My Resonant Rise Let's Play (Resonant Rise Modpack)

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This is where we wait for ponykuu to share with us his knowledge of all things UE (biotech) XD

So you don't like frames? Thats sad, they could do so much. I havent actually tried out complex machines, so I cannot give an honest opinion on it.
I don't have any special knowledge :3 I just tested some machines and wires. Actually I don't touch any UE mods except Mekanis, Atomic Science, Electric Expansion and ICBM. I'm such a lazy pony...
Someone pranked my base and turned off a light. They think it was funny, but a witch and creeper spawned together and surprised me and killed me and destroyed a bunch of my stuff.

I am very much unamused, and probably am going to make my base a lethal place for strangers now.
That's why I don't like such pranks and kinda not sure about ICBM. ICBM is a really nice mod and has a bunch of fantastic things, but most of it's condent is designed to destroy each other...
i have three problems.

1.) i absolutely love the direction RR is heading. it's a "breath-of-fresh-air" departure from the vast majority of mod packs available these days. exploration of new mods is an integral part of the continuity/longevity of this wonderful little sandbox we all adore.
2.) i have been playing around with my own custom 1.5.2 pack and can't seem to settle on a reasonable amount of mods. every time i think about cutting mod x or y i change my mind, and as a result, i'm sitting at nearly 100 mods right now, which is far too many.
3.) i can't get any of my irl friends to play minecraft with me (they'll play D&D all day, but minecraft? oh no... it's beneath them. the indignity!), and thus, i'm relegated to playing my 1.5.2 custom pack all by my lonesome.

is there any (even relatively small) chance that i would be able to play RR with other folks from these fine forums? i am utterly sick to death of ssp and would greatly welcome the camaraderie of an smp environment, especially one with funky fresh ideas such as those that kirindave (and other like-minded individuals) are bringing to the table.
i have three problems.

. . .

3.) i can't get any of my irl friends to play minecraft with me (they'll play D&D all day, but minecraft? oh no... it's beneath them. the indignity!), and thus, i'm relegated to playing my 1.5.2 custom pack all by my lonesome.

is there any (even relatively small) chance that i would be able to play RR with other folks from these fine forums? i am utterly sick to death of ssp and would greatly welcome the camaraderie of an smp environment, especially one with funky fresh ideas such as those that kirindave (and other like-minded individuals) are bringing to the table.

I've been avoiding public servers like the plague, preferring to stick to a server I've set up for myself and my two sons. But . . . the only people who'd be jumping into a RR server at this point are pretty much just you all in this thread, and none of you seem to be horribad griefers. I'm not opposed to what you are suggesting.

I don't really do the teamspeak thing; my spouse hates it when I'm talking to the computer instead of to her. Not sure how my gaming schedule meshes with anyone elses, either. 10pm to midnight-or-so EDT isn't a big window to do the community thing with others in.
hah, i hear you with the spouse thing. although, my spouse isn't quite my spouse just yet. she's only my fiance. :p

i suppose we should ask the man himself (dave) what he thinks. this is his baby. i would love a communal effort surrounding this pack, though!

i work a pretty early schedule within the EDT timezone (i'm available most weekdays after 3pm EDT), and my fiance works third shift, so on several evenings a week i'm home alone with nothing but a pickaxe to keep me company. if anyone else who's enthusiastic about RR thinks this is a good idea, please do post your thoughts. i would love to get together and have some fun, and i can't imagine it would hurt dave's efforts in garnering permissions to release RR as a private pack on the ftb launcher. if mod authors see genuine interest and a server growing around that interest, they're bound to lean towards an affirmative nod in the direction of including their respective mod(s) in the pack!
The test server is pretty much at its limit with the current population and needs an upgrade. But if it just so happens that your private modpack and my private modpack are the same private modpack because you use my config pack, that seems pretty legit. You should do that.
what would it take to get a server that can handle, oh i dunno, let's say 16 slots or so? (is 16 enough for everyone who's as interested as i am in RR?)

i am willing to donate to a worthy cause.

