My Resonant Rise Let's Play (Resonant Rise Modpack)

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I'm really enjoying the series, your commentary is interesting and you use the mods creatively.
Other than the Mindcrack server, (and to a certain extent Direwolf, although I'm getting a bit bored of seeing him build the same things for the fifth time) there has been a real lack of good-quality modded Let's Plays. I'm sad that I don't have many of the mods that you do, because it makes it more difficult to be inspired, but I love seeing someone mess around with mods like Ars Magica that don't recieve as much fame as they deserve.
Anyway, subscribed :)
One, question, the modlist and configs posted a while back, you say dimensional door has been removed.
I also presume you have updated several mods in that time.

Could we perhaps have a current pack config and mod list?
I'm trying to get my server to move to a pack like this, and we're fine with downloading exactly when we know what to download, and installing configs etc, however I don't want to try updating any mods (I'm sure GregTech and power suits have updated since then).

So basically, could someone post the current mod list and config?
Not necessarily dave, just someone who is on Resonant Rise, such as Laira, Lanbert (I believe) or whizz ball, all fine.
Dave might be the best person to talk to however...
Does underground biomes still prevent rocky bee spawn? Apparently that was the main reason ftb hasn't considered it much yet.

Also, anyone know if a 1.5 version of soul shards is available?
And/or if it has any ID conflicts with this pack?
And finally, has the factorisation NEI problem been fixed?

Wow, I feel really stupid asking, but is this 1.5.1, or 1.5.2?
I couldn't see anything to suggest either.
One more testing request:

1) Put down a fully-charged Basic Energy Cube
2) Make a line of 64 copper cables (either from ElectricExpansion or Basic Components)
3) put down another Energy Cube at the other end of the line.

In Voltz 1.1.4 that results in 5 MJ in the destination cube and 1.64 MJ in the source one. Basically, that's 1.64 MJ of free energy. If you replace the destination cube with a battery box, it works as it should (basically, drain all the energy). Is it the same in your versions?
Also, anyone know if a 1.5 version of soul shards is available?
And/or if it has any ID conflicts with this pack?
And finally, has the factorisation NEI problem been fixed?

The 1.5 version of soul shards is out, but there have been a ton of changes, some of which aren't quite finished, so the result is rather buggy.

-Soul forges have been removed
-Vile Swords have been removed
-Soul Stealer enchant can be applied to any sword now
-Soul Shard Creation Method has changed. Now requires End Stone, Glow Stone, Netherrack, and a diamond
-Absorbing spawners may or may not have been removed. This may be a bug or preperation for the future changes he plans on making.
-I personally had random missing texture issues with the update.

My verdict, wait for the modder to iron out the new mechanics before using. If you need a spawner in 1.5.x go with MFR.
It's more because finding the right mix of UE mods that work okay for 1.5.1 is tough. We're getting ready for a 1.5.2 jump as soon as Ars is onboard.
Aha, got it. I should say that they develop their mods pretty fast... Sadly, wiki is updated... Almost never...
Wait, Kirin, in your video you mentioned Poppycock...
Is he on the server too? As far as I can tell, all of the Adeptcraft players have moved over to you guys xD
I'm all alone there now D: Because of my timezone, nobody is ever online at the same time as me.
Umm. Dave? Do you have some special version of MFR? There's no 2.6.0 download link on PowerCrystals thread...
Wait... so a 1.5.2 version will be available soon?
So gathering/downloading all the mods for 1.5.1 as listed in the latest video will be pointless very soon?
:/ THAT was an evening that could have been better spent
It seems that the Tinkers Construct version is not available, only
Will this effect the config, and/or if the config and list provided will work?
Usually you can up versions if you found the old one and it won't work. The only really bad known issues with upgrading are with MFR.

We're looking down the barrel of the 1.5.2 jump and that's why things are a bit old. This build works pretty well, so I decided to push the data.