MystCraft Discussion Thread

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Gotta say I'm having heck of a time getting the combinations to come out way i want.

Trying for
Hell, Mountain Ridge biomes, medium biome size, eternal snow, normal sun, normal moon, normal light, standard terrain, cave world, accelerated, charged x4, scorched surface, dense ore x1. Standard time but not sure what symbol that would be. Caves and strongholds would be cool too but I figured I'd try for them after I got the rest.

I keep ending up with a flat world with biomes I didn't include or biomes I didn't include with the standard generator. Only thing I get consistently right is the weather, charged, sun and moon. Everything else seems to be a cointoss.
Gotta say I'm having heck of a time getting the combinations to come out way i want.

Trying for
Hell, Mountain Ridge biomes, medium biome size, eternal snow, normal sun, normal moon, normal light, standard terrain, cave world, accelerated, charged x4, scorched surface, dense ore x1. Standard time but not sure what symbol that would be. Caves and strongholds would be cool too but I figured I'd try for them after I got the rest.

I keep ending up with a flat world with biomes I didn't include or biomes I didn't include with the standard generator. Only thing I get consistently right is the weather, charged, sun and moon. Everything else seems to be a cointoss.

Well the medium biome modifier (along with huge, large, and tiny) requires at least 3 biomes to be selected not 2, which is for tiled biomes. Standard terrain and cave world are conflicting symbols since they are both the key symbol for terrain generation. There is no standard time symbol because you now manually determine it by using the suns and moons along with the length modifers to alter how long the days and nights are, and they can get incredibly complex. By just adding the normal sun, moon, and stars you get a default length of day world.
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You don't need a macerator and compressor to make a mass fabricator?

You never _need_ a macerator, all it is is a value multiplier. Same for the extractor, unless you're playing with IC2 crops and even then you don't really need hydration cells. The only thing you need from the compressor is the carbon plates, and that's such a small thing that while it barely qualifies on a literal level, its not really on the same concept level as a tech tree.

I take it you know nothing about rp2. There are a few machines that require other machines in them to work. The sorter is one. Relay is another.
I know a lot about RP2, and the sorter needs no machines except as an artifact of the limited space in a 3x3 construction grid. Basically the "requirement" of a filter in the construction grid is nothing more than a way to increase construction cost. Power requirement itself isn't a tech tree.
A tech tree would use the output or effect of one machine to create another. This has the effect of making the first build relatively more costly than later ones - since later builds will already have the needed effect or product.
Ex: The modified GregTech recipe for the solar panel requires a silicon plate, thus needing an industrial electrolyzer and industrial blast furnace, but once those machines are made it's nothing more than a matter of some sand and some power to make the plate.
Similar examples exist throughout all of history, where technical processes are known to be possible - and maybe even cheap - but reliant on the creation of something else to make them feasible. The computer itself is an example.
Well the medium biome modifier (along with huge, large, and tiny) requires at least 3 biomes to be selected not 2, which is for tiled biomes. Standard terrain and cave world are conflicting symbols since they are both the key symbol for terrain generation. There is no standard time symbol because you now manually determine it by using the suns and moons along with the length modifers to alter how long the days and nights are, and they can get incredibly complex. By just adding the normal sun, moon, and stars you get a default length of day world.
Ok that helps some. I didn't realize there was a minimum number of biomes for the medium. The system is rather lacking when it comes to feedback about just -why- something happens the way it does. That said it keeps giving me flat worlds, no cave world even without standard terrain.

Hell biome, Mountain ridge, Mountain desert, medium biome, cave world, normal star, normal moon, normal sun, eternal snow, accelerated, 4 charged, cyan, cloud color, dense ore, dungeon, stronghold, standard lighting.

Gives me a tiled, and some wierd hybrid of cave and normal, almost like a huge chunk error that chopped the cave roof off abruptly with a half dozen extra biomes of random sorts, eternally dark. I get the lightning and snow.... Any help would be appreciated.
Ok that helps some. I didn't realize there was a minimum number of biomes for the medium. The system is rather lacking when it comes to feedback about just -why- something happens the way it does. That said it keeps giving me flat worlds, no cave world even without standard terrain.

Hell biome, Mountain ridge, Mountain desert, medium biome, cave world, normal star, normal moon, normal sun, eternal snow, accelerated, 4 charged, cyan, cloud color, dense ore, dungeon, stronghold, standard lighting.

Gives me a tiled, and some wierd hybrid of cave and normal, almost like a huge chunk error that chopped the cave roof off abruptly with a half dozen extra biomes of random sorts, eternally dark. I get the lightning and snow.... Any help would be appreciated.

