Most Powerful energy source there is?

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I'd say the most powerful single block source that can be found (in FTB ultimate) is the nether uranium ore block.

after smelting it in the induction smelter together with rich slag, it gives 3 regular uranium ore blocks, this in the grinder give 1,5 heaps of plutonium and 6 heaps of uranium dust. those 6 heaps uranium dust can be processed to 48 near depleted uranium cells, which can be breeded to 48 reenriched cells. after centrifuging those, you get 3 near depleted cells (reenriched to uranium cells), 9 plutonium cells and 36 thorium cells.
together with that 1,5 plutonium cells from the grinding process, that's 10,5 pu-cells, 3 uranium cells and 36 thorium cells.

and a really good reactor setup can turn that amount into at least 1 billion EU.
Got any examples? Cause I'd love to try this out.
Steve's Cart: + Apples (Can be made into Apple Juice, which gives better rates to Fermenters & Carpenters)
+ Plays well with unloaded chunks and chunk errors. It simply resets and continues to run, virtually unbreakable.
+ Can be made self sustaining, but needs a Skeleton Spawner.

- Costs a fair amount of resources.
- The actual crafting takes a while. Close to one hour or more depending on your setup.
- Consumes more bonemeal per wood/sapling
- Doesn't accept Sulfur Goo as a fertilizing agent.

I will say, you don't actually need a skeleton spawner/bonemeal production. As long as your farm isn't stupidly tiny (and by that I'm talking about 4x4 kind of small) then by the time the cart has chopped down one tree, another will have grown anyway. The smallest one I have made had an area of about 8x8 and it very rarely done a single loop without chopping down at least 1 tree. Infact, 2 fermenters running at full speed couldn't keep up with the sapling generation.

On the flip side though, you don't want to make the track too long, because if you do, then you will run out of fuel. You can fix that easily by either splitting the track and having 2 separate loops or the cheaper solution would be to just place another cargo manager half way round the track so your cart can drop off it's items and restock.

Either way, you shouldn't need to make bonemeal for a Steve's carts cart to produce plenty of saplings.
Got any examples? Cause I'd love to try this out.

Just to give you a bit of a primer (since I've been checking this out recently too): basically the reason this works with GT installed is because of thorium cells. Thorium and plutonium are basically what make nuclear power viable right now, and if you do a 2x or 4x to the output config on your server they're really, really, really good. You can find a million and one designs over on the IC2 forums but you need to dig in; that thread is old and the designs get better and worse as people explore the space.

To start, you want a breeder reactor to generate a lot of fuel. I saw a bunch of designs but they didn't do what I wanted, so I sacrificed a bit of efficiency to work with more cells within my resource constraints. It's not an optimal design, but it's pretty cheap and easy to understand. You can use this link in the reactor planner. This reactor makes enough EU to run some automation to keep it breeding, and you'll either need lots of consumption or a few MFSUs to catch all the power. You could also go for super-cheap single-purpose reactors like this one as the epitome of the thorium single-purpose breeder. It's crazy cheap and does a great job, but cannot output any power.

Your goal is to constantly yank re-enriched cells out, craft them, centrifuge them, and continue to re-enrich. Eventually you'll be sitting on a ton of thorium and plutonium. The plutonium is a fantastic fuel, so then you use another production reactor. Plutonium by itself can make a good reactor, but the real secret seems to be in combining it with Thorium to make hybrid reactors. You can see an example from the forums here.

Look at the stats on that. For a mere 8 plutonium cells (just a few breeder cycles!) we have a a design that can produce 220 million EU at 220 EU/t. Think about this for a second, because it bears considering what goes into this. This beast is fed by a breeder that is only consuming a handful of uranium ingots. You could produce this kind of energy with 10 thermal engines and thousands of buckets of lava; but if you've got automatic mining that self-resets it's almost impossible to run out of fuel this way: uranium is just not that rare. And if you have extrabees around, a single good, autoumated uranium bee will outproduce this consumption!

You can double up these setups (nothing I've listed is insanely expensive save on copper, but in Gregtech you can have huge sums trivially with the most rudimentary of automation) for higher voltage, but at some point you need to ask yourself about storage. After one 13 hour run you'll have so much EU on tap that only teleporters or matterfabs could really drain it entirely before another cycle completes. If you run multiples you'll want to have an AESU around, because nothing else will suffice.