edit: speaking of which, i may be able to host a decent server myself. according to, i can handle roughly 120 players with my hardware and bandwidth (i'm guessing that's for a vanilla server though). i've got a win 7 box with 12GB of ram, and i'm on FiOS with a 75/35 connection (with real world speed tests of 85/39). so yeah, i wouldn't mind setting something up. i'd probably have to virtualize a linux distro and set it up that way. i don't know as i'd feel comfortable setting something up within my main windows install.
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Dave I was playing around in 1.5.2 and useing the latest configs I saw you post but i noticed that a biome called "pocket dimension was appearing in the overworld. I looked at the configs and Limbo is 217 and pockets is 218 which are used in the BoP for Oasis and Ominous woods. Just thought id tell you. :)
Dave I was playing around in 1.5.2 and useing the latest configs I saw you post but i noticed that a biome called "pocket dimension was appearing in the overworld. I looked at the configs and Limbo is 217 and pockets is 218 which are used in the BoP for Oasis and Ominous woods. Just thought id tell you. :)

Weird that it didn't show up in the logs. I'll make sure to edit that. Good catch, thanks!
what would it take to get a server that can handle, oh i dunno, let's say 16 slots or so? (is 16 enough for everyone who's as interested as i am in RR?)

i am willing to donate to a worthy cause.

edit: speaking of which, i may be able to host a decent server myself. according to, i can handle roughly 120 players with my hardware and bandwidth (i'm guessing that's for a vanilla server though). i've got a win 7 box with 12GB of ram, and i'm on FiOS with a 75/35 connection (with real world speed tests of 85/39). so yeah, i wouldn't mind setting something up. i'd probably have to virtualize a linux distro and set it up that way. i don't know as i'd feel comfortable setting something up within my main windows install.

Yeah well load up Underground Biomes and see what you can do. That thing is servermurder. We're gonna pull it from the final pack, although we may keep it on the test server because people love it so much. And usually the limiter for home servers is network connection quality. Modular Powersuits is a bandwidth hog.

We use an Amazon EC2 m1.medium and t's not really enough for more than 6 people at at time, and even then chunkgenning hurts.
Well I was under the misapprehension that if we got FTP pub/priv status then we could use FTB's distribution permissions. Turns out that is wrong.

Now I'm scared and depressed. :\
I am of the opinion that this youtube discussion channel has gone WAY offtopic with modpack stuff. That's fine, but it might make more sense for bug reports about the modpack, questions and suggestions to go to this google+ group. That's also where I'll start recording data and posting updates about my attempts to get the modpack permissions.

I will also be quietly updating configpacks and modlists there. I will also be moving to more formal modlist stuff soon as part of my cleanup process before seeking permissions. Likewise, I'll be moving nat's excellent preliminary work into a format that is more amenable to presentation to mod authors.
Fudge, I hate such things... I don't want to tell you my real name, Google! I'm a pony!
If Doctor wanted to register in it, he wouldn't be able to, because that stupid thing won't accept "Doctor" as name.
what would it take to get a server that can handle, oh i dunno, let's say 16 slots or so? (is 16 enough for everyone who's as interested as i am in RR?)

i am willing to donate to a worthy cause.

edit: speaking of which, i may be able to host a decent server myself. according to, i can handle roughly 120 players with my hardware and bandwidth (i'm guessing that's for a vanilla server though). i've got a win 7 box with 12GB of ram, and i'm on FiOS with a 75/35 connection (with real world speed tests of 85/39). so yeah, i wouldn't mind setting something up. i'd probably have to virtualize a linux distro and set it up that way. i don't know as i'd feel comfortable setting something up within my main windows install.

I have a server on Fragnet that I am currently not using. (was going to play with my son but he lost interest in Minecraft). Its a 1GB server with 1 - 25 slots (25 would be way too much though). PM me and we can talk about it. Its better the server is used than just sitting around doing nothing. I am located in Germany.
Youtube Question: Do you have any ETA when the next part of your Rednet series will upload? Can't wait to see the PRC stuff. As it is now - that thing (the PRC) scares me. ;)
Well.. for some strange reason, i cant join the google+ group! very strange O_O

Anyways! I'd really love to join up with somebody for some server play/testing if anything should get up, some time soon :)
Fresh breath of tech, as ive killed ALOT of time in Ultimate, and its just getting "too old" heh :D
Youtube Question: Do you have any ETA when the next part of your Rednet series will upload? Can't wait to see the PRC stuff. As it is now - that thing (the PRC) scares me. ;)
I'll try and get the next part out soon, but it won't be this weekend.

Do not be afraid. There is no need to be upset.