Okay, just tested these on a fresh MultiMC instance using MC v1.5.2, MC Forge v7.8.0.689, IC2 1.115.308-lf, and the currently available versions of your mods. Here are the results.
Flat Signs: Wouldn't even let MC fully startup.
Obsidian Plates: When I click on the creative tab for redstone to find and test the plate. I got this error.
Charge Pads: Everything seems to work fine. That is until I either step on a powered plate or try to access it via right click. (In this case it was a right click)
Switches: Works beautifully! No errors.

Could you tell me what the difference is between the gold one and the iron one other than appearance?
Please help! Please tell me what I am doing wrong.

Do I need to downgrade to IC2 #304? Do I have the wrong version of Forge? I really love these mods and want to get them working with my 1.5.2 pack.