Finally: every design posted here is a "Mark I" reactor with at least an "A" rating in efficiency. Meaning: it requires no thermometers, no pulsing, no worries about explosions. The designs are self-stable and a failure to automate will only result in less efficiency. You can keep these designs next to your workshop on on transformers without fear: the worst that can happen is you waste some uranium. Once you have plutonium, you can explore the Mark V space where reactors can only run for a few seconds before they have to stop. The efficiency you can reach exceeds 6, almost doubling our efficiency yet again (for example, this simple Mark V quad plutonium design).

So there you go, a slightly windy, very rudimentary treatment on reactors. They are under-appreciated in these forums. And if you do a 2x or 4x in your config to compensate for the advent of energy tesseracts, even my humble breeder design will output a cool 44-88 eu/t which is somewhere between "wow" and "that's OP turn it back to 5, Dave."
Just to give you a bit of a primer...
Thank you so much, I really appreciate the detailed explanation. The hardest part looks to be crafting the components. Which my AE setup can do for me. Hmm...

One question, you reference energy tesseracts, I wasn't aware you could use those for eu?
Just to give you a bit of a primer (since I've been checking this out recently too): basically the reason this works with GT installed is because of thorium cells. Thorium and plutonium are basically what make nuclear power viable right now, and if you do a 2x or 4x to the output config on your server they're really, really, really good. You can find a million and one designs over on the IC2 forums but you need to dig in; that thread is old and the designs get better and worse as people explore the space.

To start, you want a breeder reactor to generate a lot of fuel. I saw a bunch of designs but they didn't do what I wanted, so I sacrificed a bit of efficiency to work with more cells within my resource constraints. It's not an optimal design, but it's pretty cheap and easy to understand. You can use this link in the reactor planner. This reactor makes enough EU to run some automation to keep it breeding, and you'll either need lots of consumption or a few MFSUs to catch all the power. You could also go for super-cheap single-purpose reactors like this one as the epitome of the thorium single-purpose breeder. It's crazy cheap and does a great job, but cannot output any power.

Your goal is to constantly yank re-enriched cells out, craft them, centrifuge them, and continue to re-enrich. Eventually you'll be sitting on a ton of thorium and plutonium. The plutonium is a fantastic fuel, so then you use another production reactor. Plutonium by itself can make a good reactor, but the real secret seems to be in combining it with Thorium to make hybrid reactors. You can see an example from the forums here.

Look at the stats on that. For a mere 8 plutonium cells (just a few breeder cycles!) we have a a design that can produce 220 million EU at 220 EU/t. Think about this for a second, because it bears considering what goes into this. This beast is fed by a breeder that is only consuming a handful of uranium ingots. You could produce this kind of energy with 10 thermal engines and thousands of buckets of lava; but if you've got automatic mining that self-resets it's almost impossible to run out of fuel this way: uranium is just not that rare. And if you have extrabees around, a single good, autoumated uranium bee will outproduce this consumption!

You can double up these setups (nothing I've listed is insanely expensive save on copper, but in Gregtech you can have huge sums trivially with the most rudimentary of automation) for higher voltage, but at some point you need to ask yourself about storage. After one 13 hour run you'll have so much EU on tap that only teleporters or matterfabs could really drain it entirely before another cycle completes. If you run multiples you'll want to have an AESU around, because nothing else will suffice.

Finally: every design posted here is a "Mark I" reactor with at least an "A" rating in efficiency. Meaning: it requires no thermometers, no pulsing, no worries about explosions. The designs are self-stable and a failure to automate will only result in less efficiency. You can keep these designs next to your workshop on on transformers without fear: the worst that can happen is you waste some uranium. Once you have plutonium, you can explore the Mark V space where reactors can only run for a few seconds before they have to stop. The efficiency you can reach exceeds 6, almost doubling our efficiency yet again (for example, this simple Mark V quad plutonium design).

So there you go, a slightly windy, very rudimentary treatment on reactors. They are under-appreciated in these forums. And if you do a 2x or 4x in your config to compensate for the advent of energy tesseracts, even my humble breeder design will output a cool 44-88 eu/t which is somewhere between "wow" and "that's OP turn it back to 5, Dave."

