MineMadness | [Direwolf20][1.4.6][Dedicated]| Whitelisted | Full Survival |English and French|Mature

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Your Age: 16
Your experience with the modpack: loved tech mods since about 2012 when I started (god forbid) with the technic pack
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: I got my minecraft account in 2011 and after finding out about the amazing mods out there I play very little vanilla
Why would you want to join our server: I'm looking for a good direwolf20 pack server as there are so few as well as the fact I want to meet new people and have fun with others!
Have you ever been banned and if so why : nope never banned from anything
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Don't grief a complex and intricate build which obviously took a long time to make.
IGN: sueramcharan
Your Age:16
Your experience with the modpack:I love the intricate designs of creating power and whatnot, have a singleplayer world i have put 30+ hours into
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: since 1.7
Why would you want to join our server: I'd like to join a server to get involved with the community and have fun.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : never
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: no greifing, been on a lot of servers where ive built large things and they've been greifed minecraft name is jamsterham
Turns out my connection isn't good enough for connecting to this server. Going to move on, good luck all.
IGN: danny_delmax1
Your Age: 15
Your experience with the modpack: a few weeks, but 6 months with tech mods like Ic2, BC, and Rp2
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: a year
Why would you want to join our server: Your server is lag free, has a no griefing rule, and looks like a good server in general
Have you ever been banned and if so why : N/A
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No griefing- i build complex machines, and i dont want them to be destroyed
all of you have been accepted and whitelisted

Jarres Plummer
I'll be needing your ig name
My bad, my IGN is l3radrocks
Your Age: 24
Your experience with the modpack: Run a tekkit server, so everything in that is pretty good... Mostly RP,CC,Mystcraft,and IC
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: since alpha.
Why would you want to join our server: Because I like mystcraft and computercraft and would like to play with both. RP is another big plus.
Have you ever been banned and if so why :nope
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: don't mess with other people's things.
IGN: xxxzzzmark
Your Age: 16
Your experience with the modpack: barely any except for watching videos and a bit of experimenting in single-player.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Since Alpha 1.1.0 or before original halloween update.
Why would you want to join our server: Because I like the depth mods put into the game and am getting tired of vanilla multiplayer.
Have you ever been banned and if so why: Yes, once for building a giant snow cone on the reddit server and once for insulting an admin on another.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Don't do what would make people mad.(I've learned that the hard way.)
Your Age:16
Your experience with the modpack: lpaying it since the start playing technic since the start and playing most of the mods before technic
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: since the start of beta
Why would you want to join our server: cause this seems like a good friendly server
Have you ever been banned and if so why : yeeah just mods and admins trying to be funny
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: dont be stupid use common sense and have fun
Frommyeyez, it says im not white-listed when i try to join the server. Are you sure you put 3 `l`s because that mistake happens a lot with my IGN.
Your Age: 18
Your experience with the modpack: Been playing it for awhile. Also watching direwolf :D
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Early beta
Why would you want to join our server: It's dedicated, whitelisted and mature.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Yes, Argument with a admin. (Over diamonds)
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No griefing/Stealing
Ign: Ahikiyu
Your Age:17
Your experience with the modpack: I've played these a ton and watched Direwolf20 also play these in his "Let's Play" series
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: I believe 2 and a half years
Why would you want to join our server: It doesn't have a lot of restriction on items from what I can tell, and having admins not spawn in things is nice
Have you ever been banned and if so why : I haven't
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No griefing / pvp / stealing

IGN: ArcaniteChill
Your Age: 17 IGN: Alien7107
Your Experience With The Modpack: I Am Very Familiar With The Mods In This Modpack.
For How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft in General: Roughly About 2 Years
Why would you want to join our server: I'm Looking For a Community To Enjoy This Wonderful Modpack With And This Seems Like The Place To Do It.
Have You Ever Been Banned And If So Why: No.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No Griefing, and Following Rules
IGN: 3milwe
Your Age: 16
Your experience with the modpack: I've played the mods a lot and know pretty much everything there is to know about most of them, but I've only recently started playing FTB. There are some mods I haven't tried out yet that I'd like to use on this server.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Since Beta 1.5, I believe. Not sure how long that is though.
Why would you want to join our server: Because I want other people to play with and don't want my complex creations ruined after spending hours on them.
Have you ever been banned and if so why: No, never.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No griefing. Especially when it comes to FTB. You don't want to create advanced machines that takes hours to build only to have some crazy guy blow them up.
IGN: TTT123456
Your Age: 25
Your experience with the modpack: I like watching slowpoke stream and direwolf20 video but Im really not a expert with all the mods actually
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: vanilla since the beta 1.6
Why would you want to join our server: SSP is a bit boring :)
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Nop
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: of course no griefing and be friendly !
IGN: Cmars
Your Age: 17
Your experience with the modpack: I've played a lot of single player but not multi player so yea, kinda want to get a bit more social.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Since the alpha days but I couldn't buy it til a week after beta came out thanks to personal problems.
Why would you want to join our server: Like I said, Single player is getting a bit lonely :/
Have you ever been banned and if so why: Nope, I used to own a (Might start one eventually) server.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No griefing, have respect, no stealing, respect the rules.
Your Age: 12, but very mature (I don't rage and am very calm)IGN:Milk_40
Your experience with the modpack:I'm experienced with FTB, I used to play a lot of tekkit and with FTB I've familiarised myself with the other mods.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general:
Why would you want to join our server: Because I want to play on a DW20 server and also SinglePlayer gets boring and lonely.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : I have never been banned as far as I know.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server:NO griefing, NO cheating, have fun and be respectful
Your Age:15
Your experience with the modpack:with this modpack not a lot but i played the beta pack and tekkit a lot
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general:since 1.6.3 beta
Why would you want to join our server:Bescause this looks like a good and serious server
Have you ever been banned and if so why :no i wasnt
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server:respect to all players

you all have been whitelisted , i now close the inscriptions for now