Now Listed - Banished V 1.4.0 [Magic][Cave world][HQM][Combat][Survival]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Working on a banished server tonite with the other Admin. I armtwist, they do all the coding :)

Exact name of the item that spawns the dungeon in? sorry, haven't gotten that far in the pack yet :) Just going to ban it for now, work on clever solution later.
The item has a custom items ID tag. You can grab the item and use /Mt hand to obtain the ID for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, i think we have our Banished Server all set up. This is a NZ based server. Very good for NZ and Australia. I'm in Philadelphia and have no problems. YMMV.

Direct Connect: (This may connect you to the lobby at first, but within a day will direct connect you to the banished server. use /compass when in the lobby).

There is a small spawn area, with many tunnels leading off into the wilds. Spawn is protected and should be mob free. You can use /sethome, /home , and /spawn commands. However, /home and /spawn have a 30 second delay and you can't move or be hit in that time. Mytown2 is being used for protection, you get 9 chunks total. No /t spawn command, and no way to keep mobs out of your town. It protects you from players, not mobs.

Rules: No griefing, stealing, cursing, raiding, PVP.

The questbook is not starting out soulbound for some reason, but there is a command, /kit questbook that gives you a new one.

The Dungeon Caller is banned because of it's potential to grief.

We should be going live in a few minutes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, i think we have our Banished Server all set up. This is a NZ based server. Very good for NZ and Australia. I'm in Philadelphia and have no problems. YMMV.

Direct Connect: (This may connect you to the lobby at first, but within a day will direct connect you to the banished server. use /compass when in the lobby).

There is a small spawn area, with many tunnels leading off into the wilds. Spawn is protected and should be mob free. You can use /sethome, /home , and /spawn commands. However, /home and /spawn have a 30 second delay and you can't move or be hit in that time. Mytown2 is being used for protection, you get 9 chunks total. No /t spawn command, and no way to keep mobs out of your town. It protects you from players, not mobs.

Rules: No griefing, stealing, cursing, raiding, PVP.

The questbook is not starting out soulbound for some reason, but there is a command, /kit questbook that gives you a new one.

The Dungeon Caller is banned because of it's potential to grief.

We should be going live in a few minutes.

I'm gonna join now and see how it goes/looks. Regardless of the protection system, whitelisting is a good choice to be added as well if the things go down the road.

EDIT: So far so good, 8 players and the server has just been opened. I'm loving it so far.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I died 66 times in about an hour. Was going well until a horde dug up into mine and Dez's base. Eventually he dug up and restarted 50 blocks higher, and i managed to get to him after a long round of pain and death :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone gotten far enough into Thaumcraft to grow greatwood saplings? I've grown two greatwood saplings so far, none of them dropped any saplings. I've had to make a new sapling for every tree. Does anyone else get greatwood saplings from leaves, or is this a bug? If it's a bug, I'd put it into the bug thread, but I'm not entirely sure yet.

I think I'll check out the new server later.

Edit: Nevermind about the saplings. You just can't break the leaves with Botania's Horn of the Canopy. If they decay naturally, saplings drop.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it intended that splash fire resist potions (and maybe others) have an EE3 value?

Also, is it intended that cobblestone (among others) is useable as an infusion stabilizer?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't answer about the potions, but I can't imagine that cobblestone (and those others) somehow accidentally had their fluff text changed, so I've assumed that was deliberate...Though I don't see the point. Mob heads are hardly difficult to acquire by the time you're putting an altar together, IMHO.

EDIT: Possibly it's there because some people don't like their infusion altar looking like a cannibal kitchen or something?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't answer about the potions, but I can't imagine that cobblestone (and those others) somehow accidentally had their fluff text changed, so I've assumed that was deliberate...Though I don't see the point. Mob heads are hardly difficult to acquire by the time you're putting an altar together, IMHO.

EDIT: Possibly it's there because some people don't like their infusion altar looking like a cannibal kitchen or something?

I dunno about you, but i normally do an 14x14 field *under* the infusion altar, so i wouldn't see anything anyway. And Mob heads? Those are much harder to aquire when you have unlimited zombie flesh and AM2 runes with EE3 to make warding candles. And if i was really lazy, i just could replicate enough mixed crystal clusters. But in case, we still have the witching gatchets abacus, so i can be sure anyway.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I dunno about you, but i normally do an 14x14 field *under* the infusion altar, so i wouldn't see anything anyway. And Mob heads? Those are much harder to aquire when you have unlimited zombie flesh and AM2 runes with EE3 to make warding candles. And if i was really lazy, i just could replicate enough mixed crystal clusters. But in case, we still have the witching gatchets abacus, so i can be sure anyway.

I guess the way I look at it is, well...I'm getting my heads from the same place you're getting your source of zombie flesh (I imagine!) without having to use AM2 or EE3 at all. Just staying alive has gotten me a ton of heads. :D On the other hand, I've been camping out lately in a great wide open space I carved for myself then added a couple of towers to, so sniping is easy living here.

I should probably make some candles though, they'd look purdy...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess the way I look at it is, well...I'm getting my heads from the same place you're getting your source of zombie flesh (I imagine!) without having to use AM2 or EE3 at all. Just staying alive has gotten me a ton of heads. :D On the other hand, I've been camping out lately in a great wide open space I carved for myself then added a couple of towers to, so sniping is easy living here.

I should probably make some candles though, they'd look purdy...

There are also floating warding candles from thaumic esotherica! They won't work as an infusion stabilizier, though. I really didn't get many heads since i never dared to collect the drops - killing everything from afar or behind slab cover.

Oh, and cobblestone as an infusion stabilizier does NOT work. Atleast arcording to the Witching Gatchets Arcane Abacus!

