I'm really enjoying the series, your commentary is interesting and you use the mods creatively.
Other than the Mindcrack server, (and to a certain extent Direwolf, although I'm getting a bit bored of seeing him build the same things for the fifth time) there has been a real lack of good-quality modded Let's Plays. I'm sad that I don't have many of the mods that you do, because it makes it more difficult to be inspired, but I love seeing someone mess around with mods like Ars Magica that don't recieve as much fame as they deserve.
Anyway, subscribed
Other than the Mindcrack server, (and to a certain extent Direwolf, although I'm getting a bit bored of seeing him build the same things for the fifth time) there has been a real lack of good-quality modded Let's Plays. I'm sad that I don't have many of the mods that you do, because it makes it more difficult to be inspired, but I love seeing someone mess around with mods like Ars Magica that don't recieve as much fame as they deserve.
Anyway, subscribed