Username: Maxell6
Age: 16
Location: Czech Republic
Why you want to join: I played a lot of singleplayer, but single gets boring after a while, so I want to experience ''the Server''.
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I'll play whenever I'll have free time. (School consumes a lot of it -.-)
Favorite mod: Logistics pipes <3
What is rule # 6: Automated mining only in Deep Dark
Bonus: You can choose a starting kit for your fav mod, if you live within 700 blocks from spawn.
How much experience do you have in Monster? don't worry if you haven't much: I haven't played a lot of Moster specificaly, but i played modded minecraft since 1.7.3 using MultiMC
with a lot of mods that are part of Monster.