Hello I would like to apply for myself and another friend, I hope that is okay he just currently is not online.
IGN: James110508
Age: 24
Location: USA
Playtime: Daily, 1-3 hours a day for the most part
Experience: I have over two years of administration and staff experience on minecraft servers, over a decade if you include other games such as Runescape and WoW. Modpack wise I have quite a bit of experience with DW20, including currently over a month of playing it on a different server. I participate on the FTB community showcase as well when I find something I like

What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Botania, Tinkers Construct, Ender IO, MFR, OpenBlocks, Extra Utilities, Big Reactors, Steve's Factory Manager, Thermal Expansion, and more.
IGN: Xenogami
Age: ~24
Location: USA
Playtime: Sporadic due to job, but tries to get on as often as he can. Inactivity isn't really an issue with him it's just finding time.
Experience: Xeno's experience is far beyond that of mine. He is very knowledgeable in a plethora of mods and has been very helpful in expanding my understanding and abilities in mods. He enjoys helping other players as much as possible and teaching others. Honestly you're better off picking him than me lol.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: AE, Botania, Tinkers Construct, Ender IO, MFR, OpenBlocks, Extra Utilities, Big Reactors, Blood Magic, Thaumcraft, and a ton more.
What will you be doing on our server?: We're looking for a server that has staff dedicated to keeping the server running smoothly and maintaining a presence on the server. This server seems like it offers a stable place to call home that doesn't have ridiculous bans on items and all that lame stuff. We're looking to create an awesome, very efficient base that isn't going to kill everyone else's experience by creating lag. I hope to get a reply soon, as we really want to check it out