Simon: Slightly lesser version of
Vector Manipulation.
Sarah: Lesser version of
Portal Interface.
Dimensional Storage, combined with a slightly lesser version of
Momentum Manipulation, exclusive to items stored, allowing the user to control
the momentum in which they leave it's pocket dimension.
■ Limitations: Momentum may not exceed 3 times the velocity in which the object was stored -- momentum speed is also defined by user's focus, or in some cases, explosive emotions.
Esaias: Timely version of
Velocity Manipulation, exclusive to items mentally focused by the user.
Tyler: Limited and slightly lesser version of
Power Negation.
Jason: Slightly limited and lesser version of
Technological Creation.
Brock: Selective
Physical Disruption.
■ Limitations: Damage effectiveness is balanced around focus of user.
Energy Constructs, combined with a limited version of
Weaponry Refinement.
■ Limitations: User is only able to enhance weapons which he/she created.
Daniel: Slightly lesser version of
Diamonds Mimicry --
Metal Mimicry.
Glade: Limited version of
Explosion Inducement.
■ Limitations: Explosion size may vary on user's focus and willingness.
Jack: Slightly limited version of
Air Attacks.
►Dennis: Extremely lesser version of
Alternate Reality Creation.
■ Limitations: Realities are extremely limited in size, and absurdly difficult to create -- result may come corrupted or/and with unexpected features.