UK Based FTB Server
Dedicated Machine 2x Quadcore Xeon 16Gb ram
Plugins - Essentials - GriefProtection - Dynmap - Lift
backups are created every 15 mins with archived backups lasting 2 weeks
Brand new map starting today - only spawn town on so far
Mods Enabled
Biomes o plenty
hat stands
power converters
you will these enabled in your ftb launcher to join the server
Server Rules
- Be nice to other players, there here for fun not abuse
- No Quarrying in overworld, mining age is provided for all your quarrying needs
- Ask permission to use other peoples things.
- No Griefing its not very nice
- No begging for items, if you lose your shiny things from dyeing its not our fault
- 3 strikes and your out
- Crystal chest and its upgrade - they cause lag and have been known to cause corruption
- Portal & Grav gun - can be used to grief people
- Mining laser - same as above
- Auto-Enchanter - known to cause crashes
- Mystcraft items - Admin use only as they cause lots of lag when there are too many dimensions
- All anchors - Use chunk loaders they are cheaper
- Wireless jammer - quite buggy atm so not going to risk world corruption
- Force Wrench - Have had this crash / corrupt servers when used to pickup solars
In-Game name:
Have you ever been banned:
If so what for?:
Experience with FTB / Minecraft:
Server address: