- IGN (Minecraft Username): EllaLuxe
- Age: 22
- Timezone: Central Standard Time
- How will you benefit our community? I'm a compassionate, sincere player who can bring some good builds to the server as well as differentiate between right and wrong. Also, because I am older, I've had experiences in MMOs, MMORPGs, and the like, and know how to behave accordingly.
- About yourself: I used to have a trusted position on a server a while back, and I do now as well. With those positions, you must have a certain level of maturity to properly handle what comes your way and I've learned how to play and interact with others because of said experiences.
IGN: FutureWolfTeen
Age: (almost) 21
TimeZone: EST (switched between) CST
How will you benefit: i am relatively new to the scene but i have a bunch of friends playing mine craft. i just want to have a good time
About Yourself: i am into the arts. i play many instruments to just name off and i have been needing to get back into games ^^,
IGN: jonasp76
Age: 17
Country: Germany
How will you benefit: i have started playing Minecraft in beta 1.7.3 and FTB in 1.4.7 but there I didn't rly know what i did. I skipped the 1.5.2 and now in 1.6.4 I want to get a little bit deeper in some mods.
About Yourself: i have just decent skills in the english language but I'll try my best![]()
IGN (Minecraft Username): Lorrothmos, Games_x2
Age: Old (27), 21 respectively
Timezone: Central US
How will you benefit our community? : Games and I have been playing Minecraft for a LONG time. IC2, Thermal Expansion, Bukkit, Mekanism, ARS Magica, ReactorCraftr, RotaryCraft.... need i go on. Our last server featured a fully functional and publicly accessible unlimited power source thanks to Reika's Fusion Reactor in ReactorCraft. It also featured several nifty things from ComputerCraft. (Were lua coders.) We seek to establish a presence on the server, and use YouTube to showcase super builds, and tutorials on LUA coding with Computer Craft.
About Us: We have too much free time.
More team members may follow and will apply here.
Oh yea, Ich spreche Deutsch. Mi hablo poquito espanol. Je parle France.
IGN: cheerykitty
Age: 30
Timezone: Central US
How will you benefit our community? Excellent at interior design, she plays a very important role in making our builds look good. Also the wife of Games_x2, (accepted earlier alongside myself, thank you very much) she is a muscular woman that might hurt us if you don't accept her.
About us: Well you already know we have too much time, but seriously, massage therapists pack a punch.
•IGN (Minecraft Username): sgaworion
•Age: 24
•Timezone: Central
•How will you benefit our community? I am skilled with ME systems, tinkers construct, Applied Energestics, have a really good eye when it comes to designing a build, love working with others on a project.
I am a friend of Lorrothmos and am a really avid Minecraft player and would love to have a server to call home. I will help out in any way I can!
Age: 16
TimeZone: PST
How will you benefit our community: im good with machines and im okay at building and i would also like to make some new friends
im having a problem with logging into the server i crash every time i log in because hardcore ender expansion is outdated any suggestions on what i should do
IGN: Shyvor
Age: 19 years old.
Timezone: GMT +1 (currently counted as +2 because of summer time)
About yourself: Currently still a student following a IT education. been server host/owner for a server names shadowrealm. alot of hours into minecraft. played: Hey0 mod, Bukkit, Tekkit, Mindcrack, own pack, and some more.
How will you benefit our community: most of the time after playing a while i am quite helpfull to those who need help with stuff, and for the stuff i might not know about i'm a quick learner.
if any more info is required let me know
IGN: justin5797
Timezone: GMT -5 eastern
how will you benefit the server: i am very helpful with builds and mechanical mods