Now Listed - Banished V 1.4.0 [Magic][Cave world][HQM][Combat][Survival]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Almost half way through the modpack, so far so good. I would suggest that the weight of the more unique biomes (hell, end, magical forest) is increase. Been exploring 2000 blocks away from my base and I mostly found forest, jungle, and mesa(hardened clay). Maybe by diversifying more biome type, we can found more of the interesting lycanite mobs (of course this being caveworld has its limit).
I second that notion. It's really hard to find nether biomes, which are essential for progression in Botania. I'm about to just use the Ritual of the Nether from Aura Cascade because I just can't find a nether and I can't explore very far due to the difficulty of the mobs; even with full manasteel gear.

The very lastest Botania has changed all the passive generating flowers, after a real short time they die and turn into dead bushes, we are forced to become more creative, no more water towers!
And yeah, I figured out how to make Hydroangeas work after watching ElectricCake's LP. I didn't think that they would stop consuming water even in a world without actual infinite water sources. I still don't use them because I'd have to make new ones regularly. Would be less of a problem if I could automatically get more petals to make them, but the Jaded Amaranthus requires a fire rune iirc, which I can't make yet.

I've kinda got limited mana generation without fire runes. Passive generation is a no-go thanks to the decaying mechanic; and apart from that I really only have endoflames available to me. They're eating a lot of coal. I kinda wanted to keep my EE3 usage to a minimum due to exploitability, but now I'm using it to make lots and lots of coal for my endoflames.

Edit: Actually, you could make water towers work by using overgrowth seeds. But those are hard to get a hold of (they appear in dungeon chests, I think?). Maybe add a way to create them (I'm thinking of a vortex infusion involving pasture seeds, boreal seeds, infestation spores and floral fertilizer), or alternatively add a quest for the cascading looter - that thing should also be able to get overgrowth seeds.

I've got another complaint: The cost to make liquid etherium is way too high in iron I feel. It consumes 4 buckets to make one bucket, i.e. it costs an entire block of iron for a single bucket of liquid etherium. Consider how much etherium you need to power a neutral nexus. The infusion should really just cost one bucket and some other non-liquid resources, like vinteum dust and other Ars Magica minerals or the Ars Magica flowers.
Similar things go for moonstone, although that's at least more bearable since you get 4 moonstones out of it. Currently that's 4 blocks of iron for 4 moonstone, but it would just be one block of iron if you'd change the liquid etherium recipe.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I second that notion. It's really hard to find nether biomes, which are essential for progression in Botania. I'm about to just use the Ritual of the Nether from Aura Cascade because I just can't find a nether and I can't explore very far due to the difficulty of the mobs; even with full manasteel gear.

Yeah, I think I'd agree with this, too. More biomes, and smaller biomes. I enjoy fighting mobs but travelling huge, long distances with things as deadly as they are is insanely risky.

And yeah, I figured out how to make Hydroangeas work after watching ElectricCake's LP. I didn't think that they would stop consuming water even in a world without actual infinite water sources. I still don't use them because I'd have to make new ones regularly. Would be less of a problem if I could automatically get more petals to make them, but the Jaded Amaranthus requires a fire rune iirc, which I can't make yet.

I've kinda got limited mana generation without fire runes. Passive generation is a no-go thanks to the decaying mechanic; and apart from that I really only have endoflames available to me. They're eating a lot of coal. I kinda wanted to keep my EE3 usage to a minimum due to exploitability, but now I'm using it to make lots and lots of coal for my endoflames.

Is your Thaumcraft up to golem level yet? Golems make great tree farmers, have them stuff a furnace full of all the wood and have another one drag charcoal over to a barrel over a hopper over an open crate over a pressure plate (I show how to do this in one of my LPs) for your endoflames.

Edit: Actually, you could make water towers work by using overgrowth seeds. But those are hard to get a hold of (they appear in dungeon chests, I think?). Maybe add a way to create them (I'm thinking of a vortex infusion involving pasture seeds, boreal seeds, infestation spores and floral fertilizer), or alternatively add a quest for the cascading looter - that thing should also be able to get overgrowth seeds.

