Mod/Item/Stuff Ideas

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Reading that page, forth seems exactly as complicated as I though.
Rather, reading it "hello world" is much more strenuous to write than print("Hello world")
Or term.write("Hello World")

It's complicated and involves a CV or something :S
Also the screen is hard to read.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Stack-based languages have always given me a headache. I'll stick to happy things like C#, C++, and Lua. Besides, who needs a sortron when you've got Applied Energistics?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I love FORTH for all my Redstone Needs.

Why, if turtles can output redstone signal on command as well as connect to bundled cabling? LUA is so much easier than FORTH... I had zero programming experience before trying my hand on CC, and now i can even write moderately complex programs, which sparked my interest to read more on stuff. FORTH is simply scary by comparison.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In the same vain as Extra Bees.

Extra Golems.

A cross mod add on that adds more golems that do diffrent fuctions. (admitingly these are specilized golems)

Some random ideas for it.

Scrap Golem : Made with IC2/GT Scarp : collect scrap and automaticly packs them into scarp boxes to put in Fabs
Steel Golem : Railcraft/Steve's Cart golem made with steel : Can be set to link or unlink carts that are next to markers. Will try and link/unlink all then carts in his sight range that are next to markers.
Teak Golem : Foresty golem made from teak (or any bred wood type) : Is basicly a straw golem that picks produce from trees like cherries and walnuts.
Leather Golem : Made from leather : will push/drag animals in site to markers. basicly herds animals around a marker block.

I'm sure there would be some other options people could come up with. Just wanted to get this bit of brain crack out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In the same vain as Extra Bees.

Extra Golems.

A cross mod add on that adds more golems that do diffrent fuctions. (admitingly these are specilized golems)

Some random ideas for it.

Scrap Golem : Made with IC2/GT Scarp : collect scrap and automaticly packs them into scarp boxes to put in Fabs
Steel Golem : Railcraft/Steve's Cart golem made with steel : Can be set to link or unlink carts that are next to markers. Will try and link/unlink all then carts in his sight range that are next to markers.
Teak Golem : Foresty golem made from teak (or any bred wood type) : Is basicly a straw golem that picks produce from trees like cherries and walnuts.
Leather Golem : Made from leather : will push/drag animals in site to markers. basicly herds animals around a marker block.

I'm sure there would be some other options people could come up with. Just wanted to get this bit of brain crack out.
Actually, I've been thinking of some golems I could introduce with my mod, steam golems, of various flavours. They're all roughly the size of Steve (that is, ~2 meters) and serve various functions, like one for combat that hits 75% as hard as a vanilla iron golem (with the same knockback) and has half the health, but moves and attacks faster. I've also thought of one that could serve as a compliment for the BC Builder, a construction golem that can read BC blueprints and build them in an area marked by land marks using items from whatever inventory they're attached to! Mostly, I think it'd just be neat to have a golem that could build rooms for you, and even uses primitive scaffolding (not IC2 scaffolds, just general ones) to get up higher, and tears down the scaffolding when done.

Also, unlike ThaumCraft golems, I want mine to be truly modular. You start off with a regular old golem orb (basically, a golem-in-a-box), and using a powered golem transembly table, can add or remove various components and upgrades for the golem. I've even got a few in mind upgrade that allows them to interface with AE inventories, an internal storage upgrade which allows them to carry more, speed upgrades, armour, intelligence, and such. I think I'd divide components into core components and upgrades; core components are things like armour plating and a perpetual motion engine (an only semi-dumb way of explaining away their lack of a need to recharge/refuel), things that are critical for a golem to function and determine what the golem's primary role is, such as construction, mining, hunting, point defense, patrol, etc., while upgrades are optional components that provide bonuses to your golem, perhaps even giving them secondary functions.

And, yes, you read right, I want to make mining golems. Chunk-loaded mining golems. Starting off, they'll only be able to look for one type of ore, any ore that is in the Forge ore dictionary, and it'll have a small 3x3 inventory to start with, which can eventually be upgraded to the size of a vanilla double chest. Of course, there will be some requisite components for such an advanced feat of technology, namely, a Golem Intelligence Core, Autonomy Core, and Golem Chunk Loader. By adding intelligence upgrades to it, you can make it target more (up to 3, +1 per upgrade) ores. How it works is the golem searches in a 3x3x3 (upgradable, up to 7x7x7) cube around the golem. If it finds its target ore, it'll dig the shortest, safest (no lava or other hazards) route to the ore vein, then dig up the ore vein and repeat until either it fills its inventory, or it can't find any more of its target ore(s) in its search radius. At that point, it returns to the inventory to which its attached and offloads its cargo. If it remembers sensing a target ore nearby before offloading, it'll return to where it was and pick up where it left off. If it returned because it couldn't find anything, it'll return, offload its cargo, and emit a redstone signal.

