Mod Pack Update

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Exactly. There are reasons to reboot a world, but with such awesome mods as Mystcraft, there are ways around it.

If you don't run Mystcraft to make a new digging age, you can always run like a madman and create more worldgen. It is VERY rare that you NEED to throw a world away. There are *reasons* why it may be wise, but it's not *needed*.

If Soaryn's (Xycraft) retrogen code gets passed around even a new mystcraft age won't be needed. It can add new ores to old worlds.
It'd be nice to know which mods are likely to be added to the ultimate pack (e.g. Galacticraft, etc)
OK I will try to answer a couple of the questions here. I dont want to just update the original Magicworld as there are mods that we want to remove however I dont want to force this change on people. I would much rather give them a choice. It costs us nothing to have 2 Magicworld packs on the server and people can then choose which one they want to play with. As far as I know, both Magicworld and Techworld are considered stable (if there is such a thing in modded Minecraft) . I suspect these 2 packs will be locked down and called final very shortly. (that call hasnt been made yet though)

This is the thing with making modpacks. It is not just the mods that evolve, we do as well (at least I hope so). The early packs were essentially made as filler packs to help whilst we waited for mods to come along which allowed us to make the packs we wanted to make (Ultimate). Mods were put in these packs that shouldn't really have been there (Thermal Expansion in Magicworld being a great example). The next pack which be a much better experience I hope.

To the best of my knowledge there are no current plans to update the Direwolf20 pack in 1.5. At least not until all mods that are in the pack have been updated.

Yes, Tinkers Construct is planned for the 1.5 preview pack (please dont read to much into this name, we just have no idea what to actually call it as nothing is quite right.)

As to world reboots, we want to minimize the need for that as much as we possibly can. However we cannot hold off updating packs for ever. At some point you need to add a cut off date and just roll with it. We are not there yet though with our packs, however I do want to update as soon as I feel we can. Right now that looks like several weeks after 1.6's release, so current owners can make plans accordingly.
Thank you for the Update! This really helps to have the guideposts to what is planned.
YES! A Magic World 2 sounds awesome! That's EXACTLY what I'm expecting to start playing FTB again...
Aw man, while I'm super excited to hear about Magic World 2, I'm bummed that TE will be removed. Guess I'll add it manually.

Thanks for the update, news is always appreciated.
Yes, Tinkers Construct is planned for the 1.5 preview pack (please dont read to much into this name, we just have no idea what to actually call it as nothing is quite right.).

That might be why I haven't seen in on any of google spreadsheets.
These are hard decisions to make and as always this is subjective and really only based really on what I believe is best for the overall pack. However as things stand at this moment the answer to your question is that we wont be including Ars Magica in our main pack by default.

Will there be some kind of option to enable ars magica in the main pack? I really do like ars magica and was hoping it would be in the next update to Ultimate.
Thanks for the update Slow. I hope all goes well with the packs this time. I'm assuming, because of Magic World 2, you have decided not to put Ars Magica in Ultimate/Beta 1.5 Pack?
I'm not sure they have permission for that pack.
You can in theory Update to 1.5 if you choose.. The problem is that if you have any Redpower stuff you will lose it.. And the biggest thing since Ive had tons of experience with updated mods without others.. Is that if you have anything in your inventory or in a chest it could corrupt your world.. So if you did update you would basically have to make sure that any missing mod.. you don't have anything stored in your storage systems, or you chest.. The stuff in the outside world will disappear and you would have to go through and knock out invisible blocks.. (yes Ive done it before it does actually turn invisible Im talking machines and stuff not world gen stuff).. Basically its a hell of a lot of work and takes a little bit to do.

Thats not even to mention if they don't change any Config Files and Item IDs... If those change too the potentially you could lose a good portion of your world then to the above proglems.

World gen is not a huge deal.. If a large portion of world is taken out the World Gen will try to repair it with what is available... But it might not look pretty.. And with RedPower Volcanoes this could be a problem.

So in hindsight.. You would need to prep the world for the change... Even if you did not use the mod.. Because if you have any world gen stored in your base that alone could cause problems.. Ie all the redpower 2 worldgen stuff your quarries have picked up.
thank you kindly for the update, slowpoke.

can't wait to jump into some 1.5 ftb fun. :)
These are hard decisions to make and as always this is subjective and really only based really on what I believe is best for the overall pack. However as things stand at this moment the answer to your question is that we wont be including Ars Magica in our main pack by default.
Is there something specific that's leading to this? (I'm thinking a lot of block/ID conflicts).
If that's the case, I'm working on getting Ars working with Ultimate right now, or trying to :)
Is there something specific that's leading to this? (I'm thinking a lot of block/ID conflicts).
If that's the case, I'm working on getting Ars working with Ultimate right now, or trying to :)
I think Ars Magicia force overwrites other mods so at least it won't crash to tell you conflicts. I added it myself before but lost the files when I got a bad virus. I remember almost all of the conflicts being SC2 related.
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To Slow and the rest of the FTB team: Thank you all for your hard work lately, I know how some people are being really negative about wanting you to release an updated mod pack ASAP. Sometimes that just isn't possible, and I KNOW for a fact that I would rather have a pack with very little bugs as possible, instead of rushing the whole thing. You guys are awesome!

Your patient fan,
Will there be some kind of option to enable ars magica in the main pack? I really do like ars magica and was hoping it would be in the next update to Ultimate.

Considering how much fun Direwolf20 is having with the pack I'm betting it'll get in to his personal pack and by extension Ultimate.
"Essentially these contain several mod updates to their final 1.4.7 versions and in the case of the Mindcrack pack the mod Bibliocraft will be added in. Unless something critical comes from somewhere, the next updates to any of these packs isn't expected until several weeks after the release of 1.6 at the earliest. These updates should be on the launcher for open testing in the next 24 hours and pushed to recommended a couple of days after."

I apologize if I'm misunderstanding, but when you mention that "these updates should be on the launcher for open testing in the next 24 hours" are you talking about the final 1.4.7 updates? Is that 24 hours after the next several weeks or is that from today? And when you mention several weeks are you talking about the 1.5/1.6 update? Sorry for the misunderstanding, I was just confused when I read.

Thanks, and keep up the good work.
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