New Launcher design | We need you!

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Are you scared of change? (Trollol)

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    Votes: 72 11.7%
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I think he meant the modders would be spammed
I did. They wouldn't have time to work on their mods, they'd be constantly answering. Though I do like the path he is on, there should be a more direct way to let the modders know what folks want. I am sure they check the forums. But how much time in the day do they have to do that, work on their mods and RL things?
I did. They wouldn't have time to work on their mods, they'd be constantly answering. Though I do like the path he is on, there should be a more direct way to let the modders know what folks want. I am sure they check the forums. But how much time in the day do they have to do that, work on their mods and RL things?
Ah i see the pokes eh, It would not need to be a repliable thing. Its just a visual thing. Like they have this plugin that is linked to ForgeCraft that constantly reminds the mod authors on the critical bugs. Well ofc only the most critically poked thing will be shown. Like a counter on how many people poked on this issue.

I just want the mod authors to get the extremely critical bugs to be fixed before they actually get more content from the ideas in ForgeCraft. Or on the least fix the bug before playing there. No reason to leave a critical bug there for it to grow.
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I want... you to come up with your own ideas and stop desperately trying to keep up with other modpack designs. Technic launcher came out with private packs, the next week you came out with private packs. Technic launcher gets a godlike new design, you try to redesign your launcher. BTW, some of the new features in technic are coyrighted exclusively to our launcher.
I want you.. to go over to the Technic forums if you like them so much. Now we could go back and forth all day, about how the Technic Launcher is a fork of the SpoutCraft launcher, and the FTB one is original, but eh. We don't feed trolls over here. So I'm just going to leave it here.

By the way, before you start claiming copyright BS, you do realize that ideas are not copyrightable? The code for it is, however, the FTB team doesn't steal code.

Now we could go back and forth all day, about how the Technic Launcher is a fork of the SpoutCraft launcher, and the FTB one is original, but eh.
I don't know/care what you're arguing about, just want to say that the dev who created the new technic launcher is also in the spoutcraft launcher team, so he forked his own code...
add a vanilla mod pack, I have to remove all the mods from a pack for this, It would be nice to just run vanilla ever now and then, and the FTB launcher makes it so easy to increase memory for it, I never can get it to work without it. It could be forge mod ready as well, so we would be able to ad mods easily.Kinda like a starter pack for trying single mods or mixes that may be available.
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Well the better question would be do you have a bigger coding team or a bigger design team. If you have a bigger coding team, it is better to make it fully customizable. With a skins/launcher design tab that allow us to download community made designs. If you have a bigger design team, then design one that is cool. Im still with the repository of launcher skins where its fully customizable with its designs made by the community and uploaded somewhere for us to pick.


I don't like having to mouse over the icon in order to see how to launch the pack. I think a normal user might see the icons and try to just double click on one, then be irritated when it turns out some button they didn't intend to click appeared under their cursor and it did something they didn't want.
I don't like that viewing the mod info would take you away from the mod list. That's a step backward from the current design.
The icon design doesn't leave much room for extra information like mod and Minecraft version numbers.

I like the fact that in the current launcher the "Launch" button for the last-used mod pack is displayed prominently as soon as the launcher is opened.

I do, however, like your sidebar a lot.
add a vanilla mod pack, I have to remove all the mods from a pack for this, It would be nice to just run vanilla ever now and then, and the FTB launcher makes it so easy to increase memory for it, I never can get it to work without it. It could be forge mod ready as well, so we would be able to ad mods easily.Kinda like a starter pack for trying single mods or mixes that may be available.

As far as I know, you can still play regular Vanilla like you would if you didn't have FTB, it does not replace the Vanilla Minecraft icon or anything about it for that matter.

I do agree with the ability to make your own custom, personal "packs" for people who just want to play with specific mods but don't want to have to keep moving everything around and occupying an actual modpack's spot.

What I mean is give the player the ability to create their own, custom, personal, non-shareable (otherwise you need the mod creators permission and such.) packs, for whatever reason.

