In Game Name: legoguy1201
Age: 11 (Mature)
Hours spent on MC per week: Around 30
Mod experience: (i.e. Gregtech, thaurmcraft, forestry etc) ThaumCraft.. a bit of forestry (no bees included) buildcraft, industrialcraft... not so hot with factorization and other magic mods for expect of ThaumCraft and EE3
Build you are most proud of: (i.e. Piston machine, barrel/router sorting system etc) Probably a system I actually built only yesterday; a automated system that: has igneus extruders making cobble.. cobble goes to macerator to make sand... sand goes into induction smelter.. in the other side.. water collection with Aqueous Accumulators going into Steam Engines (manual coal feeding due to no space for automation

) goes into induction smelter for energy then I place a hopper above the induction smelter with ores! And voilà! Ore Processing Machine! (Cheaper than Pulverizer + Powered Furnace Setup)
Favorite part of MC: (i.e. PvP, automation, artistic creativity etc) PvP (when I'm in the mood for it) artistic builds (not good at them though) and automation.
Other hobbies: Mostly videogames
Something about you: I'm just a 11 year old boy that is addicted to minecraft; specially modded. I love automation and how the machines can, after alot of work, make everything for me!
Any references: Nope