Whitelist Server OzCraft | 1.2.1 Whitelist | Mature + Experienced players (25+)

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I cannot join the server without crashing it is a client side crash and I have no clue what is causing it but I logged in the mystcraft age and wondered if you can move me to the overworld? if needed just reset my player data :(
Name: (so we can whitelist you) Twinskies
Age: 19 in a week
Location: Ohio
How much you play: 2-3 hours a day
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Favorite mod is morph. And I want to check out all the others as well.
What will you be doing on our server?: Be a dedicated player and explore everything in my own little place and build probably a sweet base.
Ingame Name: A4Brogan
Age: 24
Location: Northern Virginia/DC Area
Amount Played: Whenever I can
Mods that Interest Me: Tinker's Construct and IC2.

I prefer the exploration and gathering aspects of the game. If you allow me to live in your mine, Expect me to set up a geothermal-powered ore processing plant and smeltry. I do share often, especially when I make and experiment with different tool and weapon builds.

I will warn you, I have a nack for finding ore, which has a side affect of winding, labyrinthine caverns. I will attempt to mark off pathways.

If I am able to find my own mine, expect me to be very secluded in my home turf, but rush out regularly to a store/trading bazaar to trade my wares, tools, weapons and raw materials. As a descendant of the Appalachian Mountain Folk, Wandering into my area will result in shouting if spotted, mostly asking for intention of your presence. Once you are confirmed friendly, expect a tour.
IGN: wernesgruner
Age: 22
Location: Canada
How much you play: 5- 10 hours per week
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Pneumaticraft, computercraft, IC2
What will you be doing on our server?: Join a town / community and build a base with pneumaticraft and work with computercraft
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Hey ariom,

Name: Jimbo971 (sure you can figure out my real name)
Age: 30
Location: Boston, MA
How much do I play? Way too much...will be on almost every night EST 6-11pm...and other times strangely at all odd hours early AM...available to play almost whenever :)
What DW20 mods am I interested in using? The usual....TConstruct, AE, EnderIO, Thaum. Interested in the more advanced tech of these mods....been watching alot of Lets Play on the more advanced tech and systems while I reconstruct a new mode of direction....with my little twists of course.
What will I be doing on your server? Ummm playing Minecraft....? Is that right? Lol just messing. I will be taking my first steps in building a large factory/powerplant/workstation other than what I have messed around with. Also will get to know my fellow players and see how we can help each other out....set-ups, resources, etc. Hoping to find a nice server with great players/dedication and one thats lots of fun/mature.....of course. Any other questions...you know what to do.
Hi guys, sorry for the delay. I was 5 hours away from home for the last few days. Whitelist has been updated.

YouStun, sorry for the delay dude. I've deleted your player uuid dat file so you should be back at overworld spawn now. If you had any items in your inventory, they would be gone now too, sorry!

We've moved OzCraft to another server.

Can everyone now please connect using ozcraft.is-leet.com:25567

The new server has more CPU power and more RAM to play with. We're happy with it so far.

I'd like to personally thank secondking and tomatix for their help in setting up and migrating the server.
Hi there!

My ingame Name: Ceragor1
I'm based in Austria, Europe.
I'm pretty much on every day, but as I have two children and a wife, that may be fluctuating from time to time...
Well, to be honest with you I'm new to Direwolf, but I have a lot of experience with Monster, and the two are not that different. I really like Applied Energistics (wouldn't like to go without...), Thermal Expansion, Tinkers Construct, IndustrialCraft and Buildcraft, but I pretty much dip my brain into everything once I have the chance to. Oh, and I'm really excited to play around with Carpenter's Blocks and other building stuff, as there wasn't that much of such things in the Monster pack...

I would love to come to a server that is active and in for the long run, as my last experience was kind of frustrating, as the server went pretty much silent after one month playtime.

I also would love to contribute to any community-based events and/or builds if that is a thing, but I'm old enough to get along with myself if noone else is there ;)

Hopefully I will hear from you soon,

Edit: I tried to post a pic of my latest build here, but the internet gods are not providing today :(... but then it worked... I'm really not that good at this forum thingy...


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added you to the white-list Ceragor1, your tree-house looks awesome, we are doing some community projects, more hands are always welcome
The server is experiencing a lot of lag right now with blocks and noises. It might need a restart. Won't even melt metals in a smeltry.

Just thought I'd let you know. - Tori
So it's not just me? Ok thanks for reporting. Server is being updated today (as soon as I've had my coffee). Talking with secondking we're going to tweak the server so it resets daily when most players are asleep.

We know of the reason it becomes slow (got to the nether, find a fortress, see hundreds of wither skeletons), we're just unsure of the cause (ender zoo? witchery? who knows). Anyone who has seen this before, please let us know!
There might be a player entity, turtle or something, there that causes them to spawn continuously. Couldn't give you a definite answer though.

Also, is the server updated now? - Tori
Server temporarily offline. We're sorting out some performance issues right now. Sorry for the inconvenience people.
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Reactions: You Stun
Server is back. Please update your clients to Direwolf20 1.2.1
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Name: (so we can whitelist you)novaflipps
How much you play:from 30 min a day to several hours
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: All of them, but tech and bees mostly. Only IC2 if neccesary
What will you be doing on our server?: Play an have fun and obey the rules... And ofc help others if i can and have the exp.
Edit: try again now. I added you before, but not sure why it stopped working.
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Name: FallenOne
Age: 30
Location: germany
How much you play: if i have the time 2-4hrs a day
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: AE2, Factory Manager, Botania
What will you be doing on our server?: Automate all the things ;)