Old Adeptcraft - A collection of memories

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I'm not playing on your server, but just wanted to ask whether you're really considering updating your server to a beta pack that might become obsolete (and potentially require another reset when the main pack is updated down the line). Just playing devil's advocate, but from experience the ftb original beta pack turned out not to be compatible with subsequent packs, and we had to reset our server world.
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Ok, so 8 for keeping against 5 for restart was the last post from Jerome.

Now the thread says that it's the end of the "world", and my base has been griefed hard.

So basically, if I understand correctly, a reset has been decided in skype, for which I never got invited, and now I can't play anymore because my whole base has been grieffed.

The reset better be this weekend, or you guys will see all your bases grieffed as hard as mine was.
That, or a server backup restore.

There is no way I rebuild all of my base just because someone found it fun to giref both my power source and infrastructure, and most of my bees are gone too.

Up until now, this server was a lot of fun, because the lag was very small, and the people were really nice. We did a lot by helping each others when needed, and there was no thief pr grief as far as I could tell.
It's really sad that it went down like that without informing everyone, really.
well I had a bit of a thought if we have a world reset with the 1.5 beta pack. why don't we do what the mindcrackers did and use it as kind of a play world. if we do this most people can stay near spawn and I know a few people have played with some of the new mods. so they will be able to help those of us who haven't played. Once the full release is ready start a new world maby work together at spawn so everyone has a spawn base and if people are willing to lend others a quarry to share. Starting out with a few resources from are public spawn area. If we do this you might have to build something useful or a nice house because a spawn full of holes isn't very appealing.
well I had a bit of a thought if we have a world reset with the 1.5 beta pack. why don't we do what the mindcrackers did and use it as kind of a play world. if we do this most people can stay near spawn and I know a few people have played with some of the new mods. so they will be able to help those of us who haven't played. Once the full release is ready start a new world maby work together at spawn so everyone has a spawn base and if people are willing to lend others a quarry to share. Starting out with a few resources from are public spawn area. If we do this you might have to build something useful or a nice house because a spawn full of holes isn't very appealing.

If you do that, like the whole sharing and all thing, I'd totally play.

Also hey ferg, I think i'm whitelisted, care to cobase :[D
If I may ask:
Would it be possible, in the near future, to set up a list of "whitelisted, active members" and their according usernames? Because as it is now, just about once per hour there is a new member online, nobody ever heard of and nobody knows where he or she came from. It's obviously not needed, but it sure would be a "nice to have" thing. And I second the notion about the griefing part - a world reset is ..difficult enough for some, as it is (me included). No need to make an extra big desaster out of a already big catastrophe. I agree with mithos, that the server was feeling comfortable up until two days ago - but since then, all I experienced was bitching, banning, griefing and all around foam-at-the-mouth with added foul language for.. extra points of ubercoolness. If that behaviour among the members will continue (being it on a new 1.5 world or a restored 1.4.7 one), I don't think I'll invest time into anything bigger than a dirt hut on AdeptCraft. Maybe (I can't believe I'm typing this) some moderator control would be in order. As it is now, it definitely is needed. I for once do not want to read foul language. If I would want to do that, I'd play on an open CounterStrike server with no age restriction.

And finally - it would be a sad day if all of the above would continue. AC is a very entertaining and especially friendly server. I really hope, it'll stay that way. :/
I agree this wasn't handled very well. Especially as this was decided while all europeans were asleep.

Whoever did this - you suck.


Grief your own damn base.
I do suck, and I did finish the bits of my own base too.

Right now, I am so pissed off that I don't care much about being removed from a whitelist or being hated by people.

Just so you know, the state your base is in is basically how mine was when I logged on earlier.

Poppy's base was also a wreck, and the portal to jerome's base was cut off, so I assume that it's not any better over there.

I won't say that I regret, but I really suck for attacking one of the people that have been nice to me.

EDIT:On a side note, I will be on a business trip until saturday, so I don't know if/when I will be able to come here.
Neither I nor Linda have touched anyones base, you had no right to touch ours. Yes, it sucks that your base was griefed, but why retaliate against those that did nothing to you?
Oh, right, because someone had the right to completely wreck my base and poppy's?
And nobody left a sign saying who did this, so how the hell am I supposed to know who did this and retaliate?
At least your guys know who did this to your base, and I can even give you the coordinates for the few remaining things in my base if you so desire.

I might very well get banned for this, and It is indeed bad to grief anyone's base, but tell me this.

Why did only a few bases get grieffed and not others?
Why did I hear that it was said on skype that "anything goes"?
Why were we asked about if we want a restart or not, and when the result seemed to be "no restart", it changes to a restart overnight? With no message anywhere to tell us?

If they restart, it will be soon, and those of us that are not banned will have fun again.
If it doesn't restart, the more bases wrecked, the more likely that a backup will indeed be restored.

Please feel free to contact Jerome directly and ask for my ban, and if I don't get banned, I don't plan on restarting my base until this mess has been cleaned up.
Well, until the Ultimate pack updates to 1.5, you are allowed to kill other players, grief bases, etc. The map is now our sandbox for the time being, as it will be deleted as soon as the server updates.
This is a direct quote from the Skype conversation:

[4/30/2013 9:13:07 PM] Jerome Asich: alright, admin vote says map restart! 200 for, 8 against
[4/30/2013 9:13:08 PM] nomer888: the glass viewers
[4/30/2013 9:13:15 PM] Deadra: o_o whoa
[4/30/2013 9:13:29 PM] Timelord Ryter: :D
[4/30/2013 9:13:38 PM] Jerome Asich: pulling the "I pay 80 dollars a month for the server and if you don't like it leave" card
Well, until the Ultimate pack updates to 1.5, you are allowed to kill other players, grief bases, etc. The map is now our sandbox for the time being, as it will be deleted as soon as the server updates.
This is a direct quote from the Skype conversation:

[4/30/2013 9:13:07 PM] Jerome Asich: alright, admin vote says map restart! 200 for, 8 against
[4/30/2013 9:13:08 PM] nomer888: the glass viewers
[4/30/2013 9:13:15 PM] Deadra: o_o whoa
[4/30/2013 9:13:29 PM] Timelord Ryter: :D
[4/30/2013 9:13:38 PM] Jerome Asich: pulling the "I pay 80 dollars a month for the server and if you don't like it leave" card
Why the hell did nobody feel the need to inform EVERY players?

I think Linda and Lambert will agree on this, it sucks to see all our progress voided over night just because somebody declared that everything was now full on war until reset, but only a few knew about it?
remember where I live? When I woke up there were 1000 new messages for me to read through, this shit happened when I was asleep. No, no one had any right to wreck your base or poppys, and you had no right to wreck ours. Two wrongs don't make a right.
No, I know for a fact that you guys are also European players, and that you have roughly the same hours as I do.

But when you log on, your whole base is gone, someone online just tells you that it's been decided that grieffing was alright, decided overnight in a skype conversation, and that just because of that, you lost weeks worth of intense play sessions, you see red.

I know that I should have targeted someone else's base, but when I calmed enough to think about it, it was already done.
I can not undo what I did, so the only thing I can do is not to hide that I did it.

You are allowed to vent your anger on me, rightfully so, and that is because you know that it's me, and not a random person that could be anyone on this quite populated server.

If I am allowed to do so, I will try to amend for this in the next map, because you indeed didn't deserve my wrath, and that was really one of the worst things I could do to you guys.