Maybe add just things like Forge and other "essentials" at most.
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I believe it's been mentioned but a way to change configs (gregtech) from easy to hard mode with a simple button would be awesome.
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So after thinking about it for a while, and reading other peoples ideas....
  1. Color's
    • No one color layout is going to please everybody... Maybe an easier way to change them? And more designs? (Personally I think the current color layout is amazing)
  2. Mod packs
    • I think that each mod-pack should be listed once, and then a way to select the version... Sort of how you have it now. Not broke, Don't fix it. (K.I.S.S..... Keep It simple silly)
    • I would love an ability to Mas download the Latest version of each modpack... (Would also help out people who have slower internet.. Could set it to download, and go to bed. Play minecraft in the morning)
    • SOMETHING needs to be done about the REPO's... Way to many times they are not working. I am pretty sure that it is something that needs to be discussed with the hosting company for them, but it is still something that is kinda anoying....
    • Alternative direct download links for the modpacks?
  3. Mod-pack versions
    • I would love the ability to have different versions of each packs installed at the same time.... Since I usually add/remove mods from each version... It is a pain to have to re-download each one and manually change the mods every time I switch version. Also it would be useful for people who play on multiple servers which run different version. (or for people who help other people out on the forums and need to be able to switch mod-pack versions to help other people out...:D)
    • If above idea is implemented, when a new version comes out, give users the option to copy there saves from the latest version to the new one coming out.
    • Show the version of the mods in the launcher. Makes it easier to manually update
  4. Private mod-packs...?
    • I would love the ability to create a Private modpack that would show up in the launcher... One that I have made for my own personal use, not to be redistributed (Or even able to redistribute), or distributed through FTB. There would be no worries about permissions because I am creating it from mods I have downloaded and put together. Just would love the option for it to be their. It would make it easier for people to use the launcher to play how they want to, and for it to show the mods that are in peoples private custom mod-packs.
  5. Troubleshooting Help... :D
    • Links to common problems and ways to fix them.
    • An ability for the launcher to check what version of java your running and tell you if you need to update.
  6. More about mod-packs....
    • When you update a mod-pack, it currently resets the mod folder... Is there a way to (By options or a check box) to have it only update the mods that it is actually replacing? Would make the lives easier for people who mod the packs.
  7. More on custom mods....
    • So lets say I'm playing DW20's mod pack.... and I realize I want to add some mods. It would be nice if I could download the mod (From the mod website, not FTB) and put it into a shared mod folder in the FTBlauncher folder. Then I can add it to whatever mod I want. ( I know that you can already do this, Just would be nice for a dedicated folder for mod placement.) Also, Maybe add a screen somewhere somehow where I can see the mods version (that come with FTB, not custom or private), and also the latest version (Maybe later then what shipped with FTB) with a link to got to the mod's website?
Just my 2cents...
i had a idea and im going to put it in a list style and later upload a video showing what i mean
  1. sleek design(s){allow people to make they're own designs and share them.} this includes being able to resize the launcher window
  2. shop. and by a shop i mean for more mod packs, texture packs, worlds
  3. intro to each mod pack (except fan made one's unless they get alot of "up votes"
  4. voting system. allows you to vote on certain mod packs/maps/texture pack
well thats all lol thanks :)

Okay, I personally love this design, it's sleek, clean and pretty obvious. Though I have to agree with a dislike on the hover over options, it would be nicer to just click on a modpack and get a screen with explaination, launch option and things like that.

I also agree with other people who have stated such already, about a back up function, something like that would be great really.

