We are currently reviewing the applications, all results will be PMed to you on the forums today.
Just to clarify, the forums here, or on your web site? (haven't signed up for your main site)
We are currently reviewing the applications, all results will be PMed to you on the forums today.
Just to clarify, the forums here, or on your web site? (haven't signed up for your main site)
Today.when will you be pming us with weather or not we got accepted
Your application has been put under review.1) Your Minecraft Username: tilthanseco
2) Have you ever griefed before? No.
3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) No.
4) What is your timezone? Central; UTC - 6
5) How often do you play? Weekly; sometimes less.
6) Why we should trust you? I want to find a nice place to settle down. I will trust you.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Ace5000
2) Have you ever griefed before? No, I have not.
3) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.) When I assisted in the construction of this map, I used Zombe's mod for flying speed. Other than that, no. I have certainly never used something for an unfair advantage.
4) What is your timezone? GMT+/-7:00
5) How often do you play? As frequently as possible. Averages around 9 or 10 hours a day.
6) Why we should trust you? I've previously ran my own server, although the host had to shut down and all was lost. This server seems mature and stable, and I'd like to be a part of that. An example of the effort I put into playing can be seen here.
Thank you for your consideration![]()