In-Game name: Sandro0802
Age: 16
Have you ever been banned: Nope
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: I'm good at both vanilla and modded minecraft, I've been playing MC since november 2011, and FTB since it came out.
In-Game name: Sandro0802
Age: 16
Have you ever been banned: Nope
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: I'm good at both vanilla and modded minecraft, I've been playing MC since november 2011, and FTB since it came out.
In-Game name: Rhyxn
Age: 20
Have you ever been banned: No
If so what for?:
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: Beta
In-Game name:kalose
Have you ever been banned:nope
If so what for?:N/A
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: I have had plenty of exp with pretty much all of the old and new ftb modpacks and their combined mods. I know a little in some and most about others..i dont tamper with nuclear P.plants as i prefer not to explode my entire house and others.
Additional: Im an easy going player who enjoys both the mining/crafting side of a server, but also the community side. i have had past exp in running/hosting/admining(is that a real word XD?) and being a mod on server throughout my entire 3-4 years of playing(since alpha). Im willing to help others. but also to help them in helping themselves..if i just do everything for them they will never learn..but if i hint at things and point them in the right direction im sure they will in time learn how to do things right.
In-Game name: Dardevil_Luter
Age: 24
Have you ever been banned: Nope
If so what for?: -
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: FTB for a year or so, Minecraft from beta 1.2 || quite familiar with the majority of the unleashed mods
In-Game name:Jarw90
Have you ever been banned:Nope
If so what for?:N/A
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: Minecraft since beta, Feed The Beast I'm fairly new to(3 weeks) but learning fast.
So im not sure how full you are but this app is going to be for me and a friend. I also have the possibility of 2 more friends wanting to join later in the week.
They are IRL friends and previous admins to the servers we owned. room for 2-3 would be really appreciated.
In-Game name: Sharky801,Silentshadowxx
Age: 22,23
Have you ever been banned: Nope Iv always been the server owner.
If so what for?:N/a
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: Been Playing with minecraft since it came out really. Hosted a tekkit server for about a year or so. Switched over here to ftb.
All my friends are pretty well experienced with all the mods In Ftb. and quick learners for stuff we dont know.
In-Game name:R_R_R123
Have you ever been banned:no
If so what for?:N/A
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: I've been playing Minecraft for two year and FTB for a little less than a year.
In-Game name:misiu293
Have you ever been banned:no
If so what for?:N/A
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: minecraft alpha and FTB 9 months
Hello. Im with MechanID and Takirinka.
In-Game name: paccojl
Have you ever been banned:no
If so what for?:N/A
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: Minecraft - 2 years. FTB,tekkit - 4 months.
In-Game name:Arctery_x , o0061
Age:18 , 18
Have you ever been banned:Both of us have not
If so what for?:
Experience with FTB / Minecraft: My bro & I have been playing FTB for 6 month,and we have knowledge in IC2 buildcraft ME thaumcraft etc. yesterday he suggest to find a new/small community and join it because there is only two of us in a personal server,it is boring.