Most Powerful energy source there is?

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Don't agree, sorry.

The vast majority of things in MineCraft are overly simplified. You're still doing roughly what is required for fusion (fusing two isotopes of hydrogen, in this case), and the power required to start the reaction is massive (50,000,000eu I believe).

Being able to produce hydrogen two from water is as close to accurate as we're going to get (see heavy water production else where for more data on that), and producing hydrogen three from hydrogen two is, again, as close as we're going to get this side of Eden.

Move that over to solar panels which seem to magically require such levels of technology I'm surprised we haven't had MineCraft's AdvancedSolar mod protested by environmental activists for our anti-green image. Then add generators which appear to somehow magically convert heat into energy (while possible, you aren't going to get much power out of it without a better transfer medium), and nuclear power (if you want to get started on illogical design) in general.

Yes, MineCraft is a simplification of the factors that contribute to it. You don't have to agree for that to be the case.
Yes, MineCraft is a simplification of the factors that contribute to it. You don't have to agree for that to be the case.

I don't quite understand why you need to start a discussion on something that's simply my opinion. I don't like the way hydrogen is produced because in my opinion it's oversimplified. This has nothing to do with how complex MC itself is, but only with how complex it is to setup a functioning fusion reactor. It's a but like setting up a nuclear reactor and then just piping in charcoal because "it has atoms too".
I don't quite understand why you need to start a discussion on something that's simply my opinion. I don't like the way hydrogen is produced because in my opinion it's oversimplified. This has nothing to do with how complex MC itself is, but only with how complex it is to setup a functioning fusion reactor. It's a but like setting up a nuclear reactor and then just piping in charcoal because "it has atoms too".

When you post your opinion on the internet, or state it in a discussion (be it a thread in a forum, or elsewhere), your opinion is subject to discussion.

If you don't want to discuss your opinion, then do not state it, or do not reply to people that want to discuss your opinion. Doing otherwise is a waste of energy. Heh heh heh.

That aside, your example is not within the scope of this discussion. It'd be much more logical to say that you could then produce a fissionable material for your IC2 nuclear reactor via mining it right out of the ground ready to go in massive chunks, or obtaining it from grinding (with magical fairy dust as the secret way it works) bauxite.

IC2 nuclear power is extremely oversimplified, and even then it still confuses and scares the vast majority of users. Imagine how little it'd get used if you had to build a working nuclear reactor without skimping on the details.
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IC2 nuclear power is extremely oversimplified, and even then it still confuses and scares the vast majority of users. Imagine how little it'd get used if you had to build a working nuclear reactor without skimping on the details.

Sounds like fun actually, if it would actually have something close to the output of a real plant (I mean, it having the same output as 100 solar panels is rather rediculous).
Sounds like fun actually, if it would actually have something close to the output of a real plant (I mean, it having the same output as 100 solar panels is rather rediculous).

I'm all for a more realistic version of MineCraft, but we aren't going to be able to sell that to anyone anytime soon. Sadly.
I don't quite understand why you need to start a discussion on something that's simply my opinion.

You have the right to hold any opinion, and state that opinion. Other people may then hold opinions about your opinions, and then state them. This is called, "engaging in conversation" and you will find it is a recursive process many humans do. Some do it because they feel obligated, some do it because they enjoy it, and some do it compulsively. Often it is a mix of all three. Don't worry, robotfriend. One day we will teach you hu-man love as well.

Or perhaps you are NOT a robot, and merely a person who likes to try using that old dodge, "That is my opinion" as a conversational dodge to remove a difficult-to-defend point raised in said recursive opinion stating processes. You could also just say, "I don't want to talk about this anymore." That would be... disappointing.

I don't like the way hydrogen is produced because in my opinion it's oversimplified.

Actually it's overcomplicated. Inefficient methods of making fairly pure hydrogen gas are way easier. You can dumpster dive in a 3rd world country and make an electrolysis kits and have very high purity on the hydrogen. It's high school chemistry. The hardest part is making a vessel that the hydrogen wont leak from quickly without modern material science.

This has nothing to do with how complex MC itself is, but only with how complex it is to setup a functioning fusion reactor.

Yeah well you let me know when we have an energy positive fusion reactor and then I'll make a mod based on that process. For now: science fiction. But while we're at it, how do you plank wood with your bare hands? Protest Mojang!

If you do want a slightly more gritty and realistic game, Terrafirmacraft does a lot.

It's a but like setting up a nuclear reactor and then just piping in charcoal because "it has atoms too".

No it is not. Please don't resort to non-sequiturs.
Well I want it to be something harder then solar panels its too often done, I want to do a creative power source like steam or something that has depth to it.[DOUBLEPOST=1363274096][/DOUBLEPOST]
Wow, I will need to build more power and materials before I can start on that do you have creative starting power ideas that I can use on a grand scale

I think i might be swinging back into the Gregtech camp... last week if the mods all updated to 1.5 and i started a new world i would have gone without it. Now i think i may just keep my mindcrack world.

Took a look at the thorium+plutonium reactors from a post i think KirinDave made here and that is a very nice power and fuel system developing around these new hybrid reactors. Hopefully the process doesn't get nerfed -- it takes nuclear fuel and stretches it to like 90m+ per uranium ingot. 1 uranium into 8 depleted cells -- breeder time to convert to enriched cells. Centrifuge 8 enriched cells for 4 thorium, 1 plutonium, and 3 depleted cells. Throw the depleted cells back for enrichment and run the fuel in the reactor.

