Mojang, give us a break!

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How do you feel about the new Redstone Update?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mojang produces top quality in my opion. The modding community is a mess. And the modding community ( Modders) outnumber Mojang 100 to one. Quality wise, Mojang 9/10, mods : 6/10 ( the immense amount of lag is unforgivable and the lack of balance and unity)

Your "opion" has been considered, although I entirely disagree. Thanks, though!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am throwing my opinion here.

1. Yay 1.5 is here so cool redstone block and other things.

2. @vineet. Your first post, to me, sounded very offensive. You sounded like modders make "op" mods and dont give two toots about it. *shurg* Maybe it is me but ease back a little and try to not sound so arrogant.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would be honoured to hear you, who is so wise in your modded ways, state your reason why.:)

Disregarding your snark: Wolves, witches, villagers, enchanting, biomes, the nether, the end, minecarts, fishing, water mobs... That's enough for now. If you are actually interested, form a thread about it or PM me, and I can detail a few of those (enchanting is good for a longish rant, as would be fishing and witches too). I will not go off topic in this thread, though, but thank you for the offer!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Disregarding your snark: Wolves, witches, villagers, enchanting, biomes, the nether, the end, minecarts, fishing, water mobs... That's enough for now. If you are actually interested, form a thread about it or PM me, and I can detail a few of those (enchanting is good for a longish rant, as would be fishing and witches too). I will not go off topic in this thread, though, but thank you for the offer!
It wasn't a snark. After all you are a well known member and I read what you post and must say it intriguing and impressive.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am throwing my opinion here.

1. Yay 1.5 is here so cool redstone block and other things.

2. @vineet. Your first post, to me, sounded very offensive. You sounded like modders make "op" mods and dont give two toots about it. *shurg* Maybe it is me but ease back a little and try to not sound so arrogant.
Sorry if I was offensive, but I am merely trying to support Mojang, and about the op mods, well most of them are ( not necessarily the ones in ftb) but ones that aren't really well known. If I was a modder, I myself wouldn't really care what other people thought about my mod, but people like Eloraam, it serious buisness. But OP is really an opinion. some people do care what people think about their mod, but I think many of the major Modders didn't really think their mod would be so popular. I right now am being extremely critical, ( but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy ftb), and I took the entire modding community and looked at it from a general perspective. I deemed it OP (it was a close call), but much of the major mods aren't really OP, and the are quite a bit of minor ones that are. Yet I may be mistaken, but hey I will except my mistakes and learn from them.
I cannot help but remember back in science class, my teacher said to manipulate your data to give a different meaning than what is really is without lying about your data.[DOUBLEPOST=1362698170][/DOUBLEPOST]
Holy crap when did he become well known?

Oh crap when did I become well known too?

Damn it is this were we need to become douchenozzles?
More than 900 message you guys already have.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Holy crap when did he become well known?

A few days ago after I went over 1,000 posts, getting my trophy score over the fifty points needed for the "Well-Known Member" title.

Oh crap when did I become well known too?

Earlier today/late yesterday when you got over 250 likes, which was able to get your trophy score over the fifty points needed for the "Well-Known Member" title.

Damn it is this were we need to become douchenozzles?

Hey now, I don't have to EARN that title. It is my BIRTHRIGHT!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A few days ago after I went over 1,000 posts, getting my trophy score over the fifty points needed for the "Well-Known Member" title.

Earlier today/late yesterday when you got over 250 likes, which was able to get your trophy score over the fifty points needed for the "Well-Known Member" title.

Hey now, I don't have to EARN that title. It is my BIRTHRIGHT!

LOL shows you how much I pay attention to that stuff. Good to know people like what I post I must be doing something right.

But back on topic. Vineet it is totally ok to to support Notch and them. But yeah you post sounded like you were hating on the modding community which is odd since this whole board is for modded game play. That made it sound sort of trollish. Yes there are some unbalanced mods out there but I would not try and say that ALL of them are of poor quaitly there are many nice and well balanced mods done by skilled and talented modders. RP2 and Thaumcraft both come to mind of the top of my head.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Do you think modders are not trying to support Mojang? I see where you are coming from but you are sitll sounding, to me, to be arrogant. You stated that Mojang's stuff is three times better then the modding community. I think Flower Child would disagree else his mod would be called something other then "Better then Wolves".

All my opinion of course.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Something worth nothing is that the number of people who use mods don't even come CLOSE to the 3 million people that play minecraft, for the vast majority leaving all the new content to the modders and the THOUSANDS of mods in the forum would be a nightmare, the only reason I am even playing whit mods is because of the modpacks, I just can't be bothered to install mods myself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You missed the scoreboard. And stacking entities... though that one isn't gonna be too useful for us until MCEdit works better with mods.

edit: OH and the new texture pack changes... that one's gonna be interesting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I Most likely the rendering engine redesign that was talked about as a possibility of 1.5, but will surely end up being pushed to 1.6 1.7 1.8 someday?

I hail from the year 3302. I can confirm that it's on the planned list of features for MC 32.10.2. Hopefully Sheldor (a brain in a jar) can finally focus on something other than reviving string theory, no one takes him seriously as a physicist anymore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since there's NO block that outputs a redstone signal (and by that, I mean a block. Not a redstone torch, not a NOT gate, something that you can place on a wire, pipe, or cable), I've had to use batboxes to output redstone signals when they're empty (and never fill them) or, in tight situations, fill them with energy and just have them not output it and output a redstone signal instead. The redstone blocks are going to be an incredibly cheap and awesome alternative.
I feel kinda bad that Eloraam just put in redstone blocks, to have them be replaced by something vanilla.

Also, keep in mind, for people who play vanilla (Etho, doc, sethbling, etc.) this is a HUGE update. Too bad we can just look down upon them and beat them with our railcraft priming tracks.
The cube chunk thing sounds interesting, I drop to 4 FPS while looking downwards and go up to 146 while looking upwards. That'll really help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since there's NO block that outputs a redstone signal (and by that, I mean a block. Not a redstone torch, not a NOT gate, something that you can place on a wire, pipe, or cable)

A computercraft computer can output redstone to any/all sides, and can accept red wire on any side.

A simple way to output redstone to all sides would be as follows:

  1. Create a computercraft computer.
  2. Place your computercraft computer.
  3. Type "label set redBlockReplacement0000" then hit enter.
  4. Type "pastebin get 4iF2jrKA startup" then hit enter.
  5. Type "startup" and the computer will run the redBlockReplacement script.
Good luck!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I personally don't like it because I have sort of tried to learn redstone and I made a little bit of progress. With all these new redstone items I feel I have lost my foundation and basic knowledge and I am back to step 1.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, it just adds more features, expanding on what they had previously with signal strengths.