Huh! This is all news to me. If our generating plants die, that's a big game-changer alright. Well, I can still think of some ways to make pretty solid and reliable mana generation, but they're going to take more work now. What is it, exactly, that overgrowth seeds do?

A couple questions of my own: Is obsidian the only blastproof building material in this modpack? I also tried using voidstone since it's made of obsidian, but it doesn't hold up against a TNT test. I know the obsidian variants from chisel are still blastproof, but it'd be nice to have a larger selection of blocks to build blastproof buildings with.
Also, is there any way to filter specific aura colours out of an Aura Cascade node? I've got a mixture of multiple aura colours in my nodes (because of vortex infusion recipes that ask for a specific aura colour); now I'd like to get them out without destroying my nodes.

I'm glad the chest trick has proven helpful. I don't remember if Cannajan suggested that to me but I have a sneaking suspicion they did.

As far as the aura...As best I can tell, no. I just break the blocks and then stick new aura in, it's fairly cheap for me at this point.

Okay here's some criticism.

1)Dirt, Drowning, and (I think) Gravel Creepers should be disabled, because all they really do is leave a giant mess behind for you to clean up. Compounding that is my second complaint:
2)What is making creepers explode even if you get out of line of sight or back away!? This is incredibly annoying and gradually destroys the world for no reason. It also seems as though every creeper type scatters fire everywhere, not just Fire creepers. Disable that too! Uncontrollable mobgriefing is one of the worst possible things you can put in any modpack.
3)Hungry and Thief types of Specialmobs should be disabled since they tend to break things. Hungry spiders will just steal your entire inventory for no reason, and Thief mobs can similarly steal stuff from you. When these mob types die, they do drop everything(I think?), BUT then that stuff is vulnerable to fire or explosions, which due to problem 2 are commonplace.
4)Geists are just annoying, they should probably be disabled. Shadowflame doesn't even seem like it's fully implemented. It "pops" when you hit it, and has a block-shaped hitbox unlike fire.
5)Zombies should not pop out of your gravestone when you mine it. That's just a bad idea. Either you're right on top of the gravestone when it happens and thus die almost immediately, or you're at a distance which leaves your items to the mercy of the elements if you die again.

Lastly, spells that are touch-only should be described as such in the quests that give you those spells. I thought I had to get an Arcane Compendium before I could cast anything, because all the spells I had were touch-only and I was trying to cast them at a distance!

I'm afraid that I only agree with you on two of these points. I really like how tough this modpack is, because once you do get going it gives you a tremendous feeling of accomplishment. For a while, every time I made it through Day 8 without dying I was all "HELL YES!"

However, thief skeletons and hungry spiders are HORRIBLE. I agree with you there. Having your Ars Magica spellbook stolen as well as your costly enchanted armor and weapons only to have the stupid thing path into some lava or die in the midst of a creeper inferno is awful. Fortunately, if you use google to search back through this thread someone posted a way to disable them in the settings file. So I DO agree with you about those mobs. Even for me, those are too much.

And the second thing I agree with is about the touch spells. For people unfamiliar with AM2, knowing that you need to get in contact distance with the surface (MUCH closer than we are used to affecting things with pick, axe and shovel) is kind of important. I know that I messed around for quite some time just barely over 1 block away from my crops, wondering why nothing worked. I finally figured it out, but I don't think that's the sort of agony you're going for, Drastic. A small modification to the quest text about the spell would save a lot of new folks some worries.

Also the turret and golem from Utility Mobs are mostly useless, in default setting anyway. It doesn't target creeper, lycanite mobs, and ars magica mob. But this can be rectify by crafting Mob Targeting Manual (book + rotten manual). I suggest including this book in that dispenser quest. If anyone want the utility mobs to target most mobs, create a new text file, and named it "YourUsername.txt" in config/UtilityMobs and put this inside it:
111 YourUsername


Change "YourUsername" to yours.

Oh. My. God.

You found a way to make it work. I tried to google some sort of solution or config file, but my google fu was too weak.

