Mods decided to make it impossible to make solar power!!!!

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out of all the different varieties of power generation the only one I haven't used is wind, as it is so goddamn useless.
IC2 Wind Mill is a very good source of power generation. It is much better than water mills. You can easily get safe 10kEU/t on a small footprint compared to other setups.
I doubt energie tesseract for eu will come but who knows.
I personnaly love the look of my windmill with glass and glowstone on top the tower seem cool especially at night, and anything that is big symmetrical and intricate fit my aesthetic. Anyway batboxes are not an option, the only way to transport that many eu in a loss less manner would be greg ultra expensive superconductor thingy or one MFSU (as power produced in turned into 512 packet) every 40 block per 512 eu you got. So if you produce 2000 eu you would need 4 MFSU every 40 block.
IMHO you are better off accept the loss.
But then to each his own when it comes to taste/aesthetic.

If you want to go with lossless transfer, use transformers, not energy storage. One HV transformer will happily transfer 2048 EU/t, which would be equal to 4 MFSUs in your setup.
I guess it would work for now but I plan to at least double the size of the power plant (probably triple if I don't get tired) so I think I'll keep it the way it is at least until I am fixed on the size of my windmill power plan. Plus it can already go up to 4000 eu a tick on peak efficiency(20 % more power when it rains), I would not want to lose that.
Yeah, idk. I just want the wind/watermills to be more fun, you know? And I really like your idea with the carbon plates in the solar panels, I think that's great because they're easy to produce and still require maintenance. Hopefully IC2 authors will give the automatic power sources a much needed facelift. I've always wanted to build a big hydroelectric dam that can hold its own when compared to solar panels and such. Having maintenance required would make the game a lot more fun, too. :)
You can stack windmills and watermills together to make a massive system that can easily surpass solar (especially now because of the cost increase), and still look fairly awesome to boot.
But that aside, we cannot make every power source an equally good choice for getting power. If we did that, the balancing required would just make it a cosmetic choice, which isn't the right way to go as that ruins the entire logic behind having us work to get new power sources.
Although it really isn't all that hard to just set up a Steve's Cart tree farm for automated wood production, and convert those into charcoal.
You can stack windmills and watermills together to make a massive system that can easily surpass solar (especially now because of the cost increase), and still look fairly awesome to boot.
But that aside, we cannot make every power source an equally good choice for getting power. If we did that, the balancing required would just make it a cosmetic choice, which isn't the right way to go as that ruins the entire logic behind having us work to get new power sources.
Although it really isn't all that hard to just set up a Steve's Cart tree farm for automated wood production, and convert those into planks.

edited that for you :)
edited that for you :)

But don't planks not give as much power, even with a sawmill, versus charcoal? Nope, 1.6k heat versus 1.8k heat (six planks).

I wonder how much the energy cost differs between the sawmill and an electro furnace to do these steps (if it evens out), eh?
I think I am going to start with wind mills and then get into lava and the tree farm. What is an efiecent windmill tower design for around 20 wind mills? I don't really care if it looks good. I want it efficient
But don't planks not give as much power, even with a sawmill, versus charcoal? Nope, 1.6k heat versus 1.8k heat (six planks).

I wonder how much the energy cost differs between the sawmill and an electro furnace to do these steps (if it evens out), eh?

I used charcoal in my second farm and then converted the first because of the energy density. My treefarm is so big that the cart might run out of planks before doing a full circle (it's a wee bit oversized).
I think I am going to start with wind mills and then get into lava and the tree farm. What is an efiecent windmill tower design for around 20 wind mills? I don't really care if it looks good. I want it efficient

I believe the standard design is a tin cable surrounded by four windmills up as high as you can get it.

I used charcoal in my second farm and then converted the first because of the energy density. My treefarm is so big that the cart might run out of planks before doing a full circle (it's a wee bit oversized).

And then people have the silliness to come on here and say they cannot make enough power, eh? Absurd, hahah! Let them make solar panels cost more. We've got FORESTS TO BURN (and then regrow, and then burn again, etc).
But don't planks not give as much power, even with a sawmill, versus charcoal? Nope, 1.6k heat versus 1.8k heat (six planks).

