i have three problems.
1.) i absolutely love the direction RR is heading. it's a "breath-of-fresh-air" departure from the vast majority of mod packs available these days. exploration of new mods is an integral part of the continuity/longevity of this wonderful little sandbox we all adore.
2.) i have been playing around with my own custom 1.5.2 pack and can't seem to settle on a reasonable amount of mods. every time i think about cutting mod x or y i change my mind, and as a result, i'm sitting at nearly 100 mods right now, which is far too many.
3.) i can't get any of my irl friends to play minecraft with me (they'll play D&D all day, but minecraft? oh no... it's beneath them. the indignity!), and thus, i'm relegated to playing my 1.5.2 custom pack all by my lonesome.
is there any (even relatively small) chance that i would be able to play RR with other folks from these fine forums? i am utterly sick to death of ssp and would greatly welcome the camaraderie of an smp environment, especially one with funky fresh ideas such as those that kirindave (and other like-minded individuals) are bringing to the table.