Whitelist Server OzCraft | 1.2.1 Whitelist | Mature + Experienced players (25+)

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Name: ElliotVS
Age: 22
Location: England
How much you play: Used to play often, not a much now but looking to get back into it.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Forestry, ComputerCraft, Thaumcraft and more.
What will you be doing on our server?: Creating awesome structures/buildings, creating farms and machines/workshops.

Used to manage and own my own popular FTB DW20 server which was successful - happy to help admin if needed. My old server thread: https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/th...ntion-mature-events-parkour-ts3-no-lag.48176/
How much you play:depends on the day but getting more into it again
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?:all off the i want to learn and use them all
What will you be doing on our server?:enjoying and learning the mods and hoping to play with like mind players
Name: StephJ2Fan
Age: 31
Location: CO/NM
How much you play: 1-2 times a week
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Gonna play with RFTools mostly. And will mostly be following the DW20 Youtube series.
What will you be doing on our server?: Gonna play with RFTools mostly. And will mostly be following the DW20 Youtube series.

Also, your TS address does not seem to work.
Name: Surcostale
Age: 22
Location: Finland
How much you play: around 4 days week
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: All of them. Not yet sure which path I will take.
What will you be doing on our server?: Not sure yet, will decide on the fly
Name: Jake_Memow
Age: 23
Location: USA
How much you play: 3-4 days a week
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?:mostly tech sided mods
What will you be doing on our server?: constructing some insane warehouses and some other cool thing
IMPORTANT: We've just updated to version 1.2.1.

Hey everyone, we are a small group of experienced players looking for more players to join us. Mature AND experienced players are welcome to apply.

The server is a dedicated server running Direwolf20 1.7.10 version 1.2.1 with 8Gb of RAM.

We are fairly relaxed but have a few rules:
- There are no banned items, but please be sensible and try not to create lag
- Mystcraft is ok, but please only create the ages you really need. Again, lag is our concern.
- If building quarries, please limit them to your mystcraft ages.
- PvP is off. That means no griefing or stealing either.
- Chunk loading is fine, but please be sensible and only load what you really need.

If you're interested, please leave a comment with:

Name: Dominnae
Age: Way over 25 =)
Location: South Eastern US
How much you play: Just coming back after a hiatus for a while. Play during the day while working and weekends.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Magic
What will you be doing on our server? Building creating, spreading merry sunshine =)

Please do not direct message the mods (myself and secondking) about access. We will get to you when as soon as we can :)

Our server address is ozcraft.is-leet.com:25567
We now have a TeamSpeak server located at ozcraft.is-leet.com (thanks to secondking)
Name: Erkbork (I made it when I was a wee boy)
Age: 21
Location: East Coast, US.
How much you play: In my free time, full-time student with a full-time job.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Great question, I havent played in so long.
What will you be doing on our server?: Re-learning everything. All I enjoy doing is building an efficient house, item, and power system. I hate playthroughs, so the only way I really learn is by watching others. Hate large servers, the friendlier, the better.
Name: GM19
Age: 22
Location: Istanbul
How much you play: Senior year of university and a part time worker, so a few hours a few times a week
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Haven't been playing much since Beta 1.7.1 so interested in rediscovering the mods, but anything magic-y like thaumcraft and some bee/tree breeding would be cool
What will you be doing on our server?: I wanna have a nice environment everyone can hang out, share useful bees/trees and maybe make a cool transportation system between bases, in that order. I really love me some trees.
Name: Kergar87
Age: 30
Location: Italy, Treviso
How much you play?: Kept the game in stand by for a couple years now. Before that I was more than a regular
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Tinker construct, Thaumcraft and probably more. I will find out in time
What will you be doing on our server?: What I will build is..kinda secondary, actually. Nothing I couldn't do on a single player. What I will do is try to be part of the group, make some friends to play with.
Not sure how well this will work considering the last post was 3 months ago.
Name: 0ptigreen
Age: 20
Location: Canada
How much you play: Weekends only
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: New to the pack want to learn
What will you be doing on our server?: Mostly just building, and exploring the pack
Name: Drurison
Age: 24
Location: Eastern US
How much you play: Daily
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: I've used a majority of them in the past, but mostly the tech mods.
What will you be doing on our server?: Just progressing threw different mods and having fun!
Name: mcdreamer1
How much you play: almost fultime 10 hours a day
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: i love to all of them and explore new ones
What will you be doing on our server?: building a base and exploring and if needed support other players. i love to trade also
Name: Xenogami
Age: 32
Location: Wisconsin
How much you play: 1-2 hours a day if i can

What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: All of them? Mainly tech mods like immersive engineering, but quality of life items from magic mods like ring of magnetization from Botania

What will you be doing on our server?: I like doing big buildings. Towers, colosseums, back when computer craft was a thing i made a fully functioning movie theater playing star wars, with popcorn vending machines. I have been out of the game for a few years, and would like to get back into it. Still learning the new mods so I don't have a major plan yet, but the multiblock machines from immersive engineering look amazing and I want to do something with those.