May you find all the diamond blocks. ALL OF THEM. EVER. Wow. That's wonderful! Turrets are actually WORTH HAVING now!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is your Thaumcraft up to golem level yet? Golems make great tree farmers, have them stuff a furnace full of all the wood and have another one drag charcoal over to a barrel over a hopper over an open crate over a pressure plate (I show how to do this in one of my LPs) for your endoflames.
Yeah, making a proper automated tree farm is on my list of things to do. Shortly after making a proper manual tree farm. :oops:

Huh! This is all news to me. If our generating plants die, that's a big game-changer alright. Well, I can still think of some ways to make pretty solid and reliable mana generation, but they're going to take more work now. What is it, exactly, that overgrowth seeds do?
Overgrowth seeds are explained in the Lexica Botania. They create enchanted soil. If you plant an active generating flower on that soil, it'll provide double the mana output. If you plant a passive flower on it, it won't decay. They're supposed to be found in dungeon chests, but they seem to be very rare even there. I looked in some dungeon chests using the dungeon caller and haven't found them yet. I won't find them for a long time either, because I decided I'm not ready for the dungeon yet.

And yeah, hungry mobs and thief skeletons are really incredibly frustrating. Most of the time I don't even care because I'm turtled up in the safety of my base but when I went to the dungeon, that was the second most frustrating part of the dungeon experience. I lost half my soulbound manasteel gear and my alchemical bag full of various tools I always wanna have on me. I stand corrected on the alchemical bags btw; two alchemical bags of the same size and colour are not linked to the same inventory. I guess I'll have to use the ender hand or ender rift wand focus for that.

The absolute most frustrating thing about the dungeon caller is that it creates incredible amounts of lag. At least it did for me. I made my dungeon a few chunks from my base, which means the dungeon was always loaded when I'm in my base. I could barely move around there. I switched to peaceful mode, which alleviates the lag, and moved several chunks away to a completely new base.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
However, thief skeletons and hungry spiders are HORRIBLE. I agree with you there. Having your Ars Magica spellbook stolen as well as your costly enchanted armor and weapons only to have the stupid thing path into some lava or die in the midst of a creeper inferno is awful. Fortunately, if you use google to search back through this thread someone posted a way to disable them in the settings file. So I DO agree with you about those mobs. Even for me, those are too much.

I was looking for the post on how to change this earlier, couldn't find it. Could anybody help with where to find the configs to change them from spawning? So annoying!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was looking for the post on how to change this earlier, couldn't find it. Could anybody help with where to find the configs to change them from spawning? So annoying!

Go to config/SpecialMobs.cfg, find "spider_rates" then change "I:hungry=1" to "I:hungry=0", and "skeleton_rates" change "I:thief=1" to "I:thief=0."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've looked a bit into the ars magica affinities and to be honest feel a need to lock into one so I don't have to deal with locking into one I'd rather not be in. The options I've seen have been earth, air, and ice as the best choices. Earth would be painful if your one to explore with the exception of that damage reduction to 10%, but I do that very little as I instead mine through areas to make it easier. Air I was thinking would be nice as it said "Sneak to negate movement." if that is what I believe it is then you can sneak when being attacked by a phantom and you won't move. As well as the other benefits. It's downside is almost none existent due to the lack of weather in a cave system :p. Now Ice removes some of your speed again but you can bugger across water and lava with out buckets or tons of stone at the risk of being hit off by a phantom. Idk, I'm leaning on the air one because it sounds great to me. Any thoughts?

Also the water taking in flowers in botania aren't active? 0.o that confuses me. Though I do stick with endoflames I thought a bit on the other.

As well as: Is there any way to get a constant source of mushrooms? There a bit... rare? maybe? found one in my adventures which was enough to start a clayconia but it was kinda annoying how long it took me as well as how I couldn't figure out how to reproduce them.