EDIT: To make sure that the Arcane Abacus works, i used a handful mixed crystal clusters, and they do increase the stability.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, i think we have our Banished Server all set up. This is a NZ based server. Very good for NZ and Australia. I'm in Philadelphia and have no problems. YMMV.

Direct Connect: (This may connect you to the lobby at first, but within a day will direct connect you to the banished server. use /compass when in the lobby).

There is a small spawn area, with many tunnels leading off into the wilds. Spawn is protected and should be mob free. You can use /sethome, /home , and /spawn commands. However, /home and /spawn have a 30 second delay and you can't move or be hit in that time. Mytown2 is being used for protection, you get 9 chunks total. No /t spawn command, and no way to keep mobs out of your town. It protects you from players, not mobs.

Rules: No griefing, stealing, cursing, raiding, PVP.

The questbook is not starting out soulbound for some reason, but there is a command, /kit questbook that gives you a new one.

The Dungeon Caller is banned because of it's potential to grief.

We should be going live in a few minutes.

have restarted the BC so the direct connect is working this should fix the errors in thaumcraft and ars


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, i think we have our Banished Server all set up. This is a NZ based server. Very good for NZ and Australia. I'm in Philadelphia and have no problems. YMMV.

Direct Connect: (This may connect you to the lobby at first, but within a day will direct connect you to the banished server. use /compass when in the lobby).

There is a small spawn area, with many tunnels leading off into the wilds. Spawn is protected and should be mob free. You can use /sethome, /home , and /spawn commands. However, /home and /spawn have a 30 second delay and you can't move or be hit in that time. Mytown2 is being used for protection, you get 9 chunks total. No /t spawn command, and no way to keep mobs out of your town. It protects you from players, not mobs.

Rules: No griefing, stealing, cursing, raiding, PVP.

The questbook is not starting out soulbound for some reason, but there is a command, /kit questbook that gives you a new one.

The Dungeon Caller is banned because of it's potential to grief.

We should be going live in a few minutes.

Added to the main thread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you sir, that's excellant.
Been a good day so far, usually 6-8 people on the server, which considering that's when everyone in NZ and AUS are sleeping, is good for us :) Much death and many screams, and lots of players being very helpful to others in figuring things out. Or conolences as you get knocked into lava by a phantom :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else having an issue with turrets/golems not attacking phantoms even though I have placed "shadowmobs.phantom" line in my Mob Targeting list?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone else having an issue with turrets/golems not attacking phantoms even though I have placed "shadowmobs.phantom" line in my Mob Targeting list?
To save the changes, place the book in a crafting table and then use it on the turret. I have just tested this with stone golems and will be implementing a targetting manual that includes several lycanites mobs as a quest reward.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, i wanted to craft an furnace (for the cascading furnace, getting up my aura cascade completion) but i always had the cobblestone neccesary disappear from my inventory! I thought it was some kind of lag first, but i forgot i had an portable black hole in my inventory...

Also, the baiter fairy really likes to spawn animals inside my slab floor. Some survive, others don't.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it just me or are the Phantoms broken? Whenever they hit me with their bolts and scare me all my magic hits invisible walls before me allowing them to spam me to death. Even if armored up I cannot land a shot because they block me fully. Is that intended because I had to activate creative mode to end an endless-wipe.

EDIT: That and none of my turrets or mobs ever target them. They let them pass even if they are floating in the air while taking pot-shots at zombies. Overall every custom mob aside modified one's like nether creepers or skeletons are not registered, making the defense I set up a waste of time.

Francis Baster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The modpack is fairly optimized and balanced as I can see, thank you for putting so much work into it :D

Now, regardless of the modpack itself, I'm here to say a word or two about the server (;

-It needs some serious changes, the spawn should be 100% safe and not a death pit which would cause the players to leave the game if they didn't set a spawnpoint.
-Chest Locking system needs to be added, a player named PlayDennys stole my and other's stuff yesterday, yet he doesn't say a word in the game when you ask him anything

Yes, this server is totally screwed up.

I managed to get away from spawn about a 100 blocks, and a small room dug. Then carefully got near mobs, made a small window to kill them, took out 5 zombies....and still no dark power to get wood to make a bed. I went back, had killed several more when a baby jumped in and killed me.

You re-spawn in water that moves you to a dungeon, and you die over and over. So someone deliberately screwed this up, far as I can tell.

Sorry about the spawn death-pit, I will be adding MyTown to the server, primarily for spawn protection, however I have encountered multiple null pointer exceptions with recent builds. AfterWind is patiently responding to my submitted issues, so I expect this to be implemented shortly. MyTown will be able to despawn mobs at spawn and has unparalleled protections against Ars Magica, Thaumcraft and soon Lycanite's Mobs so will act as a permanent solution. In the meantime I have smoothed over the existing death-pit.

We have confirmed that PlayDenys was responsible for griefing incidents using our block logging mod, and he has since been banned from the server. When you see XdaanbanaanX online he will help you get any stolen items back.

Edit: Spawn-protection is now online using an older version of MyTown temporarily.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cool, good to have that fixed. A lot of new players just left after dying. And I know a few were upset about PlayerDenys stealing. Hard to get far from spawn to start up, and with players showing on the map, easy for him to find you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it just me or are the Phantoms broken? Whenever they hit me with their bolts and scare me all my magic hits invisible walls before me allowing them to spam me to death. Even if armored up I cannot land a shot because they block me fully. Is that intended because I had to activate creative mode to end an endless-wipe.

EDIT: That and none of my turrets or mobs ever target them. They let them pass even if they are floating in the air while taking pot-shots at zombies. Overall every custom mob aside modified one's like nether creepers or skeletons are not registered, making the defense I set up a waste of time.
There is a targeting book for the turrets and golems that can be created. I will be adding a quest that comes with the book that has some lycanites mobs by default for targets.