Everyone's posting their (very reasonable and non-flamey) opinions on this subject, and I thought I would give you all my thoughts.
I just said Jerome was doing good at this admin thing, too. My last post on here
JUST was talking about how I was very impressed with his letting us vote. These days, too many server owners think of themselves as dictators of their servers. Yes, you pay $80 a month, but, seriously? I wasn't invited to this skype conversation, either (at bare,
BARE minimum, he should have posted it on the thread even if we weren't there to see it, and should have told us what happened after the conversation, too. Many server admins fail to remember that they don’t have a monopoly on FTB servers. There are hundreds and maybe thousands of servers running these modpacks, and it’s not hard to get on most servers, just write a couple of sentences for the whitelist, or request an invitation.
Like I said before, you don’t have to have any mods you don’t want, even though EE3 and Xeno’s don’t lag up the server much at all, Jerome seems to believe them as overpowered or unbalanced (which I don’t agree on very much either, I like to have a full spectrum of mods to choose
and abuse from). But if people are gonna play by your rules, why not give them the peace of mind in knowing that their builds will be safe if they want to go
SLEEP? If you’re going to allow voting, why don’t you be fair with the voting and not give yourself “80 votes cause you pay $80”. And if you don’t want to be gracious enough for this, give us a warning: “Server’s gonna be reset, starting tomorrow, grieving is enabled”. Because I hate early game, I’ll still be mad, but would I be
THIS mad? Probably not. Remember when Jerome banned Tech for grieving and putting it on the forums? And not even on Adeptcraft? It was...weird, but I was kinda happy and sad. Someone this strict surely wouldn't let anybody get away with a grief. Now I look at this, and it's hypocracy. Let's ban someone because they grieved on another server. Fine. But then to allow grieving?
Jerome's next statements on the matter are going to really have to prove to me that I can trust him again before chilling on this server. Is RP2 going to be added to the list of mods I will never see again? Is Adeptcraft going to be added to the list of servers I will never see again?
I think the topics for the server might be best to go in the new thread created by Jermore. As this thread was orginally about my project on the server and morphed into others peoples projects to since all that is basicly done it is fair to say this thread is most likely done to for now.
When I get a new project started I will of course start a thread to track my work like I have done before and people are welcome to share there own progress there if they wish.
New thread is ---->
Oops, I didn't see this

I had that post up for an hour because my sister's fish in her tank mysteriously disappeared at the same time a whole can of food and contact solution was dumped into mine