Whitelist Server PlasmaCraft FTB [Whitelisted] [24/7] [Direwolf20]

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IGN jrabb1t

Age 23

Country USA

I know many of the mods quite well. I love working with machine and figuring out new ways to do things. Also I love making XP farms.

Griefing is stupid and not cool, and so it's not my cup of tea. Not what I want to do when I use my time playing.

Thanks for considering my app,

I started an FTB server recently, and we are looking for people that want to join it.
We have almost no lag, and it's open all the time.

Please post a reply telling your age, country, experience with FTB?, and why you are not a greifer. If you have a YouTube channel, please link it in the post. We will worry about skype when you get on

I'll give you a shot on that, other servers I play seem to go FTB ultimate and/or have terrible lag/downtime issues.. gotta play somewhere!
IGN: picka1337
Age: 30
Country: Finland
I've played DW20 pack since it started and I like to spend what little time I have making my own things not pissing on someone else's.
IGN: arcticw01f
Age: 19
City/Country: Dallas, Texas
What I can do for the server: I'm a respected Mod/Admin on L33t (not FTB). I'm great at PvP building, making large areas for combat and some close combat maze fights.
I'm new to FTB but I'm a fast learner. And lastly I'm know to pimp peoples homes or give them supplies if they are griefed. Not a lot to say but I'm trying to get FTB to work on my computer soon and I hope that I can join shortly. (I'm on Minecraft for about 4 hours+ daily)
Age: 15
Country: Latvia
Experience: I starts play Vannilla since 1.4 I play tekkit and know so some stuff. And now 2 weeks play FTB.
Reason: I have been looking for a nice community and playing in server is more fun and intresting.
Skype: mareks120298
Hi i'm sigmonstar and i wanted to join your server it seemed like a nice small friendly server and those are the kind i like the best,
I'm 14 and from the US and i have been playing FTB ever since i have seen it on the mindcrackers youtube channels but my favorite modpack is the DW20 one because i love ALL of the mods in them but my favorites are forestry steves carts and thaumcraft (with thaumic bees!)
i have never griefed, i was co-owner of a server for a long time and this was back in the days of beta 1.3 so we didn't have many plugins.
i have a youtube account but not a channel as i havent uploaded any videos yet but i plan too if this server works out. My IGN is sigmonstar117 i hope to see you soon!
IGN: SilverSinX
Age: 16
Country: USA
Experience: 2+ Years with most mods
Griefing: Neither party benefits in the long run and it is therefore pointless.

I am a very ingenuous builder (technically, at least) and love making automated systems. I've extended experience with all the mods yet I find new things every day!

Twitch is Xiges_, I stream occasionally.
Youtube is Xiges, but I haven't uploaded in a while.
ING: 1azq2sxw3dce
Maturity Level: Very high
Favorite FTB Mod: IC2 or Thuamcraft
When can you play: evenings, but when sumer comes i can play all day
Timezone: central
IGN: teh_nexus
Age: 22
Country: US
Experience: Very experienced with multiple packs
Griefing: Hate it, it's not like it's hard to get any amount of material in this game if you know whar you're doing
I'm looking for a place just t relax in and test out some of my ideas in a server enviroment
In-Game Username:



Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:
Nope check my bans

Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:
I've played vanilla Minecraft since Alpha

FTB Experience?:
I've only recently started playing the FTB modpack and so far I'm loving it. I'm finding it hard to go back to vanilla now because of all the awesome features this modpack has added to the game. I'm now a beast and I need to be fed. :p

Will you follow the rules?
Yes I plan to follow all the rules as that is what I'm agreeing to abide by if I'm accepted.

Why do you want to join?:
I want to join a server that has an active player base that is helpful and creative. I have played on a few previous servers now, but always found that they are a ghost town half the time and the whole point of SMP is to be able to chat with people, build together and learn.

Any questions you would like to ask?:
Which mods if any are disabled/restricted?

Additional Information?:
I'm hoping to get on a server that is active and enjoyable to be on. I want to become a member of a server that has little restrictions on the mods (Within reasonable limits), has a great community and staff as well as little to no lag and good uptime. I'm really looking forward to finding the perfect server for me so hopefully this will be the one. I can't wait to meet the community and see how this server is. Hope to see everyone soon. :)
My IGN is irfo96, I'm 17 years old and live in Bosnia & Herzegowina. I play Minecraft for a long time and I also play Tekkit, but I am fairly new to the FTB. I'd love to play on a nice server and would not grief because what's the point of that. I would help others if needed.
Lots, and even more with various mods before FTB.
I am not a griefer because I don't like being griefed myself.
Ign hajsson
Age 12
Country Sweden
Experience I am good at ic2 and have played with tekkit before
Why I want a good 24/7 lag free server with good people and admins and I think that this one fits that
IGN: TheCaptainCreep
Age: 14
Country: Serbia
Experience: I have been playing vanilla since 1.7.3 and played tekkit and feed the beast for about a year
Why I Am Not A Griefer: I am not a griefer becouse i like playing in a friendly based community and i dont want to be a douchebag
18 years old from Romania
PLaying DW20 pack from when it came out so i have alot of experience
I jsut hate griefing ... i can't explain why ... just breaking your work ... what's the point in that ?

My IGN is NimeniAltu666
Age: 15
IGN: Hymerid
Country: USA
Experience: Have played FTB and tekkit for over a year now
Why i'm not a griefer: I am not a griefer because i dislike people ruining work that people have put effort and time in making.
Country:united states
i would really like to play on a small lag free server with some cool people. Im not a greifer because i hate to see peoples hard work get destroyed
19 From USA
Haven't played DW20, but Have played A lot of Ultimate pack.
I would like to join a small community with helpful players that you can trust.
Greifing is shallow and pedantic.
IGN: pickle197
25 USA
Play a lot of DW20 mods never played on a server before
Just looking for something 'new' in my minecraft experience
IGN: bubblesayoyo