Whitelist Server PatatoCraft|Custom 1.5|Greylist|PvP|Anti-Theft|TS3|20 slot

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In Game Name: AnthonyDakay
Age: 18
Hours spent on MC per week: 10-15
Mod experience: (i.e. Gregtech, thaurmcraft, forestry etc) Industrial Craft
Build you are most proud of: (i.e. Piston machine, barrel/router sorting system etc) I made a solar panel factory once.
Favorite part of MC: (i.e. PvP, automation, artistic creativity etc) I love to build aesthetically pleasing structures.
Other hobbies: Basketball
Something about you: I'm pretty calm.
Any references: Nope
In Game Name: Bigfatpen
Age: 14
Hours spent on MC per week: 20-30
Mod experience: Thermal Expansion, Buildcraft, Forestry, IC2 & Greg Tech
Build you are most proud of: Massive scale mob farm
Favorite part of MC: Creativity
Other hobbies: Chemistry
Something about you: Americium 241
Any references: n/a
Hey im just posting a app for my friend without forum account
In Game Name: johnius117
Age: 14
Hours spent on MC per week: 12
Mod experience: Not much. whyistheskyblue is mainly teaching me but i have experience with thaumcraft
Favorite part of MC: Awesome building
Other hobbies: not really =P
Any references: Whyistheskyblue
In Game Name:Graeme97
Hours spent on MC per week:10-30 (I have waaaaaay too much free time) I'm unfortunatly getting a little bored of minecraft, and i hope by joining a server with a good community will make me play it more.... as long as the server doesn't reset often, i shall play ALOT (again, i have way too much time)
Mod experience: (i.e. Gregtech, thaurmcraft, forestry etc) Thuamcraft (All the research) Done alot with forestry, but not much with breeding. Buildcraft I know how to use all the machines along with IC2, but gregtech is still a mystery as in I don't know what some of the machines do, but i know how to use the main ones.
Build you are most proud of: (i.e. Piston machine, barrel/router sorting system etc) Auto enchanted book farming, with a sorting system to sort the enchanted books, and a turtle to enchant the normal books I give him :)
Favorite part of MC: (i.e. PvP, automation, artistic creativity etc) Automation, and then making it as compact and nice looking as possible
Other hobbies: Playing games other than minecraft, and eating and sleeping (I love sleeping, one of the best things)
Something about you: I'm a gamer, but dislike FPS games. Rpg and Sandbox are my favorite type of games, I am also a Brony. Please don't think worse of me.
Any references:Sorry mate.
In Game Name:Graeme97
Hours spent on MC per week:10-30 (I have waaaaaay too much free time) I'm unfortunatly getting a little bored of minecraft, and i hope by joining a server with a good community will make me play it more.... as long as the server doesn't reset often, i shall play ALOT (again, i have way too much time)
Mod experience: (i.e. Gregtech, thaurmcraft, forestry etc) Thuamcraft (All the research) Done alot with forestry, but not much with breeding. Buildcraft I know how to use all the machines along with IC2, but gregtech is still a mystery as in I don't know what some of the machines do, but i know how to use the main ones.
Build you are most proud of: (i.e. Piston machine, barrel/router sorting system etc) Auto enchanted book farming, with a sorting system to sort the enchanted books, and a turtle to enchant the normal books I give him :)
Favorite part of MC: (i.e. PvP, automation, artistic creativity etc) Automation, and then making it as compact and nice looking as possible
Other hobbies: Playing games other than minecraft, and eating and sleeping (I love sleeping, one of the best things)
Something about you: I'm a gamer, but dislike FPS games. Rpg and Sandbox are my favorite type of games, I am also a Brony. Please don't think worse of me.
Any references:Sorry mate.

