UK Based FTB Server
Dedicated Machine 2x Quadcore Xeon 16Gb ram
Plugins - Essentials - GriefProtection - Dynmap - Lift
backups are created every 15 mins with archived backups lasting 2 weeks
Brand new map starting today - only spawn town on so far
Mods Enabled
Biomes o plenty
hat stands
power converters
you will these enabled in your ftb launcher to join the server
Server Rules
- Be nice to other players, there here for fun not abuse
- No Quarrying in overworld, mining age is provided for all your quarrying needs
- Ask permission to use other peoples things.
- No Griefing its not very nice
- No begging for items, if you lose your shiny things from dyeing its not our fault

- 3 strikes and your out

Banned items
Crystal chest and its upgrade - they cause lag and have been known to cause corruption
Portal & Grav gun - can be used to grief people
Mining laser - same as above
Auto-Enchanter - known to cause crashes
Mystcraft items - Admin use only as they cause lots of lag when there are too many dimensions
All anchors - Use chunk loaders they are cheaper 
Wireless jammer - quite buggy atm so not going to risk world corruption
Force Wrench - Have had this crash / corrupt servers when used to pickup solars
These are not set in stone and might be relaxed if we feel users can be trusted with such power (other then the server crashing ones)
In-Game name: GlennD29
Have you ever been banned: No
If so what for?: N/A
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: Couple of months. I know about almost everything but i got the basics of the modpack.
Server address: