Hey guys! We are On the Edge Gaming!
Whitelist Status: OPEN
TeamSpeak 3 Server
IRC Channel
Our IRC is linked into all of our community Minecraft servers. If you want to chat to us or get whitelisted quickly. Chat to us here.
#OTEGamers on Gamesurge.net
Click here for our webchat
Server Info
Address: FTB.OTEGamers.com or
Host: - Intreppid
- i5-4670k @ 4.5GHz
- SSD Storage
- 32GB RAM
- 1GB/s Uplink
- Located: LA, California
- Up-time : 24/7
- Dedicated server
- Be friendly and respectful to other players
- No large excavation in the overworld, turtling underground for the sake of construction is fine. All large excavation(turtles, quarries) should be done in mystcraft worlds only. If you are caught excavating, all of the equipment will be destroyed and the area rolled-back.
- Ask permission to use other peoples things.
- No Griefing, its useless here.
We have Good friendly admins. Our staffs main goal is to take care of each and every player to make sure you have the best possible experience.
We take hourly backups! Your work is never lost with us!
The staff are very fast to fix bugs and address any players issues.
We use the mod MyTown to manage towns and market plots. MyTown is the only Forge based protection mod and is very difficult to bypass! Many servers still use grief prevention which does not protect players' structures in Twilight Forest and Mystcraft. MyTown can protect everything everywhere.
We take griefing very seriously here. With a extensively tested protection mod we can stop griefing before it even happens. In the case that you forgot to protect your structures, we have comprehensive block logging to track each players movements.
Click here for a comprehensive players guide on all of our mods
Owner: Cozza38
Admins: Mirokoth
Mods: AP, ArbitraryHubris, Shotexpert
Banned items:
Click here for our list of banned items.
White-list Application format:
In-Game Name:
What are you looking for in the server?
How long have you been playing Minecraft?
What experience do you have with FTB?
Have you ever been banned form a Minecraft server?
Do you have TS3 and willing to use it?
How active are you?
About the Community:
On the Edge Gaming is an established community, started in 2006 we originally invested in the MMO scene. With many of our MMO Guilds abandoned, we have turned our focus to providing our own gaming experience to our members. Our members decide the future of our community, any member can run their own =OTE= clan or guild in their favourite game.
We also do Game give-a-ways monthly (with enough games to last us the next year!), you are required to be active in the community and the forums to participate. Head over towww.otegamers.com to sign up! We look forward to getting to know you and gaming with you!
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