Mods decided to make it impossible to make solar power!!!!

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Random crap added to mods are AWESOME!
I think Advanced Solars adds a recipe where you can put 2 stone slabs together to make a block :P
Even if it were a shiny block or two that didn't reflect you, it could still work...kinda. That'd be fast graphics or something.
Random crap added to mods are AWESOME!
I think Advanced Solars adds a recipe where you can put 2 stone slabs together to make a block :p
Even if it were a shiny block or two that didn't reflect you, it could still work...kinda. That'd be fast graphics or something.
Or we could have mods that fix and balance something without just nerfing it so nobody uses it.
Meh, I don't care who uses what. Nobody uses Forestry Multifarms anymore either, they try to use a fully automatable farm. Forestry is THE farm mod so if nobody has problems with that, this is old news :P
I try to stay away from solars for everything except test builds where I need quick, cheap EU that requires no upkeep. Unless we're talking RP solar panels. Then, I abuse those like a ginger stepchild.

Why stay away from solars? For me, its not so much the "fire and forget" nature of them. Its not even how trivial they make power production. I've just never been attracted to 'em. If I'm looking for cheap, powerful fuel for EU, I look no further than geothermal generators. The only machines you need to make em are a crafting table and a furnace. Make a short sojourn into hell and setup a chunk-loaded hell pump, complete with liquid tesseract, and boom. Put the Earth end of that tesseract system on to a big-ass Xycraft tank, and you're all set for power for...a long damned time.

Though, a setup involving Steve's Carts, Factorization, and regular generators sounds...pretty neat, actually. Use conveyor belts (because everything's better with conveyor belts) to transport the fuel into the generators, and there's the makings of a sweet, renewable, completely ecologically unsound (screw the environment!), endless source of EU.

That said, endless energy is something that will always be a thing. People will always, always find a way to completely automate energy production. If you ask me, I think its just plain old human nature. We use power to make things, we want as much power as we can get, and as we all know, laziness is the mother of invention. Well, that and its fun, lol.
Yeah it's pretty slick how easy it is to make a 1 block LV power source with thorium. The worst part of the cost is ~3 stacks of copper.
Any chance you've got a link to a tutorial or something? I've never messed with nuclear and if gregtech changes it at all that'd be good to know. (Im fairly sure it adds new types of fuel for them or something?)
Yeah it's pretty slick how easy it is to make a 1 block LV power source with thorium. The worst part of the cost is ~3 stacks of copper.

If you're using GT quad thoriums(+single plutoniums), the running cost is not that much since he changed the recipe of quad and dual thorim from ense copper to copper ingots, but for vanilla IC2 you will need a lot of copper for quad/dual uraniums reactor for running cost, you're literally burning copper for energy.
Btw, the latest version of ASP mod includes a new config that can enable the old recipe of Advanced Solar Panel.
I have two things to say about that:
1) Hurrah!
2) I went and looked up the announcement post...
Added "simple (old) recipe" of Advanced Solar Panel. You can enable it in config file, if you think that iridium very expensive
I hope this will stop the world war xD
Clearly, they haven't been following discussions of GregTech (re: config options).

Edit: removed original poster's formatting from quote.
Here's the reactor I'll be setting up one day. Fits perfectly in one meter(so one can use it and PfF's Reactor Kit just fine), which is partly why I wanted to use it.
Pffft. Call that a reactor? Noooo, this is a reactor any man can be proud of. 5440eu/t, fully automated (or at least it will be when i've sorted out these fiddly logic gates), what more could you ever need? Admittedly, its a tad expensive in the copper/tin department, but what's the point of having resources if you don't use them on anything eh? (Oh, and finding 24 quad plutonium cells is your problem :p).

To be fair, at least you're making an effort, unlike all the solar/wind/geothermal+nether noobs.
Dude, seriously? It's impossible to read that blue text.
Yeah, I thought that might be trouble when I copy-pasted it from the announcement. I was just too lazy to fix it (it's probably more readable than spoiler tags in the FTB dark forum theme, though).
Btw, the latest version of ASP mod includes a new config that can enable the old recipe of Advanced Solar Panel.