To the criticism guy:
~ I've had a lot of dealings with the creepers and which cause a lot of anger though the chest trick that cake did SO FAR has worked. Though I've only tested it in a specific situation. I'd need a bit more time.
~Along with the hungry/theif guys: I haven't run into them yet thank god. Instead I've just had ender creepers delete everything.
~I've also noticed a trend where the ones who seem the most successful tend to have built out a large area to semi imitate an outside environment. Some of it was luck in finding a wide open area and the other was crafted. This is all from what I've concluded tho.
~The issue with creepers exploding even when you get away is annoying, I agree, but if you train your reflexes you might kill them before they explode. It just changes your mind set into kill fast vs run away.
~Geists sadly have no effect on me by now. Literally go like: "K, more exp then." since range screws them over. Of course any mob in the right situation still can kill you.
~Grave stone mod does that unpurpose because it's actually logical to think that a zombie will pop out. Did you know if you mine the block underneath it's just like mining the grave stone? Maybe try using that to you advantage. Or deal with any creepers for seen on the map, hope none teleport onto you, mine it and jump away, kill the mob with range/melee, and then get your stuff.

Though keep this in mind: I'm still new and experimenting very little things so I've barely gotten through a fourth(I think) of the mod pack. Yet that run in which I did got far into the pack turned into a 100% experiment area since I'm fairly unfamiliar with most of the mods and simply felt enraged. Specifically thaumcraft in which I have a hard time starting up.

My new legitimate run through right now has me cornered(after being chase by 2 creepers, flame lycanites, and another thing I can't remember into falling down off a cliff into water) into a little island similar to a Y shape with the end raised. I was forced to retreat to the raised area since the other two could form a flank of archers and just starting made me helpless to them. I've built a bridge to connect the raised area I am in (bottom of the Y shape.) to the cave system so I can get SOME early game supplies. It lead to a grab of 20 or so obsidian to use for a mini shelter I build. I have yet to see if it works since the area I'm in is kinda condensed. My plan is to dig it out to be more like a triangle and the block off the flanking sides so that I could get as close as possible to imitating the large area to work strategy. I am a bit concerned at the drop of player ability from the dark power nerf early and am seeing how it goes out right now. The phantoms are still three shot by a stone sword thank god, I thought it would be a lot worse (was almost driven into two lobbers on my exploration for resources). If any one has suggestions on what I should do please fire away XD. I haven't even gotten my tree yet so mining out the area and farming a bit of dark power (If I'm lucky.) will be needed. Other than that I'm at a semi loss of how I should continue to defend against the every 8 day thing seeing as my only protection is a box (3(width) by 6(length) by 4 (height), excluding unnecessary obsidian placement.) of obsidian with 4 poke holes(One top left, Bottom left, Top right, Bottom right. Tops and bottoms are not together as that'd open mobs up to enter.) to attack out of in which I'll fill if in dire threat. The front of it is two cobble stone, as I can't do much for entry and exit. If I can carve it out to float that might work better.

~My apologies on this block of semi unnecessary text.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The very lastest Botania has changed all the passive generating flowers, after a real short time they die and turn into dead bushes, we are forced to become more creative, no more water towers!

huh... that's a shame, I feel like that'll have me enjoying Botania considerably less...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As well as: Is there any way to get a constant source of mushrooms? There a bit... rare? maybe? found one in my adventures which was enough to start a clayconia but it was kinda annoying how long it took me as well as how I couldn't figure out how to reproduce them.
Once you've got one mushroom, you can just farm them. Dig out a room big enough to grow them (refer to the MCWiki; you should have at least a 5x5x8 area), put a piece of dirt in the center, make sure there's little to no light in the room, plant the mushroom in the dirt and use your growth spell to get a huge mushroom. Once you've got several you can turn the dirt into mycelium using infestation spores and light the room up.
Also, if you're using mycelium, you should put some more dirt around the central block (say, a 3x3 dirt area in the room) so that growing the mushroom doesn't destroy your mycelium every time.