Well we are all about the community, so hop on whenever you are whitelisted.
We updated to 1.1.2 everyone. We also revisited our rules on mob spawners and have decided that mob spawners should be approved by an admin prior to chunkloading, so please let us know if you have one just so we can give you an all clear. This should help prevent some of the lag that has been caused by mob farms that were not constructed to be efficient enough.
In Game Name: wisdoms
Age: 20
Hours spent on MC per week: Depends
Mod experience: (i.e. Gregtech, thaurmcraft, forestry etc): Greg/IC2
Build you are most proud of: (i.e. Piston machine, barrel/router sorting system etc): Tower o' Power from MTG magic card!
Favorite part of MC: (i.e. PvP, automation, artistic creativity etc): Variety of available ways to climb the tier tree
Other hobbies: Being an astronaut
Something about you: US/Male/Skype
Any references: My mom & dad think I'm really good at this game.
In Game Name: wisdoms
Age: 20
Hours spent on MC per week: Depends
Mod experience: (i.e. Gregtech, thaurmcraft, forestry etc): Greg/IC2
Build you are most proud of: (i.e. Piston machine, barrel/router sorting system etc): Tower o' Power from MTG magic card!
Favorite part of MC: (i.e. PvP, automation, artistic creativity etc): Variety of available ways to climb the tier tree
Other hobbies: Being an astronaut
Something about you: US/Male/Skype
Any references: My mom & dad think I'm really good at this game.

In Game Name: DrShark12
Age: 19
Hours spent on MC per week: Depends
Mod experience: (i.e. Gregtech, thaurmcraft, forestry etc) IC2/Build/Thaumacraft
Build you are most proud of: (i.e. Piston machine, barrel/router sorting system etc) Mob Farm with minor lag
Favorite part of MC: (i.e. PvP, automation, artistic creativity etc) Automation, crafting, and creativity
Other hobbies: Working with people
Something about you: US/ Male/ Nice guy/
Any references: Me and my brother love this game
In Game Name: DrShark12
Age: 19
Hours spent on MC per week: Depends
Mod experience: (i.e. Gregtech, thaurmcraft, forestry etc) IC2/Build/Thaumacraft
Build you are most proud of: (i.e. Piston machine, barrel/router sorting system etc) Mob Farm with minor lag
Favorite part of MC: (i.e. PvP, automation, artistic creativity etc) Automation, crafting, and creativity
Other hobbies: Working with people
Something about you: US/ Male/ Nice guy/
Any references: Me and my brother love this game

Looks like we had some major issue with some unknown item that some ME system couldn't handle and was crashing the server constantly for a few hours tonight, unfortunately because of this we had to delete a decent portion of one of the player's bases to solve the issue, so if it was you(jp i believe) let the admins know and we will refund anything lost and help you however we can, also wtf did you do to break it so bad ?_?

Unfortunately to solve this all anchors were turned into obsidian so we will be resetting the kit for anchors here soon.
In Game Name:foxyybingoo
Hours spent on MC per week:i dunno :P about 10 hours or so
Mod experience: (i.e. Gregtech, thaurmcraft, forestry etc)thaumcraft, grettech, twilight, myscraft, kinda everything :P
Build you are most proud of: (i.e. Piston machine, barrel/router sorting system etc)my singelplayer world
Favorite part of MC: (i.e. PvP, automation, artistic creativity etc)twilight bossing
Other hobbies:shooters
Something about you:im handsome ;)
Any references:none
Looks like we had some major issue with some unknown item that some ME system couldn't handle and was crashing the server constantly for a few hours tonight, unfortunately because of this we had to delete a decent portion of one of the player's bases to solve the issue, so if it was you(jford i believe) let the admins know and we will refund anything lost and help you however we can, also wtf did you do to break it so bad ?_?

Unfortunately to solve this all anchors were turned into obsidian so we will be resetting the kit for anchors here soon.

So, it wasn't just me that was having fps issues on that map specifically?
So, it wasn't just me that was having fps issues on that map specifically?

Not sure about the fps issues, that sounds like something client side, but if you mean delay when breaking blocks and being able to pick it up type lag then it could have been.
Though it wasn't a "causing lag" type scenario more of a "the server crashes upon start" type problem.