Designs are just coming out now in the 360-480 EU/t range.

For those that have to have a renewable process, I'd wager one radioactive bee could run several reactors as these reactors return a large percentage of their fuel in depleted cells.

There is also a fuel layout that taunts us at 512 EU/t, but ~1-7 heat more than can be cooled in the space left.
Reactor thread with updated gregtech section:
On the topic of fusion reactors and minecraft, I do think it would have been cooler to have the whole system be much larger than 1 block with a ring of blocks around it. With the amount of materials you have to squeeze into just that compact model, you could easily stretch it into a much larger one...I was thinking more of a ring of 3x3 or 5x5 structures (coils) around a central multiblock reactor.

Could also add a visual effect to a working one, like a 1 block tall viewing glass that goes along the outside of the ring and lets you see the plasma inside working it's magic...As it is, I'll have to wait until those xycraft lasers to produce any such effect. I would just set the reactor up inside a small building surrounded by a larger ring containing those lasers for looks...
Ok well lets say I was to want to make a Massive steam Factory, I hear you can do it with farm goods, If i were to want to make it out of sugar cane how would i go about doing that, Remember a setup that will generate massive EU. This forum have been very helpful thanks, Screenshot if you can.
Ok well lets say I was to want to make a Massive steam Factory, I hear you can do it with farm goods, If i were to want to make it out of sugar cane how would i go about doing that, Remember a setup that will generate massive EU. This forum have been very helpful thanks, Screenshot if you can.

Probably Sugarcane into fermenters into biomass into biofuel into a boiler. It really is stunning how much one fermenter can do if given a constant supply of things. If I recall correctly, you'd mold up wheat to make mulch for the fermenter, and you'd push the canes directly in.

But honestly, if you go this route just give in to the optimizers and make a Steve's Carts treefarm with apple-bearing oaks. Everything you need for perpetual power: right there. And with only 5 diamonds, a small sum of gold and a reasonable sum of iron and wood. Doit. That setup is overwhelmingly good.
Probably Sugarcane into fermenters into biomass into biofuel into a boiler. It really is stunning how much one fermenter can do if given a constant supply of things. If I recall correctly, you'd mold up wheat to make mulch for the fermenter, and you'd push the canes directly in.

But honestly, if you go this route just give in to the optimizers and make a Steve's Carts treefarm with apple-bearing oaks. Everything you need for perpetual power: right there. And with only 5 diamonds, a small sum of gold and a reasonable sum of iron and wood. Doit. That setup is overwhelmingly good.

Personally I like wheat more. Because you can make plant balls from it which can be used to make dirt. Mixed with more wheat gets your compost. So unless they changed something (its been months since I did biomas) you can get all the items needed for your fermentation from just a large wheat farm and a few extra bits of kit (autocrafters and puliverzier/maciator).
No matter what the others are saying, a single fusion reactor outputs the most EU/t. During fusion, you can gather about 32 thousand EU/t if I remember.

It took me a lot of time to build it on my server, but it makes U.U matter almost instantly.
Has no one here mentioned the new Minefactory stuff in the Ultimate pack?
If not, it's actually very possible to make a completely self-sustaining and insta-growing 2x2 jungle tree farm in an about 6x3x23 area, using a harvester, (basically 3 gold, 4 iron, and a bit of rubber and stone) a planter, (4 clay and a piston, + rubber and stone) a fertilizer, (2 leather, 1 glass bottle, + rubber and stone) a recycler, and any form of auto-crafter.
Has no one here mentioned the new Minefactory stuff in the Ultimate pack?
If not, it's actually very possible to make a completely self-sustaining and insta-growing 2x2 jungle tree farm in an about 6x3x23 area, using a harvester, (basically 3 gold, 4 iron, and a bit of rubber and stone) a planter, (4 clay and a piston, + rubber and stone) a fertilizer, (2 leather, 1 glass bottle, + rubber and stone) a recycler, and any form of auto-crafter.

I've sort of been avoiding discussing that until my villager auto-breeder is done. :)

I kinda think the minefactory stuff ranges from "really cool" to "lolforestry, your metagame has been outplayed".
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Watch out, it's only a matter of time before someone sits down and e-yells at you about how theres no such thing as a cobble shortage...
No cobble shortage? You obviously haven't been playing with the latest version of XYcraft. So much aluminium and stupid crystals I can't find cobble anywhere.
No cobble shortage? You obviously haven't been playing with the latest version of XYcraft. So much aluminium and stupid crystals I can't find cobble anywhere.

Spelling mistakes that occur in this post should be attributed to my phone...

As soon as you get Xycraft machines you will feel frustrated you don't have enough.
  1. Black and white xychorium bricks look good enough and prevserve mob spawn. Ideal base building materials.
  2. Blue xychorium is integral to a variety of useful machines.
  3. Green xychorium is slightly less difficult until you get a sapling farm then you want more and more.
  4. Platforms and shields make excellent building materials for secure storage. Much cheaper than alternatives.
  5. Structure blocks are useful because you can color code them precisely.