Personally I would like to see something like a Seeds tab added, something that lists available seeds with a snazzy picture of said world, would need to have filters though to note on which modpack was used or what Minecraft version.
Good feedback people, thanks!
I have been improving on the previous design, while keeping in mind the comments you guys made.
Here's the new version with an info panel included:

So each tile still has three possible interactions. But instead of having to hover over a tile to see what you can do, there are two buttons peeking over each tile and double clicking will launch the modpack.
Clicking on the buttons will bring up a panel for the corresponding function.
The i will bring up an info panel, the cogwheel will bring up an edit panel. (Maybe there should be a launch button next to it for completeness sake?)
The info panel is shown on the picture above, the edit panel is still WIP so I didn't post it yet.

Keep the comments going, design is an iterative process. ;)
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So for the past few weeks we have been working on the new launcher but we are still undecided on what design we should use for the UI so we thought there is no one better to ask than the people that use it!

We are looking for any ideas or suggestions you may have for the new launcher design we will then be using a combination of all of them to decide the final launcher design, we know that a people don't like change but things are going to change, hopefully for the better in the new launcher but don't worry our current plan is to keep the old design as well and just make the launcher default to the new one.

The whole backend of the launcher is being rewritten to use a more streamlined system which will make using FTB more accessible and run faster. Please feel free to post your designs below, wire frame is fine but it might be easier to understand if you add a bit of content so we can fully understand what you mean, we already have some internal designs but we would love to see what you come up with as well.

We want our default design to stay grey but we will be adding skinning to change that if you want to as well, we are looking to use our screen space better allowing more menu space as well as maps and texture packs per modpack.

Feel free to build upon others ideas and be aware that others may build on yours, don't claim that others ideas are your own and have fun with it! If you have any feature ideas feel free to post those as well, enjoy!
You should put different pictures in the background that change every 10 seconds.[DOUBLEPOST=1362484496][/DOUBLEPOST]2013-02-06_15.57.36.png2013-02-06_15.57.44.png2013-02-06_16.02.08.pnghere are some.

Ohh that's a much nicer improvement to it, and yes I would agree on a launch button for completeness sake, but I really do like this look, it's clean, professional and not at all cluttered (some examples shown here, I feel were rather cluttered and busy, even the current launcher is a bit cluttered with how it lists things.)
Don't like the idea of new windows and popups. Much better to have it concise and compact like the current launcher. Hate the way apple does things with every fiber of my being in fact.
Good feedback people, thanks!
I have been improving on the previous design, while keeping in mind the comments you guys made.
Here's the new version with an info panel included:

So each tile still has three possible interactions. But instead of having to hover over a tile to see what you can do, there are two buttons peeking over each tile and double clicking will launch the mod-pack.
Clicking on the buttons will bring up a panel for the corresponding function.
The i will bring up an info panel, the cogwheel will bring up an edit panel. (Maybe there should be a launch button next to it for completeness sake?)
The info panel is shown on the picture above, the edit panel is still WIP so I didn't post it yet.

Keep the comments going, design is an iterative process. ;)


I assume that the arrow that the mouse pointer is over takes you to the minecraft forum post for the mod? (I Believe that every mod needs to have one? I might be wrong...) And that the "W" will take you to the wiki for the mod? I think that it should point to the FTB wiki.. But just an opinion.

I think It would be nice to have some sort of "THEIR BE UPDATES FOR MOD"...
NOT just a link to the mod, but maybe a page on FTB explaining how to update it, and other mods that also would be required to update? (Would remove a-lot of tech support. I realize someone would have to create those pages, but I would help if need be.)

If there is any kind of update option, probable should go into the w.i.p. edit panel... ( Duh.... lol)

Any way for the launcher to read the mod version and post it on the info screen?
Also, since most mod makers us github, could it check for updates that way to the mod to make sure if it is the latest version? (I don't program, have no Idea how hard that would be. Users could just go check themself of course.)

Is there a way to add the option to download other versions of the mod pack? Would be nice... Also I think when installing the mod pack it should put the version number along with the name, That way I (me, you, them, other people) can have DW20 v1 to play offline on SSP, and still connect to a server playing DW20 v5 on SMP

Otherwise I like your general idea. Any work on the other tabs?

{edit} caught some spelling and grammar errors, fixed them.
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