Non-renewable Items?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wasn't aware that the first sentence wasn't enough to give the impression that you can't just generate infinite chunks. And you'll need infinite chunks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There seems to be a confusion between pseudo-infinite (or even infinite) and renewable.

And even with Mystcraft, you do not have infinite chunks, you just multiply the amount by a huge number (Mystcraft worlds are limited in number).

Anyway, infinite does not equals renewable anyway.
Renewable means that you can actively create an item/block through a process that only consumes other renewable items, and in a manner that the loop creates new items and can be repeated indefinitely.

Would be nice to finally have a recipe for cobwebs though...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you can get them with silk touch shears, just like saddles in dungeons, they already did it with cocoa, but it was just because it was uselessly rare (a cocoa bean for 8 hungerbar points? nope)


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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
you can get them with silk touch shears, just like saddles in dungeons, they already did it with cocoa, but it was just because it was uselessly rare (a cocoa bean for 8 hungerbar points? nope)
Yes that's not the point, the point is, they are not renewable. You can't create them, nor do they regenerate nor are they spawned by anything, you have to find them naturally in the world. And the world including Mystcraft isn't infinite, it is just very very very very very very very very big.

There is a mod that adds elite versions of mobs, which can have "web throwing" ability but that mod isn't in the packs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes that's not the point, the point is, they are not renewable. You can't create them, nor do they regenerate nor are they spawned by anything, you have to find them naturally in the world. And the world including Mystcraft isn't infinite, it is just very very very very very very very very big.

There is a mod that adds elite versions of mobs, which can have "web throwing" ability but that mod isn't in the packs.

I was more or less speaking about vanilla...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Speaking about this, you raise a very valid point: Saddles.

As far as I know, there is no way to craft them, right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Speaking about this, you raise a very valid point: Saddles.

As far as I know, there is no way to craft them, right?

nope, so I guess they ain't renewable

and in my opinion, they shouldn't be craftable, just like cobwebs.

You can obtain them, but not infinitely (vanilla speaking)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, I did not know that. But saddles should have a crafting recipe. Okay Steve, you can make a house out of your bare hands and kill dragons, but you can't put a couple of pieces of leather, some string, and an iron together?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, I did not know that. But saddles should have a crafting recipe. Okay Steve, you can make a house out of your bare hands and kill dragons, but you can't put a couple of pieces of leather, some string, and an iron together?

hey steve, you can kill a dragon, why can't you steal the bow of that skeleton you just killed? why don't you steall all the gold armor of that zombie and melt it back to ingots? why don't you enchant a stick?

because sometimes doesn't make sense, and sometimes mojang doesn't want. Oh, and this is a sandbox, you don't necessarily need to kill a dragon/make a house (like I do, never build a house, and killed the dragon after 2 hours of gameplay)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, I did not know that. But saddles should have a crafting recipe. Okay Steve, you can make a house out of your bare hands and kill dragons, but you can't put a couple of pieces of leather, some string, and an iron together?

Just add one of the many mods that add recipe for saddle. I found 5 during 5 minutes with google.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hey steve, you can kill a dragon, why can't you steal the bow of that skeleton you just killed? why don't you steall all the gold armor of that zombie and melt it back to ingots? why don't you enchant a stick?

because sometimes doesn't make sense, and sometimes mojang doesn't want. Oh, and this is a sandbox, you don't necessarily need to kill a dragon/make a house (like I do, never build a house, and killed the dragon after 2 hours of gameplay)
I can see the armor/weapons disintegrating with the un-dead. But, yeah. According to the achievements, you need leather before you can get the Saddle achievement, so it looks like it will be added...eventually?[DOUBLEPOST=1364086350][/DOUBLEPOST]
Just add one of the many mods that add recipe for saddle. I found 5 during 5 minutes with google.
Yeah, but it's not part of the mod pack. A lot of mods add them, especially mods that add mobs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can see the armor/weapons disintegrating with the un-dead. But, yeah. According to the achievements, you need leather before you can get the Saddle achievement, so it looks like it will be added...eventually?[DOUBLEPOST=1364086350][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, but it's not part of the mod pack. A lot of mods add them, especially mods that add mobs.

at minecon some kid asked how much time it would take him (Jeb) to implement a saddle recipe (answer = 3 seconds) but he said he didn't want to, because is more like an achievement for when you find dungeons (like, who crafts disks? come on, kill creepers with skeletons)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, but it's not part of the mod pack. A lot of mods add them, especially mods that add mobs.
And why such mod should be a part of modpack? Is there any mod that require saddles in FTB and would it add any value except as an replacement for exploring and satisfying weird need for renewability not involving villagers?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(like, who crafts disks? come on, kill creepers with skeletons)
I remember I made a setup where there were 3 holes, one for a skeleton, creeper, and me. Then I just got them both into their holes and the skeleton shot the creeper and I got a disk.

Do Soul Shard skeletons have the ability to get Soul Shard creepers to drop discs?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And why such mod should be a part of modpack? Is there any mod that require saddles in FTB and would it add any value except as an replacement for exploring and satisfying weird need for renewability not involving villagers?, the only mods that needed saddles that I know of is Atmos, MoCreatures, and the Aether (I think).
And what's wrong with the satisfaction of my weird needs? :eek:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I seem to vaguely remember there was something that it is possible to create an arbitrary amount of, but which requires the player to do something, and I doubted Turtles could, thus, by the definition given, it isn't renewable. I forget what, though.

Ah, yes, now I remember. Stuff you renew from Villagers. Saddles, for instance. No way to automate trading AFAIK.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With the definition in the OP, Silverwood Saplings 100% needs to be on the list. It averages out as less then one sapling per tree, so over time the resource will be depleted.

Does the player count for the system? Or should saddles be on the list?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think the player should count. To get infinite discs, you'll need to have a player standing behind a creeper and a skeleton to get them. You can't really do it any other way (unless you got two skeletons to attack eachother and get creepers caught in cross fire, but that probably wouldn't work all too well).

But I say the player should count.