That no one will read or look at. Instead they will go on and keep complaining about the charge unware that they can fix it themselves. Of course when pointed out they can they will go on to complain that the easy one should be default not the hard one.
Pffft. Call that a reactor? Noooo, this is a reactor any man can be proud of. 5440eu/t, fully automated (or at least it will be when i've sorted out these fiddly logic gates), what more could you ever need? Admittedly, its a tad expensive in the copper/tin department, but what's the point of having resources if you don't use them on anything eh? (Oh, and finding 24 quad plutonium cells is your problem :p).

To be fair, at least you're making an effort, unlike all the solar/wind/geothermal+nether noobs.
First off, it's not my design. Just a LV 1 block reactor I like. But thank you for the design suggestion. Even if it seems you linked the wrong reactor.(yours can't cool down and will explode after about 8 minutes if that's the actual design you're using, unless it's a DDOS Reactor, in which case, you'd need to provide info on your cooling towers)

That being said, it's not the best 1 Chamber Thorium Reactor out there. Just one which is LV, meaning it can be used to power a miner.
Pffft. Call that a reactor? Noooo, this is a reactor any man can be proud of. 5440eu/t, fully automated (or at least it will be when i've sorted out these fiddly logic gates), what more could you ever need? Admittedly, its a tad expensive in the copper/tin department, but what's the point of having resources if you don't use them on anything eh? (Oh, and finding 24 quad plutonium cells is your problem :p).

To be fair, at least you're making an effort, unlike all the solar/wind/geothermal+nether noobs.

Thank you for the excellent example of why so many people do not play with nuclear reactors. The community is really obnoxious about design one-upsmanship.
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Thank you for the excellent example of why so many people do not play with nuclear reactors. The community is really obnoxious about design one-upsmanship.
Pfft, seen my solar array? It's two solars, NEXT TO EACHOTHER! It doubles efficiency from having only one solar, but with only 1 more block of space! Woow!

I guess you can see why people do use solars, you can't really get proven wrong or
Thank you for the excellent example of why so many people do not play with nuclear reactors. The community is really obnoxious about design one-upsmanship.
To be fair, I assumed the whole thing was intended as a joke. It is a OK reactor when done as a DDOS reactor setup.(actually it's a really good one in my eyes when done as a DDOS reactor, those run on a massive surplus of cooling cells cycled into a main reactor and out of dedicated cooling reactors, so all that matters with them is EU/t, much like the olde CASUC of yore)
The whole post screams "I'm being silly" to me.
And the 1up-menship only really comes into play when people are being dicks about it. And he's being such a dick that he's bound to be making a joke. I mean, no one would intentionally be that big of a asswipe to post a insanely complex design which depends on things not being mentioned here, be snarky about a reactor design(which I posted because someone was asking for a LV reactor, plus it's a pretty good reactor for a 1 chamber design in my eyes), and insult people who use pretty much any other energy generation in IC2, if they weren't making a joke about it, right?
They would, actually. I've seen some of the hell on the IC2 forums. But I genuinely think he's being silly here.
To be fair, I assumed the whole thing was intended as a joke. It is a OK reactor when done as a DDOS reactor setup.(actually it's a really good one in my eyes when done as a DDOS reactor, those run on a massive surplus of cooling cells cycled into a main reactor and out of dedicated cooling reactors, so all that matters with them is EU/t, much like the olde CASUC of yore)
The whole post screams "I'm being silly" to me.
And the 1up-menship only really comes into play when people are being dicks about it. And he's being such a dick that he's bound to be making a joke. I mean, no one would intentionally be that big of a asswipe to post a insanely complex design which depends on things not being mentioned here, be snarky about a reactor design(which I posted because someone was asking for a LV reactor, plus it's a pretty good reactor for a 1 chamber design in my eyes), and insult people who use pretty much any other energy generation in IC2, if they weren't making a joke about it, right?
They would, actually. I've seen some of the hell on the IC2 forums. But I genuinely think he's being silly here.
Yes, I did intend it (mainly) as a joke. Sorry if I offended anyone, I was just trying to make the point that there's a lot of room for innovation when it comes to power generation (or anything in minecraft for that matter).

Also; yes, I did intend it as a DDOS reactor (incidentally, i'm trying to get this very setup to work on my SSP world), but as I said, the stuff required to automate everything is a bit complicated. This design is quite advanced; if you're new to nuclear, you'd do well to stay away, unless you like big explosions.

Also, by the way:
These aren't the IC2 forums :p