Now Listed - Banished V 1.4.0 [Magic][Cave world][HQM][Combat][Survival]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I hope this isn't a shocking revelation, but in real life alchemy doesn't do anything at all. It was a mysticism-laden fore-runner of chemistry, and 99% of what early alchemists were attempting to achieve was about as real-life feasible as hatching dragon-eggs. Alchemical transmutation, the way the people who called themselves alchemists thought of it, didn't work in any way, shape or form. Movies and games aside, any actual back-in-the-day alchemist believed that it was possible to transmute gold and silver, they just needed to find the philosopher's stone (which also doesn't exist, but they all believed that it did). In the real world, you cannot transmute any element into any other element (watching particle-accelerator-generated transuranics decay doesn't count, and still isn't alchemical-style transmutation).

So if your big issue with a transmutation mod is that it does things you can't do in real life, well... :)

I don't want to ruin Minecraft for you, but just so you don't hurt yourself you probably should be made aware that you can't carry lava in buckets or carry 64-cubic meter stacks of solid rock in your hip pocket. XD

(Punching trees in real life is also not recommended. ;D )
XD I know one thing: that you dont transmutate stuff with a transmutation cyrcle I know that much ,but alchemy did realy exist and it defenetly helped. Alchemy was used for medicine mainly and only a little bit on transmutating iron,gold,... AND chemistry was build on Alchemy(if this sentence is a bit wrong I apologize my english knowledge ended there)

And you can carry lava in buckets for a amount of time ;D either the bucket will melt or the lava will cool down and get solid


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just noticed that the dark power quests are all messed up. I can just submit my player focus to most of these quests and get the reward for it, no check if I actually have enough dark power. I can just go into negative dark power with no repercussions, only one player focus required.

It seems to me like it must have been like this for a while, because I haven't had to close and reopen my quest book for a long time now. I thought it was because HQM was changed to accommodate the needs of this pack, but apparently it's because the reputation checks are missing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just noticed that the dark power quests are all messed up. I can just submit my player focus to most of these quests and get the reward for it, no check if I actually have enough dark power. I can just go into negative dark power with no repercussions, only one player focus required.

It seems to me like it must have been like this for a while, because I haven't had to close and reopen my quest book for a long time now. I thought it was because HQM was changed to accommodate the needs of this pack, but apparently it's because the reputation checks are missing.
For which ones? The rep check should be in every quest, however I have had a few disappear from the book entirely when it is switched from edit mode.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just got the Mark/Recall spells and Snare with negative Dark Power, but it's most of the quests for me with just a few exceptions. Only the spellbook and mob inhibitor still seem to require DP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A little question what does the Mob inhibitors do? and how to they work?
there was no manual for it XD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
XD I know one thing: that you dont transmutate stuff with a transmutation cyrcle I know that much ,but alchemy did realy exist and it defenetly helped. Alchemy was used for medicine mainly and only a little bit on transmutating iron,gold,... AND chemistry was build on Alchemy(if this sentence is a bit wrong I apologize my english knowledge ended there)

And you can carry lava in buckets for a amount of time ;D either the bucket will melt or the lava will cool down and get solid

Alchemy has the same relationship to chemistry that astrology has to astronomy; they both led to real sciences, but neither of them were scientific, nor did they have the results their devotees said they did. They were more along the lines of magical or religious beliefs with no grounds at all in reality.

And as for carrying lava in a bucket...No, you really can't. It'd cook your hand and the whole side you were carrying it on. Lava is usually well over 1000 degrees C.

A little question what does the Mob inhibitors do? and how to they work?
there was no manual for it XD

I believe someone said at one point that they have a 10-block radius (I assume it is a typical "minecraft radius" and not really a circular radius, which would enclose some blocks that a minecraft radius doesn't), but honestly? I cannot tell that they work at all. I have several times seen mobs spawn pretty darned close to them, so...After buying and putting down a half-dozen of them, I'm really not sure they're worth the Dark Power expenditure at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am having an issue in my server where after dying everyone is getting a huge health and speed increase. Now everyone is running around with over three rows of hearts and a permanent massive speed boost. Is this an option we can change in a mod config? The health is not that big of a deal but the massive speed is making it hard to move around normally.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alchemy has the same relationship to chemistry that astrology has to astronomy; they both led to real sciences, but neither of them were scientific, nor did they have the results their devotees said they did. They were more along the lines of magical or religious beliefs with no grounds at all in reality.

And as for carrying lava in a bucket...No, you really can't. It'd cook your hand and the whole side you were carrying it on. Lava is usually well over 1000 degrees C.