Cave worlds have a habit of spawning you on top of them. Try digging down some.
Are you sure you are using Cave World and not Caves? I created 2 ages using that setup (one with the dense ore, charged, accelerated and one without) and they both came out fine. And depending on your use of the age you may want to change to Bright instead of Standard Lighting so the world always looks like it is at lvl 15 light (it is only an illusion and is not actually at that level but it makes it easier to see).
Does the new version have any kind of automatic age pruning, or limiting the amount of ages per player - anything like that? This is more of an SMP issue, really: a lot of players making ages willy-nilly will eventually drag the whole server down with it.
You never _need_ a macerator, all it is is a value multiplier. Same for the extractor, unless you're playing with IC2 crops and even then you don't really need hydration cells. The only thing you need from the compressor is the carbon plates, and that's such a small thing that while it barely qualifies on a literal level, its not really on the same concept level as a tech tree.
How exactly are you getting coal dust, with just vanilla IC2, without a macerator? You need coal dust for solar panels and carbon plates. Hell, you need a macerator to make a damn wrench unless you get a lucky dungeon chest.
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Are you sure you are using Cave World and not Caves? I created 2 ages using that setup (one with the dense ore, charged, accelerated and one without) and they both came out fine. And depending on your use of the age you may want to change to Bright instead of Standard Lighting so the world always looks like it is at lvl 15 light (it is only an illusion and is not actually at that level but it makes it easier to see).

I am sure I'm using cave world. Interesting issue off my last one tweaked with additional biomes the first area I was loaded into by the desc book was solid rock all way down with 6 biomes I didn't list. However I went back to the overworld then ported back for another look around (I was high on the axis so indicated that might be a cave world that I'd loaded on surface so I was going to explore more) and I loaded up inside a cave world area. The first area I loaded to was over 1k blocks to west and it really was solid rock with different biomes. The area I loaded to the second time was exactly what I had dialed up.

I don't get it. It's having issues about something but I'm not entirely sure what they are yet. Firstly the book should always be porting you in at the same spot, not deciding to put you somewhere else the second time much less 1k blocks away. After trying a half dozen more times it seems the second point was stable, I always arrived at it.

Also I do know about the bright aspect, use it sometimes myself. Thing is the age I'm trying to generate is to be a 'home base' age. I want it -very- hard for someone to explore and find me by accident, and even if they find me to get to me and deal with the environment. Idea is an inhospitable base and by having it in an age I can port it from MC version to version easily while getting the changes in additional ages and overworld.
there are 2 types of grinding, the hard and boring and the easier and fun:

wither skulls/pages

first you need to find a fortress, or in any case, village, make a wither skeleton spawn/breed vilagers to get a mystcraft one, then get lucky and get a skull/trade you want, repeat till you have 3/got pages for a good age, then actually kill the wither/get a stable age. Oh, and be carefull of blazes/zombies.

now: soulshards:

you go and kill mobs, because you know that every kill counts and at the end you will get there no matter what. Maybe it will take long, but a least is not random (and you can speed the process X5 with a soul stealer V enchant)
see the difference?

ps: gregtech grinding is another story
there are 2 types of grinding, the hard and boring and the easier and fun:

wither skulls/pages

first you need to find a fortress, or in any case, village, make a wither skeleton spawn/breed vilagers to get a mystcraft one, then get lucky and get a skull/trade you want, repeat till you have 3/got pages for a good age, then actually kill the wither/get a stable age. Oh, and be carefull of blazes/zombies.

now: soulshards:

you go and kill mobs, because you know that every kill counts and at the end you will get there no matter what. Maybe it will take long, but a least is not random (and you can speed the process X5 with a soul stealer V enchant)
see the difference?

ps: gregtech grinding is another story
While the element of luck makes it somewhat random don't bring souls shard's brokenness into the discussion, you do know that you can easily get soul shard and eat spawners (200 sous each) or farm animals and them combine it whit a 1 kill shard from the mob of your choice (like a whither skeleton) to get a very easy and fast tier 5 shard, right?
that is a glitch, just like wither skeletons dying sometimes take their skulls back or villagers disable trades without giving more.
that is a glitch, just like wither skeletons dying sometimes take their skulls back or villagers disable trades without giving more.
What is not a glitch is the fat that village trading for pages is only the fastest way of getting all the pages, they still spawn on random loot chest (in dungeons and such) and on mystcraft generated structures (like the one in vanilla villages and the ones that spawn on mystcraft created ages).
...Getting enough pages for a usable mystcraft age will take about an hours and a stack of emerald at most, only broken pages like diamond ore will take endless hours to farm.

Not even sure how to get those Emeralds yet lol...yep, I noob where Mystcraft and (ab)using villagers is concerned.

docm77 did an infinite vilage breeder, but to get a lot of emeralds you need a lot pf sugarcane, wheat or wool, and all day.
I try to encourage cooperation not competition on my server. The lagging behind others is easily remedies by a little help from our server community. :)

Ditto here, we have a whole communal thing going on so that we can get projects done relatively faster. It was too much for one player though, he proclaimed our base a communist utopia and promptly left for greener capitalist pastures (hes on his own now :P)
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Not sure about you guys, but since the update I can't create a stable age for peanuts, defining a single biome, wasteland, flat , sky color blue, no weather, zero length, noon, normal sun, bright. Odd that I get instability in such a age.

In any case, not liking the emerald trading system. Although I do like how it creates abandoned 'temples' with some pages inside it with world gen - that's something I like more.
Single biomes in the previous version also added instability. If you only want a single biome type in the old version it was better to just ad a regular biome controller and add 3-4 of the same biomes to it.

Haven't tried the new version thougn, I'll give it a shot this evening.