I wonder how much the energy cost differs between the sawmill and an electro furnace to do these steps (if it evens out), eh?
well I worked it out on another thread, and this is for IC2 generator, no idea what it'd be like anywhere else:

1 log = 1 charcoal = 4000EU


1 log = 6 planks(750EU each) + 1/8 charcoal

8 logs = 32000 EU if you just turn to charcoal
8 logs = 40000 EU if you use the sawmill&turn 8 sawdust into a charcoal
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Don't go as up as you can, wind strength can break windmill.
I linked a post on IC² forum that showed ho to get the best out of your wind mill on page 4.
But basically you want to be around y=140/160 depending of the number of obstruction.
Don't the wind mills need a larger space? They can't be right next to eachother. This design I though was not efficient:


W[DOUBLEPOST=1363277099][/DOUBLEPOST]I think they need a 7x7 or 8x8 area around them and 2 high
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Don't the wind mills need a larger space? They can't be right next to eachother. This design I though was not efficient:


W[DOUBLEPOST=1363277099][/DOUBLEPOST]I think they need a 7x7 or 8x8 area around them and 2 high

Don't go as up as you can, wind strength can break windmill.
I linked a post on IC² forum that showed ho to get the best out of your wind mill on page 4.
But basically you want to be around y=140/160 depending of the number of obstruction.

Youu should not call wind useless seriously beside advSolar or compact solar it is probably the most powerful green power source. You need to set them right and in quantities right now I have 41 tower of 64 windmill around height 160 and I get between 2500 and 5000 eu per tick.
The thing is that you need big quantities of them and you need smart placement. (not my design)
Of course in a modpack there are many alternatives for power using farm or spawner

There you go, mate. Review that link, and good luck!
Yes I can't explain a precisely as this thread but basically the more efficient they are the higher they have a chance of breaking.
It will takes weeks until I can find enough iridium to make a matter fabricator. I just stated on a new server map. And even when I have a matter fabricator what will I use for power? It just will take forever just for one advanced solar panel. It is not worth it any more[DOUBLEPOST=1363222259][/DOUBLEPOST]I am on the mindcrack pack. It has Gregtech on my server

Weeks?!? *scoff* Head to the end. Slay the dragon. Iridium galore in them thare asteroids.
You are thinking it is most efficient to run the windmills without obstructions. Obstructions basically let you set the max safe height to run the windmill. The fewer obstruction you have the lower you can run the windmill, but the more spread out the windmills need to be. So the higher up you go the more compact your windfarm can be.

If you make a layout with no obstructions you might have a spiderweb of windmills spaced 8 blocks apart and do it at height 80 or whatever height actually has no chance for 0 obstruction windmill to break in a thunderstorm. Wind done with 0 obstructions ends up spending more resources on wiring the farm than energy production.

If you go up higher instead of a web of wind mills you can now stack them in a column like a water mill and use the obstruction of the others to keep all of them running at a safe EU/t. Each windmill still roughly outputs the same power as an ideal no obstruction windmill at height 80 (or whatever it is).

The most efficient layout then becomes the one that packs the most windmills in the smallest space, no? A column of 64 windmills, 16 high (4 sides around a tin pole), starting at ~190 can be safe with just the windmills and some extra blocks on the top. And the next windmill tower can be 4 blocks away. There are newer design that pack them in even higher and tighter.

That being said i would not do wind again :P

Ugly and working at max height is annoying.
With charcoal I can run 4 8LP boilers (after heatup) + some gates taking care of the charcoal, and have a gold chest full of charcoal + 3 furnaces and 2 relays full of wood + a void pipe taking care of the exes wood. They are powered by biomass, coming from the saplings and mulch of a golem powered wheat farm (I also have exes mulch and biomass)
With a new release few days ago this system got a lot better and more compatible with other mods:

1 mirror produces about 1 mB of steam per tick.

My god...It's like an energy sarlacc... Definitely going to do this and even build a hutt skiff nearby for effect >.>
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