I believe someone said at one point that they have a 10-block radius (I assume it is a typical "minecraft radius" and not really a circular radius, which would enclose some blocks that a minecraft radius doesn't), but honestly? I cannot tell that they work at all. I have several times seen mobs spawn pretty darned close to them, so...After buying and putting down a half-dozen of them, I'm really not sure they're worth the Dark Power expenditure at all.
......I just looked it up in Wikipedia lava has degrees between 500 and 1200 and that just makes no sense.....Iron melts at 1538 degrees C I dont trust Wikipedia anymore. That would mean that normal flames are hotter than lava and that is just stupid!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, any Wikipedia article is only as accurate as the last idiot to edit it. It's convenient, but it's good to always check anything important with another resource. I sure wouldn't try to build a serious load-bearing bridge based on engineering details from Wikipedia. ;D And speaking of builds, how's your Botania coming along? Got your Clayconia yet?

Botania is worth going to the wall on at least once, IMHO. I've still not taken it that far, but it is one of the best-designed mods with the most informative in-game books that I have ever seen. The creator, Vazkii, has some ideas about how hard they want certain things to be which lately have upset a lot of people, but I'm okay with that. Everybody has different ways they want to play Minecraft. Look at all the folks in this thread early on who were going "It's too haaaaaaaaaard! It's impossible! No one can plaaaay this!" ;D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The modpack is fairly optimized and balanced as I can see, thank you for putting so much work into it :D

Now, regardless of the modpack itself, I'm here to say a word or two about the server (;

-It needs some serious changes, the spawn should be 100% safe and not a death pit which would cause the players to leave the game if they didn't set a spawnpoint.
-Chest Locking system needs to be added, a player named PlayDennys stole my and other's stuff yesterday, yet he doesn't say a word in the game when you ask him anything


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Chest Locking system needs to be added, a player named PlayDennys stole my and other's stuff yesterday, yet he doesn't say a word in the game when you ask him anything

Griefers suck. Have you contacted the server admins? I'm not sure whether DrasticDemise is actually affiliated with that server or not, but there should be somebody easily contactable on the server (heh, I know, should is the important word, right?) to slap down people like that (and someone else to do something about the spawnpoint deathpit).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The modpack is fairly optimized and balanced as I can see, thank you for putting so much work into it :D

Now, regardless of the modpack itself, I'm here to say a word or two about the server (;

-It needs some serious changes, the spawn should be 100% safe and not a death pit which would cause the players to leave the game if they didn't set a spawnpoint.
-Chest Locking system needs to be added, a player named PlayDennys stole my and other's stuff yesterday, yet he doesn't say a word in the game when you ask him anything
I need to try that server myself sometime. It sounds like an even more frustrating experience than the regular game.

Griefers suck. Have you contacted the server admins? I'm not sure whether DrasticDemise is actually affiliated with that server or not, but there should be somebody easily contactable on the server (heh, I know, should is the important word, right?) to slap down people like that (and someone else to do something about the spawnpoint deathpit).
Drastic definitely has something to do with that server, the URL is from his opening post in this thread. Doesn't seem like he really has the time to properly administer it. In which case, he should really just shut it down.

Edit: Yup, that server is just a giant player trap. Someone put a dungeon right by the portal. If you die before setting up a bed, you will respawn in the dungeon. And there's no escape.

Edit2: Nevermind, Drastic doesn't have anything to do with the server apart from mentioning it in the starting post.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, this server is totally screwed up.

I managed to get away from spawn about a 100 blocks, and a small room dug. Then carefully got near mobs, made a small window to kill them, took out 5 zombies....and still no dark power to get wood to make a bed. I went back, had killed several more when a baby jumped in and killed me.

You re-spawn in water that moves you to a dungeon, and you die over and over. So someone deliberately screwed this up, far as I can tell.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have nothing to do with the servers posted in the thread. Anyone may request their server be advertised in the main thread. Play at your own risk.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The ability to place a dungeon using the dark power quest reward does make a Banished server kind of a griefer's paradise. It might be advisable to recommend that server admins lock out or remove that quest.

I have nothing to do with the servers posted in the thread. Anyone may request their server be advertised in the main thread. Play at your own risk.

Yeah, that's what I figured. That's the way it usually is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The ability to place a dungeon using the dark power quest reward does make a Banished server kind of a griefer's paradise. It might be advisable to recommend that server admins lock out or remove that quest.

Yeah, that's what I figured. That's the way it usually is.

If we pop one up it shouldn't be a problem. I'd like to keep a quest like that in, if possible. I'd set up the spawn area to be safe, put in a /kit to give each person the appropriate starter items, and set the area to not allow any changes out to a hundred blocks. Two options after that. The first is just to set up a number of lighted tunnels running off into caves. The one we are looking into is modifying a plugin we use on other servers that teleports a player to a random location. Hoping to do it so you don't appear inside solid rock :) Each player would appear somewhere up to 10k away from spawn, in their own area. We have pretty active admin/mods, about a dozen of us, so griefing is taken care of and offenders tossed out.

Arm twisting has been initiated.