yes you can, it's just a bit more involved than you previously thought.I just really wanted to make advanced solars but now I can't
I just really wanted to make advanced solars but now I can't
But I thought the beauty of modded Minecraft was finding creative ways to be as lazy as possible!Solar panels are too OP! Be creative!
With the default settings in the ultimate pack, if you play 3 hours a day, an advanced solar will pay for 2 uum + 1 iridium in a little over 5 months.Man, I do not know what you're talking about here. That's just trivially false. Advanced Solars are so freakin' good even with the new recipes.
Dat math.With the default settings in the ultimate pack, if you play 3 hours a day, an advanced solar will pay for 2 uum + 1 iridium in a little over 5 months.
Arg! I guess I'll have to start keeping silver instead of just considering it like lead: Useful in a few specific situations, but for the most part, stocking stuffers.Modular Powersuits eats crazy sums of silver in GT mode.
Or like some other people have said (Myself but totally not taking the credit), instead of making things harder to craft, just make them more complicated than pointing them in the sky or putting them in water or putting them up high.
Make solar panels accumulate dust.
Make water mills and windmills into multiblock structures that don't restrict you to put them on a huge cable pole, and let us make aesthetic changes. Make watermills into a 3x3x3 with the middle layer only 1 block. The water should have to flow past that block to power it, not just be submerged in water.
All actions will lead towards people going to the easiest/laziest system for power production. Now that advanced solar panels have finally been nerfed to the point that they're endgame and fairly worthless at that, Steve's Cart and nether lava in thermal generators will take the forefront fully and completely, along with whatever else steps up as useful.Rather than make solar harder to obtain (but not actually nerf it) they should just improve on the overall design so you can't just be lazy with them.
Yeah, idk. I just want the wind/watermills to be more fun, you know? And I really like your idea with the carbon plates in the solar panels, I think that's great because they're easy to produce and still require maintenance. Hopefully IC2 authors will give the automatic power sources a much needed facelift. I've always wanted to build a big hydroelectric dam that can hold its own when compared to solar panels and such. Having maintenance required would make the game a lot more fun, too.The same principle is included in the concept of making things harder to craft. Your suggest is a less-direct method to do exactly that, though, but one that can be considered more entertaining at times.
It'd be more logical to require that you replace the photoreactive cells inside the unit. Dust, while an issue, is not something that can be easily balanced.
With the default settings in the ultimate pack, if you play 3 hours a day, an advanced solar will pay for 2 uum + 1 iridium in a little over 5 months.
If you assume iridium is free, then it will pay for itself in a little over 1 month (still too long, in my opinion)... but that's a pretty big assumption considering how rare iridium is (in my experience you can't depend on mining to provide large quantities of iridium), and how many other uses it has. Uses that are generally more rewarding than what amounts to 1/2 of a basic generator.With the default settings in the ultimate pack, you find the iridium in the ground, just like all the other resources.
This is just incorrect. On your 24/7 server (I don't play on one, so it's not applicable to me), the second one takes the same amount of time as the first to pay for itself, and so does the third, and so on. The ones that have already paid for themselves are producing energy, yes, but that is unrelated to the time it takes for a newly built panel to generate the same amount of energy that it took to make. 2.5 days after making the second panel, you still have less energy (more likely, less uum) than if you hadn't built it, as it will still have another 2.5 days to go before it pays for that 2 uum it cost.1 ASP with free iridium takes 5 RL days to pay itself, and then the second one takes half of it since you already the first one free for you, the third is one third of the first and so on
Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen!
I am proud to announce I have slain the troll. I wanted to give him an extra point on his record for making me attend to his mess instead of attending to my mother in the surgical ICU for a few moments, but he earned all the requisite strikes on his own.
You guys did a great job of not making more mess for me to clean up, but in the future try to respond to them even less. Report strong and carry on!![]()
*DudetteDude! Next time, forget the forum, forget the troll, and attend to your mother instead!
Generators with a blaze shard is amazing, otherwise you can use a zombie or cow shard to make methane.What is a good source of power early in the game? I will eventully probably setup lava power or steam but what about in the beginning? Should I make a water tower, regular solar panel field or wind mills?