~I've also noticed a trend where the ones who seem the most successful tend to have built out a large area to semi imitate an outside environment. Some of it was luck in finding a wide open area and the other was crafted. This is all from what I've concluded tho.
You don't need luck to find a wide open area. From what I've seen there's always a huge cavern at around y level 150 to y level 200. Although, personally I've been moderately successful by avoiding such areas. I keep to a small, walled in area that keeps me mostly safe (the occasional mobs spawning inside my base and zombies digging into it are rarely a threat, only creepers are - especially ender creepers). It's a bit annoying to have to dig out a huge space every time I wanna have another room, but it's bearable thanks to the AoE dig spells you get. I wouldn't know how to keep a huge open area safe; I mostly just use the cavern for more convenient exploring and that's it. There's just too many mobs spawning in it to do anything else.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, I am new to this "project" and I think the server would be fun for me if someone could help me with my problem:
I got 2problems: The first one is at the start I couldnt open the two chests so I got only the 2books and my second problem I died because I had no weapons ( -.- ) and now I respawned inside a room full with skeletons,Zombies.... but I keep dying and respawning inside the same room so I need help with that too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, I am new to this "project" and I think the server would be fun for me if someone could help me with my problem:
I got 2problems: The first one is at the start I couldnt open the two chests so I got only the 2books and my second problem I died because I had no weapons ( -.- ) and now I respawned inside a room full with skeletons,Zombies.... but I keep dying and respawning inside the same room so I need help with that too.
No idea why you couldn't open the chests, that's weird. Are you sure you didn't accidentally go into adventure mode? As for your current situation, you should probably just restart on a new world. There's not much you can do to save yourself once you're in that rut.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No idea why you couldn't open the chests, that's weird. Are you sure you didn't accidentally go into adventure mode? As for your current situation, you should probably just restart on a new world. There's not much you can do to save yourself once you're in that rut.
Thx for the help a little question since I am new: how do I restart in a new world?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No idea why you couldn't open the chests, that's weird. Are you sure you didn't accidentally go into adventure mode? As for your current situation, you should probably just restart on a new world. There's not much you can do to save yourself once you're in that rut.
Oh wait sorry I forgot to say that I am playing on the server and not singleplayer sorry forgot to say that


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need some information about a mod.On a lot of items there is the press shift for more information thing and then the Exchange value shows up which mod adds this I want to know that


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need some information about a mod.On a lot of items there is the press shift for more information thing and then the Exchange value shows up which mod adds this I want to know that

It's equivalent exchange three. Or ee3. It's been made harder to make by demise because it's energy exchange thingy could be heavily abused so he wants to make it late game. Though just try typing that into NEI or looking it up. You should get something.

Hi, I am new to this "project" and I think the server would be fun for me if someone could help me with my problem:
I got 2problems: The first one is at the start I couldnt open the two chests so I got only the 2books and my second problem I died because I had no weapons ( -.- ) and now I respawned inside a room full with skeletons,Zombies.... but I keep dying and respawning inside the same room so I need help with that too.

Wow. Welcome to what happened to me. I went into the server and saw that the chests didn't open XD so I figured maybe I could go in to brawl something to supply myself with dark magic. Almost won the fight but then I fell down a hole and died because of a mistep. Now I'm eternally stuck in a room with zombies and skeletons just as you are within, most likely, the same server. There should be some beginners warp thing where if you have accumulated less than ____ number of dark energy you can reset everything you have(Including dark matter) and begin back at the portal. In my case I've made zero dark energy so I'd be teleported to the portal, get my pic, my book(Which should of been soul bound but wasn't for some reason.), 5 torches, 5 apples and maybe something else if you feel generous. Would help solve the issue of not having to be able to open the chests as one can get the items by resetting. Yet all items related to your character would be deleted? If you want to go through that trouble. It isn't very much for one to have the chest items anyways so making it a kit wouldn't hurt.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay I can perfectly describe what happend to me very shortly:
Installed modpack,started it,joined the server,chests won´t open.......thought"somehow I will get tools, and I love dark magic",jumped through the portal, got killed,respawned,died,giant lags,respawned again in hope to respawn somewhere else,died again,got some Cola out of my fridge,respawned,drank the Cola,died,respawn button wont function anymore,left the server and went to the forums,after 2hours I thought:"Fuck this shit I am gonna play singleplayer, and then.......SAME SHIT HAPPEND IN SINGLEPLAYER:mad:

P.S.:I am from Germany so I dont understand your message completely even though I am pretty good at english....still have to learn more

P.S.2:Thanks for the info!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Once you've got one mushroom, you can just farm them. Dig out a room big enough to grow them (refer to the MCWiki; you should have at least a 5x5x8 area), put a piece of dirt in the center, make sure there's little to no light in the room, plant the mushroom in the dirt and use your growth spell to get a huge mushroom. Once you've got several you can turn the dirt into mycelium using infestation spores and light the room up.
Also, if you're using mycelium, you should put some more dirt around the central block (say, a 3x3 dirt area in the room) so that growing the mushroom doesn't destroy your mycelium every time.