Not sure which thread that 220 EU/t reactor is from, but i think the peak of efficiency at the moment is fuel layouts like these:
From -
367 EU/t - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...ove3hvm2ky7rqzd4dv23aqxky8dhf1ih4mpnxv21n48ow

420 EU/t - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...vtyat23qsucdxz1l07xnymxri6yeufxrqgy53n15hzq4g

484 EU/t - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...ijdgvz13qh8la4qkn1xr3hn2q7305ojevdwlgr2te2n7k

Not sure if it will be a accepted to thread, but i looked at the 367 EU/t design and thought why not make that your breeder as well.

The 220 EU/t design is fuel imbalanced -- it uses just 6 thorium and 10 plutonium (each rod is replaced twice, and has half its life left when the thorium runs out, so averages to 10 plutonium a cycle). If you make that 10 plutonium you will have made 40 thorium and only used 6 of it. With the quad thorium cells only requiring ingots now it makes sense to run them over just about anything else.

The 367 designs uses thorium and plutonium in balance with the rate you generate them.

420 design is imbalanced and needs 4 extra thorium per cycle
484 design is imbalanced on average there will be leftover 8 thorium per cycle.

Make a 484 and two 420 reactors and the three will run in balance.
I'm running the 420 EU/t system. it might be imbalanced regarding the thorium use, but on the other hand: thorium can be aquired through coal ore and monazit ore too. and coal ore just turns thorium into something that can be harvested very easy. 4 coal ore = 1 thorium cell... what else do you need...
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Not sure which thread that 220 EU/t reactor is from, but i think the peak of efficiency at the moment is fuel layouts like these:
From -
367 EU/t - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...ove3hvm2ky7rqzd4dv23aqxky8dhf1ih4mpnxv21n48ow

420 EU/t - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...vtyat23qsucdxz1l07xnymxri6yeufxrqgy53n15hzq4g

484 EU/t - http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...ijdgvz13qh8la4qkn1xr3hn2q7305ojevdwlgr2te2n7k

Not sure if it will be a accepted to thread, but i looked at the 367 EU/t design and thought why not make that your breeder as well.

The 220 EU/t design is fuel imbalanced -- it uses just 6 thorium and 10 plutonium (each rod is replaced twice, and has half its life left when the thorium runs out, so averages to 10 plutonium a cycle). If you make that 10 plutonium you will have made 40 thorium and only used 6 of it. With the quad thorium cells only requiring ingots now it makes sense to run them over just about anything else.

The 367 designs uses thorium and plutonium in balance with the rate you generate them.

420 design is imbalanced and needs 4 extra thorium per cycle
484 design is imbalanced on average there will be leftover 8 thorium per cycle.

Make a 484 and two 420 reactors and the three will run in balance.
How do you go about automating this?
I usually do RP filter or router to extract depleted cells. Sorting machine, retriever, or Emerald pipes should work as well ... anything that can grab items filtered for depleted cells. Hell even golems -- put a marker on each reactor and set a clay golem to gather as many depleted cells as it can.

For breeder reactor additional item filter/router/golem/whatever to pull out enriched cells that are moved to a centrifuge in gregtech or autocrafting to uranium cells in normal IC2.

For mixed fuel reactors / breeders the complicated bit is placing fuel types back in the correct spot.
To place fuel/isotopes back in the correct spot Gregtech advanced regulator is probably the best option -- should basically be cover all the fuel slots with 1-2 advanced regulators. If you only have a couple slots you could use a router or advanced buffer.

If you like turtles there is a inventory misc peripherial that can manage inventory down to the slot level as well.

In IC2 you usually don't mix fuel types up, so you can just fill up all the empty slots and then use anything you like to fill all the remaining space with fuel.

Don't think there are any other slot specific inventory management options other than: router, advanced buffer, advanced regulator, turtle inventory misc peripheral.

Maybe AE or other new mod add slot level control.
OBJECTION!!! the best power generator is mechanism's fusion reactor, easy, automatable, cheap, mid-game, 51Mj per tick(.4 RF/joule), from wht I have seen, the rf can be taken out at any speed, (mechanism auto converts joules to rf or eu or mj) so you can use the infinity rf/t pipes from thermal. so yea, op as fuck, plus it can be paired with a steam turbine, so you can literally make like 60 mil/tick(never experimented with turbine).