No quarries digging giant, gaping holes into your world, no massive frame quarries, and no need for power, IC2 or otherwise! Hunts like a human with an ore radar, and even digs like one! Course, like all golems, it requires a perpetual motion engine; something I don't intend on making cheap. Not GregTech expensive, but not cheap, either.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That sounds less like a Golem and more like a plan old robot. I know your going to steampunk route so might I suggest not calling them golems but automaton (Automata) instead. More tech-ish and less chance of confusion with the two other golems types running around (Vin and Thuam)


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
I agree with Saice there. Still a good idea and an alternate too to CC turtles. No need for LUA.

Automata quarry sounds interesting :D

What about if the Automata could be designed to actually wear armour that the player makes and wears? Without armour, it's a skinny robotic skeleton thing, which the armour could fit over. That would look pretty amazing (especially if you made powersuit armour for them....)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree with Saice there. Still a good idea and an alternate too to CC turtles. No need for LUA.

Automata quarry sounds interesting :D

What about if the Automata could be designed to actually wear armour that the player makes and wears? Without armour, it's a skinny robotic skeleton thing, which the armour could fit over. That would look pretty amazing (especially if you made powersuit armour for them....)
Now that is an interesting notion, would make for a great flavour in steampunk oriented builds.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A dwemer-styled MPS model would look awesome as a golem. I would have two identical sets, and name the golem the same thing as me, and then everybody would be confused. Yeeesss.

I hope the golems can use the 1.6 tags when that comes around.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Also, please have a "lumberjack". You define it's working area (perhaps a special fence type block) and it'll chop down trees, collect the drops, offload into a container, and then replant the sapling. I know we have steves carts (which I'm slowly going off, due to the direction the mod is going in now) and forestry multifarms (big boring block).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A dwemer-styled MPS model would look awesome as a golem. I would have two identical sets, and name the golem the same thing as me, and then everybody would be confused. Yeeesss.

I hope the golems can use the 1.6 tags when that comes around.

Right, that one's going right on my list.

Sauron first though.

I was also thinking 'bout the morowing version of glass armor.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got an idea; an etherial mist spell. You don't have a physical form, and you can walk through most blocks, but you slowly take damage from using it. However, you are otherwise invincible, and can take no other forms of damage. Slightly modeled after that skyrim shout, and after Nightmare Moon's mist form in MLP.

I can see tons of ways it'd be misused, so it would have to be insanely expensive to acquire, no matter what system was used to attain it. And of course it wouldn't be able to get through warded blocks or bedrock.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've enjoyed watching and playing feed the beast for quite a while now, but I've always felt there was something missing in the end. A goal that players can work towards beyond just automating everything.

So I had an idea for a mod that would allow for both single and multiplayer goals and objectives.

The idea is that you need to build a spaceship with which to travel between planets. The ship itself is defined as any congruent blocks and items that are placed on special landing strut blocks. The ship has to include at least one multiblock engine, a multiblock reactor, a navigation computer and a flight control console. With those parts players can select a new planet to travel to using a map in the navigation computer and then just activate the travel on the control console. The reactor also needs special crystals that take enormous amounts of energy to fill up. How much stockpiled energy determines how far you can travel on the nav map.Now these ships don't actually move; they instead appear on newly generated worlds. While a ship is traveling between worlds it exists inside a space similar to the end, except there is a nice particle effect to make it seem like it's moving. How long it spends there is dependent on how far it is traveling. While traveling it will be subject to mob invasions, asteroid strikes, solar flares and other randomly occuring events. The objective of which is to do as much damage to the ship as possible while players try to keep it running. The void is also lacking in oxygen so if players don't have appropriate gear on or an airtight ship they'll suffocate. Air would basically act like early minecraft water in that it spreads infinitely but only if a certain number of sides are not void blocks, or vice versa.

The worlds that are generated are essentially just mystcraft ages with a couple extra restrictions. The idea of which is to make it so that no world has all the resources you need, until you reach the final goal planet. The impetus to start the travel is that the starting world will explode after a set amount of time.

Players can stockpile resources for their trip, assemble automated machines to maintain the ship systems and ensure enough resources to keep things running and they can even sabotage and steal resources from each other.

Much of the needed functionality already exists in mystcraft and industrial craft. The major hurdle is really the copying and pasting of the ship itself.

I don't have any modding experience myself, but I do have quite a bit of game design experience. I think this would be a really fun mod to play on a server with a lot of people. The sabotage and secrecy would be fantastic and would motivate all kinds of neat strategies.
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Dunno, that might only appeal to a small audience. But, there is a mod that lets you build spacecraft and visit many of the planets/moons in the solar system - Galacticraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dunno, that might only appeal to a small audience. But, there is a mod that lets you build spacecraft and visit many of the planets/moons in the solar system - Galacticraft.
Yeah, except the process is less kerbal space program and more railcraft water tank.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got an idea; an etherial mist spell. You don't have a physical form, and you can walk through most blocks, but you slowly take damage from using it. However, you are otherwise invincible, and can take no other forms of damage. Slightly modeled after that skyrim shout, and after Nightmare Moon's mist form in MLP.

I can see tons of ways it'd be misused, so it would have to be insanely expensive to acquire, no matter what system was used to attain it. And of course it wouldn't be able to get through warded blocks or bedrock.
Maybe not expensive to aquire but expensive to use becuase of griefers and thieves.
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