Mod Pack Update

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Just downloaded the new pack update (playing with the Ultimate pack) & FML is telling me all the updated packs are unhappy about my world having been saved with the old packs. Can I just play through it, or do I need to start over with a new world gen?
The beta packs are not guaranteed to be able to hold worlds. They already stated that all the world gen mods were not in yet and IDs may change.
Well, thanks for the (belated) update for Ultimate 1.4.7. So far, (on 1.1.2) so good. No bugs seen so far for me (brand new world, so nothing too advanced been built). I see we still have that 'issue' with needing to make the GregTech config read-only if we don't want it reset on update (which happened to me when the second updates for Ultimate came out). Speaking of which, is that normal? Brand new instance of Ultimate has two sets of updates - the initial one, then another one when you restart the game.
Anyone running the 1.5.2 beta as multiplayer? There may not be a server version, but you can always open a "single player" game to the network. If none of you are doing so already but are interested, I can host (assuming it works), just say so if you are interested. If I do, I will start the "server" in approximately 18 hours.

Testing is more fun as a group!
Im playing with my friend, we just use the regular vanilla server and add the forge and the mods manually. works fine, and odd enough, less lags then playing on the ftb server exe, wierd.

Question for those of you who added Biomes O' Plenty to their pack: have you been able to find the new blocks from railcraft? im talking about the black abyssal stone, quarry stone and the rest of the generated blocks railcraft adds now. without Biomes O' Plenty i seem to be able to find these quite easily, but with it i think the mod overwrites the railcraft worldgen unfortunatly. Any1 knows more about this?
Im playing with my friend, we just use the regular vanilla server and add the forge and the mods manually. works fine, and odd enough, less lags then playing on the ftb server exe, wierd.

Question for those of you who added Biomes O' Plenty to their pack: have you been able to find the new blocks from railcraft? im talking about the black abyssal stone, quarry stone and the rest of the generated blocks railcraft adds now. without Biomes O' Plenty i seem to be able to find these quite easily, but with it i think the mod overwrites the railcraft worldgen unfortunatly. Any1 knows more about this?

Haven't had time to look for those yet. but, over the weekend I made dozens of worlds and spent most of that time flying in creative around these worlds. In the vanilla jungles and deserts with BOP no one single temple.
In the config I turned "Enhanced Vanilla Biomes"=true to false... After that I began to find temples again.
Coincidence ? Maybe. But this was over a weekend of solid searching. I can live without temples but wanted to keep going to get a decent number of worlds to rule out chance.
Not sure about the jungles, but in the desert it's clear to see the amount of stuff added. And I wonder if MC checks after this generation to make a temple. But can't find any virgin soil / sand to place one. (no idea, just a theory) My thinking was it checks an area to find just sand to make sure it doesn't spawn on top of a village for example. I don't know. I only know I didn't find any generated in vanilla biomes that were enhanced.

I hadn't even got as far as on or in the ground yet to do ore checking. Buy it really sadens me to say I think I am going to have to go back to BiomesXL. Real shame as I was loving some of the biomes but if I find ores are missing as you have or rare, then it will have to go.

More testing today as I still can't rule out bad luck and also not seen this isue mentioned anywhere else.
The ores though is more worrying.

EDIT: Found Quarried Stone after not much time at all of looking. Will report back when / if i find abyssal stone.
OK found abyssal stone too :)
Haven't had time to look for those yet. but, over the weekend I made dozens of worlds and spent most of that time flying in creative around these worlds. In the vanilla jungles and deserts with BOP no one single temple.
In the config I turned "Enhanced Vanilla Biomes"=true to false... After that I began to find temples again.
Coincidence ? Maybe. But this was over a weekend of solid searching. I can live without temples but wanted to keep going to get a decent number of worlds to rule out chance.
Not sure about the jungles, but in the desert it's clear to see the amount of stuff added. And I wonder if MC checks after this generation to make a temple. But can't find any virgin soil / sand to place one. (no idea, just a theory) My thinking was it checks an area to find just sand to make sure it doesn't spawn on top of a village for example. I don't know. I only know I didn't find any generated in vanilla biomes that were enhanced.

I hadn't even got as far as on or in the ground yet to do ore checking. Buy it really sadens me to say I think I am going to have to go back to BiomesXL. Real shame as I was loving some of the biomes but if I find ores are missing as you have or rare, then it will have to go.

More testing today as I still can't rule out bad luck and also not seen this isue mentioned anywhere else.
The ores though is more worrying.

EDIT: Found Quarried Stone after not much time at all of looking. Will report back when / if i find abyssal stone.
OK found abyssal stone too :)

where did you find these? vanilla biomes or BOP biomes? if BOP, please specify which.
where did you find these? vanilla biomes or BOP biomes? if BOP, please specify which.

Abyssal stone under the ocean. And Quarried stone in forrest biome. both Vanilla biomes.
I may be wrong but I think these are the only places to find these deposits at the moment.

"NEW: Added Abyssal Stone (Black) and all five brick variants plus slabs and stairs. Abyssal Stone generates in large Geodes beneath the oceans. Cook it in a Furnace to get Abyssal Blocks."

"NEW: Added Quarried Stone (White) and all five brick variants plus slabs and stairs. Quarried Stone generates in large surface deposit in Forest Biomes. Cook it in a Furnace to get Quarried Blocks."

Above quotes taken from:
Interesting. Ill try shutting down the enhanced vanilla biomes and see for myself if it works, Altough it seems about right. hope if BOP wil lbe added in 1.6, a solution for this will be implented so even in BOP biomes these things will spawn.
I tried to get on FTB this morning and i had to downloaded some new mods. downloaded perfectly but when i went to multiplayer and put in the IP, it attempted to log in and then said forge mod loader could not connect to the server, missing these 3 mods. the 3 mods were extrabiomesXL, chickenchunks, and immibiscore. Oddly enough, i went to the modpacks section of the launcher and noticed i had all of them and it said i was missing the OLDER versions of each of the mods..
I tried to get on FTB this morning and i had to downloaded some new mods. downloaded perfectly but when i went to multiplayer and put in the IP, it attempted to log in and then said forge mod loader could not connect to the server, missing these 3 mods. the 3 mods were extrabiomesXL, chickenchunks, and immibiscore. Oddly enough, i went to the modpacks section of the launcher and noticed i had all of them and it said i was missing the OLDER versions of each of the mods..

Have you downloaded the updated mods for the server side, as I had the same problem a few months ago with MindCrack.
Have downloaded the updated mods for the server side, as I had the same problem a few months ago with MindCrack.
I have the updated mods downloaded. everything was fine last night but this morning it says i need older versions for the three mods
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