So I've been using the OpenBlocks hang glider when I started my recent map and really liked it. When I finally got my power armor, I was excited to go run about like I had on my glider, but I found out that, minus a small degree of gliding controll, the MPS glider seems to have a couple of issues. Am I doing something wrong or is the expected (and possibly intended) behaviour?
1) Glider snags: Sometimes when I'm flying along, I will seem to get snagged on a block that I'm 2-3 blocks above. I lose all my speed, then I continue gliding at normal speed.
2) Fall damage: Sometimes I will glide a pretty long flight and land a slow, smooth landing, only to be hit for all my life in fall damage even while having my boots' shock absorbers set to 75%.
I am using a slightly customized dw20 mod pack.