Whitelist Server OzCraft | 1.2.1 Whitelist | Mature + Experienced players (25+)

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IGN - YouStun
Age - 18
Location - USA, Tennessee
How much you play - Almost everyday
DW20 mods are you interested in using?: I've used a lot of the mods, but I have never used all of them and I want to find what mods I would enjoy when I start playing
What will you be doing on our server?: Playing Minecraft, collecting resources, and I want to expand in my knowledge of the mods and willing to help newer players in the mods and just have a lot of fun :)
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Welcome YouStun! Our server address is ozcraft.is-leet.com:25567
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Well. After I activated it and it fell on me. I did some research on them. It's new in factorization. They are how you get started in factorization Now.
Welcome aboard Stonegazer (WaywardG) and Lepking13.

Zander, I'll reset your player data file so you can start again. Also, seriously, WTF are those things? They look mean.
Name: Navruz
Age: 16
Location: Belgium
How much you play: 1-3 hours a day. Weekends a lot more
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: I'm very interested into the new 'cofh' mods. It's has more lategame, options and the hole conduit system changed to! Also i wont to try out PneumaticCraft.
What will you be doing on our server?: Making myself invincible through items ingame. Having tons of recources. Also learn to use computercraft more in my builds.
See ya in the server? :)
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Yeah I watched a video on that. Do you still need a player reset? I've been watching the server log and it seems you've been able to jump in and play. Is that the case?
Hello I would like to apply for myself and another friend, I hope that is okay he just currently is not online.

IGN: James110508
Age: 24
Location: USA
Playtime: Daily, 1-3 hours a day for the most part
Experience: I have over two years of administration and staff experience on minecraft servers, over a decade if you include other games such as Runescape and WoW. Modpack wise I have quite a bit of experience with DW20, including currently over a month of playing it on a different server. I participate on the FTB community showcase as well when I find something I like :).
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Botania, Tinkers Construct, Ender IO, MFR, OpenBlocks, Extra Utilities, Big Reactors, Steve's Factory Manager, Thermal Expansion, and more.

IGN: Xenogami
Age: ~24
Location: USA
Playtime: Sporadic due to job, but tries to get on as often as he can. Inactivity isn't really an issue with him it's just finding time.
Experience: Xeno's experience is far beyond that of mine. He is very knowledgeable in a plethora of mods and has been very helpful in expanding my understanding and abilities in mods. He enjoys helping other players as much as possible and teaching others. Honestly you're better off picking him than me lol.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: AE, Botania, Tinkers Construct, Ender IO, MFR, OpenBlocks, Extra Utilities, Big Reactors, Blood Magic, Thaumcraft, and a ton more.

What will you be doing on our server?: We're looking for a server that has staff dedicated to keeping the server running smoothly and maintaining a presence on the server. This server seems like it offers a stable place to call home that doesn't have ridiculous bans on items and all that lame stuff. We're looking to create an awesome, very efficient base that isn't going to kill everyone else's experience by creating lag. I hope to get a reply soon, as we really want to check it out :)
Name: MrCowle
Age: 15
Location: Texas
How much you play: Dependent on factors such as sports. Typically a couple of hours during weekdays but that can vary. Weekends I have a lot more free time and therefore I am able to play more.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: I plan to use all of them. Railcraft, Witchery, IC2 are the mods I plan to focus on.
What will you be doing on our server?: I've had an idea for a base that focuses on the use of railcraft, where the trains transport practically everything around the base. The idea stems somewhat from Etho's original Mindcrack FTB series, the one that was in 1.2.5. I want to build a base like his, but updated and with my own personal flair.

I hope be a member of your server!

Age: 21 21
Location: West coast
How much you play: depending on how much wife wants to play. probably 1-6 hours a day.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: twilight forest, an... forgot what they were all called :P a lot of them tho.
What will you be doing on our server?: building alot and teaching my wife how to play she is new but I've played for 4 years now on minecraft.
IGN is Zoothorne hers is Zarella422
Welcome everyone! Whitelist has been updated and you should be able to join. Our server address is ozcraft.is-leet.com:25567
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Name: drawsius
Age: 20
Location: sweden
How much you play: 3-4 times a week (about 2 hours each time) maybe more, but as i am in school i may not be so active during exam weeks and stuff.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: ALL THE MODS, no but mostly AE and Ender IO and the other technical mods, I am trying to get in to the magical ones but have not gotten around to it. i also try to make stuff look decent.
What will you be doing on our server?: Trying to learn new mods and building interesting solutions for problems, not only my own problems as i am happy to help others to get in to new mods that i have knowledge in.
Name: chardo440
Age: 23
Location: US
How much you play: 1-2 hrs on weekdays more on weekends
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Well I have used most I haven't tried the new applied or botania so I'm kind of interested in seeing what that's all about.
What will you be doing on our server?: Just playing and building I usually like to build towns with railways and such finding new ways to do things.
Name: Tori335
Age: 17
Location: Canada (EST)
How much you play: I try to play 3 hours on weekdays and ~4-5 hours on weekends. Though school has eaten a lot of possible playtime.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Tinkers', Buildcraft, Railcraft, Thaumcraft, Forestry (I feel like I'm the only person in the world that likes bees), and learn/dabble in others.
What will you be doing on our server?: Building, mostly. I'm pretty social so I'll probably be really active in chat.
Edit, we have had many replies in relation to ventrilo and we have decided to swap to teamspeak, the address is still the same, and the same rules still apply.

the Ventrilo server is hosted separately at ozcraft.is-leet.com port 3784

please connect with your minecraft id, any other users(not on the whitelist) will be removed/banned
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whitelist has been updated welcome guys, im interested in the railcraft aspect, its something ariom and myself have been talking about
Name: Kapersky
Age: 20
Location: EU
How much you play: 1-2 hrs on week, more one weekends
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: EnderIO and Botania
What will you be doing on our server?: Automation and stuff...
Name: MajorWipeout
Age: 17
Location: USA (Time Zone: EST)
How much you play: 1-3 hours most weekdays, more on weekends. Depends on work schedule.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: Primarily Tinker's, Ender IO, and Thermal Expansion, but I tend to incorporate a lot of the mods in my builds.
What will you be doing on our server?: Building, playing around with mods, interacting with other players, helping out, general tomfoolery.
Name: babyboy808
Location: Eastern United States
How much you play: I play a few times a week for a few hours.
What DW20 mods are you interested in using?: I'd like to use the magic mods like thaumcraft, botania, and blood magic mostly.
What will you be doing on our server?: I will just play to have fun and try helping others if I can.