MineMod.org | Premium FTB Server

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
IGN: Sukman
Where you heard about the server: FTB Forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Because I know about the server from tekkit, but FTB is better. Also i want to play on a server with other people
If you have any bans on record: no
What can you bring to the community: I am a hard worker, and I can do pretty much anything I have to do. I also know a fair bit about the FTB mods.
IGN: _kyouko
Where you heard about the server: This forum
Why you would like to play on the server: It looks nice I think, just looking for a nice server ^^
If you have any bans on record: Nope
What can you bring to the community: Uh, some knowledge & fun, i guess? Just trying to be nice and help out :P
Where you heard about the server:
I heared about it at this page:

Why you would like to play on the server:
I love to play with mods, but my friends don´t want to play with mods anymore
and i want a nice community, so i don´t like to play modded minecraft alone.

If you have any bans on record:

What can you bring to the community:
I like to build automated stuff, i hope i can do some of those for the server too.
Also i would like to do groupmining or something like that, talking on Skype or so.

Thanks for reading,
have a nice day.

Where you heard about the server: Searching the FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Because I am looking for a fun FTB survival server with friendly people
If you have any bans on record: None
What can you bring to the community: I am a pretty good builder and am a very nice person

Thanks for reading :)
IGN: scout_drake2
Where you heard about the server: This forum
Why you would like to play on the server: I've played FTB solo and enjoyed it. I love hanging out with other gamers as well
If you have any bans on record: No bans on my record
What you can bring to the community: Love playing with other people, levelheaded, fun is my goal
IGN: CubIs
Where you heard about the server:FTB forums (here lol)
Why you would like to play on the server: apparent lack of good servers on FTB forums, lag mainly, or if server crashes it isn't restarted for hour(s)+
If you have any bans on record: If I do I surely do not know about it.
What can you bring to the community: Tons of modded knowledge, years of minecraft experience, I can also bring great assurance im not 12, and that I happen to be very easy to get along with.
Ign: KylezCp
Where you heard about the server: Feed The Beast Fourms
Why you would like to play on the server: To have fun, meet new friends and build amazing creations
If you have any bans on record: To be truthful, Never got banned.
What can you bring to the community: Get inspired and so on in that area.

Have a good day!

it says in the luncher consule
2012-11-27 22:08:40 [INFO] [STDOUT] Connecting to smp1.minemod.org, 25565
2012-11-27 22:08:40 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Loading properties.
2012-11-27 22:08:40 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Properties loaded.
2012-11-27 22:08:42 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Failed to read settings: oriModPartsDisabled
2012-11-27 22:08:42 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Portal Gun 1.4.2v0.3] Failed to read settings: OriPortalgunFuel
IGN: legendary_banana
Where I found the server: This forum.
Why do I want to play on the server: I enjoy playing the Feed The Beast modpack, and this server seems well structured and has a nice community and amazing admins.
Bans: A lot. I used to be a griefer back in 1.0. But I haven't been banned in a while...
What can I bring to the community: I am a friendly player, and I try to help others with mods, help admins with anything they need. I just try to be helpful...
Gives me a use!

If you do whitelist me, please PM me. (start a convo and say "Whitelisted) :)
IGN: Parker_Ohme
Where you heard about the server: I googled Feed The Beast Servers xD
Why you would like to play on the server: I would love to actually play feed the beast in multiplayer!
If you have any bans on record: No Sir!!
What can you bring to the community: A heck of a conversation!
IGN: Kirasy

Where you heard about the server: Google Search

Why you would like to play on the server: It looks like a lot of fun and seems to have a large and active community.

If you have any bans on record: Never

What can you bring to the community: Well I am a lot of fun and can try to help the newer players to this mod.
1. Where you heard about the server: I was looking for a FTB server on Google and found this.

2.Why would you like to play on the server?: I realy want to learn About FTB From experienced players

3. Nope

4.I am always willing to help and i have some knowledge on the twilight forest
IGN: Barderella (but everyone calls me Bard or Bardy)
Where you heard about the server: Google search for a good FTB server
Why you would like to play on the server: I read reviews and comments...I would like to team up with another player who is creative, is more familiar with this mod than I am and can teach me some things....I have lots of build xp to share with others.
If you have any bans on record: none
What can you bring to the community: Been playing since Alpha Minecraft, played Tekkit and have been playing on a dedicated MC server (J&B Mining Company) for a long while. I will also be starting a livestream in Feb when I purchase my new laptop.
IGN: Peiklol
Where you heard about the server:ftbservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: want to play on a server with no lag and a nice community
If you have any bans on record: None
What can you bring to the community: i will make a small town like thing after i get setup and got som good starting stuff

i wanna register my friend to

Where you heard about the server:ftbservers.com
Why you would like to play on the server: want to play on a server with no lag and a nice community
If you have any bans on record: None
What can you bring to the community: i will make a small town like thing after i get setup and got som good starting stuff
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server:First FTB server I would ever play, want to try MP out
If you have any bans on record: Not that I know of.
What can you bring to the community: Happy and active player?
IGN: DanCarl97
Where you heard about the server: The FTB Forums.
Why you would like to play on the server: I have never played Feed the Beast before and was looking for a nice server to get started :D
If you have any bans on record: Yes, but I don't know why. Strange.
What can you bring to the community: I like helping new people... I guess I'm new but later on, I guess I can help new players and the server :D
IGN: mandogcat
Where you heard about the server: in FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: I would like to play on this server because i am a fan of minecraft and i have played lots of tekkit like a year ago. and i stop but i want to get into something else because playing the same thing over and over gets boring.
If you have any bans on record: i have being banned a couple of time like a year ago i was addicted to team avo but i got over it so now i dont grief got boring
What can you bring to the community: I am really good with redstone and i have played tekkit for a year and i became really amazing with the machines with one of my friends so if you can i would like to be whitelisted and thank you :D <3
IGN: Xauronxx
Where you heard about the server: Here in the Forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Hosted an own Server with my friend and now we want to play the mods with a bit more people ^^ He's applying for this server below, too.
If you have any bans on record: None
What can you bring to the community: Much expierience in modded Minecraft ( Manual-Server-Modding and Mod knowlage ingame )

PN please if Whitelisted :p
IGN: Ignyel
Where you heard about the server: FTB Forum
Why you would like to play on the server:Same reason xauronxx named above. As he said we had our own server but only with 4 slots so there wasn't actually very much action.
If you have any bans on record: Nope since i haven't played on any bigger server yet.
What can you bring to the community: I've played the tekkit modpack for a while and then swiched to FTB because of all the crazyness they planned to do. I'm a friendly relaxed player with a good knowledge of most of the mods.