You don't need luck to find a wide open area. From what I've seen there's always a huge cavern at around y level 150 to y level 200. Although, personally I've been moderately successful by avoiding such areas. I keep to a small, walled in area that keeps me mostly safe (the occasional mobs spawning inside my base and zombies digging into it are rarely a threat, only creepers are - especially ender creepers). It's a bit annoying to have to dig out a huge space every time I wanna have another room, but it's bearable thanks to the AoE dig spells you get. I wouldn't know how to keep a huge open area safe; I mostly just use the cavern for more convenient exploring and that's it. There's just too many mobs spawning in it to do anything else.

Ayeeeee. I forgot to thank you man. My bad. I'll make sure to do this with the mushroom, and yah so far I've had really tight areas, such as the 3x9x4 little island I'm tuck on XD. Only problem I've had with it is that the second they dig in it's brawl or die time and if you weren't prepared you immediately die as they spill in a semi random direction. It sucked when I was surrounded by them(outside) and didn't know which one was digging so when it came in I actually had my back to it(unluckily as I chose the wrong direction) and died from them spilling in with 4 creepers first thing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay I can perfectly describe what happend to me very shortly:
Installed modpack,started it,joined the server,chests won´t open.......thought"somehow I will get tools, and I love dark magic",jumped through the portal, got killed,respawned,died,giant lags,respawned again in hope to respawn somewhere else,died again,got some Cola out of my fridge,respawned,drank the Cola,died,respawn button wont function anymore,left the server and went to the forums,after 2hours I thought:"Fuck this shit I am gonna play singleplayer, and then.......SAME SHIT HAPPEND IN SINGLEPLAYER:mad:

P.S.:I am from Germany so I dont understand your message completely even though I am pretty good at english....still have to learn more

P.S.2:Thanks for the info!

XD Your welcome, and yeah... that's what happened to me in the server as well. Didn't happen in single player tho.

I'm a rambling kind of person so I apologize for my lack of good English phrases XD in fact I make some phrases up thinking that they make sense: so even people who are really good at English have a tough time with me. Some times they'd need my older sister to translate for them XD.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
XD Your welcome, and yeah... that's what happened to me in the server as well. Didn't happen in single player tho.

I'm a rambling kind of person so I apologize for my lack of good English phrases XD in fact I make some phrases up thinking that they make sense: so even people who are really good at English have a tough time with me. Some times they'd need my older sister to translate for them XD.
LOL for me that what you write is like..normal english for me........well I guess I am a bit weird too XD:D
Oh right I am pretty far in singleplayer now I raged a little bit and needed more Cola but I made it(little tip: A gravestone is a perfect mobspawner it spawns like a 1mob every 2-5mins)I got like nearly every spell from Am2 and began with thaumcraft(I love thaumcraft because it is dark magic)
Oh and as I saw the zombies digging dirt and placing cobblestone I just thought one thing:"I am fucked,the Zombies can climb....shit" and my second thought was:"I need a bigger weapon"

P.S.:Need to go off now Ill be back tomorrow!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh wait sorry I forgot to say that I am playing on the server and not singleplayer sorry forgot to say that
Oops. I overlooked that when I read your post the first time. I don't know anything about the server, sadly. Didn't even realise there was an official server until you mentioned it.

I've got a bug to report. I'm always wearing a soulbound band of mana. Sometimes when I die, I get two bands of mana back. It doesn't always happen, but often enough to be exploitable for lots of mana. Looks like a cross-mod issue between Botania and whatever mod adds the soulbound enchantment, you should probably look into what's causing it, DrasticDemise. It doesn't happen with other soulbound baubles, even Botania ones.