt given my videos much thought but i am looking for a server to make a lp
IGN: Da_G_Bannana
Experience: I have plenty of experience with FTB and I know how to use almost of the mods.
Are you a griefer?: I am not a griefer. I like servers that dont allow grief and people are friendly.
YOUTUBE: Dont have one.
Whitelist application:
IGN: footykid3
Experience with mods: I've played tekkit for about 6 month. I learned how to use mods such as buildcraft and Equalivent Exchange at a early stage. Once FTB came out I started to play with the mod pack. I've learned how to use almost all the mods in the pack. My favorites being thaumcraft and and thermal expansion. On my single player world I've researched all the thaumcraft items. So, this has led me to becoming very good with research and use of many items in thaumcraft. In thermal expansion I love to mess with a bunch of machines and create super compact sorting systems that smelt, pulverize, and sort. Also love creating small machines to just to create lots of cobble or sand without any lag.

Other: I've read the rules. Also I'm looking to start of a youtube channel. I hope that your server is a nice community for me to start up and expand my channel. I've watched Direwolf20 for about an year now and he has help me understand all the mods even the complex ones like extrabees. I hope to spread my knowledge to everyone else on your server.

Also my skype is the same as my name
Age: 15
Country: Norway
Experience With FTB: I played it since Launch (Watched the livestream when they released FTB for the first time).
Why I Am Not A Griefer?: Because I am an Admin on a server and i know how to use common sense ;)
IGN: TheMaik
IGN: NekoWhite
Age: 19
Country: Canada
Experience: I've been playing FTB for the past 4 months or so, and I know most of the ins-and-outs of IC2 and Thaumcraft.
Why I Am Not A Griefer: I'm not a griefer because I don't particularly see the point in destroying other peoples work for no reason.
ign MagicErk 25 USA only really played the direwolf modpack and i enjoy building stuff and playing the game with others
Age: 17
Country: Turkey (Don't worry, I lived in Canada for 10 years)
Experience with FTB: I've been using FTB for a couple of months now, and have been playing with the mods even before it, so I have a good grasp of both.
Why I'm not a griefer: Honestly griefing seems quite pointless. People put hours of their time into building structures and machines and ruining that seems really cruel. I've gotten griefed a fair few times myself, and it's one of the most annoying, aggravating things in minecraft. Second only to crashing for no reason.
Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MegaGmat?feature=mhee
IGN: nizzlebizzle123 Age: 17 Country: England Experience with FTB: I have been playing tech mods since tekkit 1.2.5 and me and my friends had a modded server based on forgecraft set up from 1.3.2 - 1.4.2 and ive been playing FTB since it came out. I know most things about all the mods except for some newer ones. Why i'm not a griefer: I see no benefit to destroying something someone has taken a really long time and a lot of effort and resources to build.
IGN: legolinux
14 from the US
played tekkit since 1.8 ftb for a few months great with the mods good builder
Looking for a small ftb server with a good community
Not a Greifer i am well known on several servers with strong communities
IGN: xRisana

Age: 23 - US

Experience: I am still very new to it x: A friend explained FTB to me so I'm still learning how a lot of the things in FTB work o.o

Why I do not grief: There's no point to griefing in general in the first place o.o Since it just contributes to frustration for others and loses trust with other players as well. If you really wanted to destroy a bunch of things just to do so, there is single player for that rather than upsetting others.