Minecraft Darwin Awards 2014

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The other day, I put my Jetpack and Nano Boots in MFEs to charge them. While waiting for them to charge, I decided to go out and jump into my quarry to see if it had uncovered any nice XP-giving ores for me to dig manually. After all, it had dug all the way down to layer 15 or so, so there should be plenty of fun stuff down there.

My base, where I had left my boots and jetpack, is located at layer 75. Which means I had plenty of time to think "wait a second..." while in midair.

Same here only I did it in the End. My brother and I had setup a mystcraft portal location off the main landmass, We returned to bass to arm up to take the dragon so I dropped off my nano suit and jet pack to top off to full. I arm up to tackle the dragon portal, portal through to the end and then jump off the floating island to find that I had grabbed my armor and jetpack but had forgotten to put them on...
When decorating goes wrong, Ultimate edition:

With my newfound infinite power source in fusion, I decided it was time to clean up the basement. Oh, a clever idea I thought, lets use a filler to replace the stone with basalt pavers via a clear then fill on the box shape of the 3x3 chunk space. It worked great...except for the fact that I'd done the ever so common aqueous accumulator under the boiler trick for 2 boilers still running. The water source blocks got filled, and kaboom.

...next to 74 centrifuges and 32 industrial electrolyzers.

My base got blown sky high. Surprisingly, the well fortified nuke room was the only thing to not get obliterated...the shielding worked in the wrong direction. I also lost all of my ME drives and deep storage units, containing millions in metal and resources.

im still not sure if it was an explosion chain reaction from the boiler, or simply water coming down from a ceiling hole in the farm upstairs caused by the boiler that triggered it all. it was comical, but not too gutwrenching bc the server went delinquent on playment 2 days later.
Oh, I just remembered one that happened recently. I was building the railway from my base to Law's base, and I decided to use HS tracks. So I'm working on the railway, and I decide to test it to make sure nothing will go boom. Well, surprisingly enough, it did go boom. Over a trench in the middle of a big lake. I was stuck in my Minecart and falling down the trench. I fell about 40 blocks, all the way down to bedrock, in a Minecart, and died. Getting my stuff was a blast :p
A lot of recipes needs glowstone dust and quartz from the Nether (I <3 you, AE), so a quick visit to the Nether to gather materials is essential, even when my gear is like, a leather something and so on... (you can see where it goes...)

I had like, full fortune TiCo hammer and pickaxe, speed, and nice durability. I (still) don't know why, I aggro'd some Piggies. Then came my master plan - Dig a tunnel on the netherrack, and close it. But somehow two or three of a dozen ones still got inside and killed me.

What I got? A tunnel full of goodies from about 1 day of work and a dozen piggies guarding it.

I <3 Minecraft.
A lot of recipes needs glowstone dust and quartz from the Nether (I <3 you, AE), so a quick visit to the Nether to gather materials is essential, even when my gear is like, a leather something and so on... (you can see where it goes...)

I had like, full fortune TiCo hammer and pickaxe, speed, and nice durability. I (still) don't know why, I aggro'd some Piggies. Then came my master plan - Dig a tunnel on the netherrack, and close it. But somehow two or three of a dozen ones still got inside and killed me.

What I got? A tunnel full of goodies from about 1 day of work and a dozen piggies guarding it.

I <3 Minecraft.
Did you have Nether ores installed? That causes mining nether quartz to aggro zombie pigmen now by default (i think it was an option before but disabled)
Did you have Nether ores installed? That causes mining nether quartz to aggro zombie pigmen now by default (i think it was an option before but disabled)
Know what I hate about Nether Ores? The fact that a ghast fireball that explodes on nether ore now aggros zombie pigmen at *you*. I've died 3 times already to that.

You can still disable the ore-aggro. config/powercrystals/netherores/common.cfg B:AngryPigmenEnable=true
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A lot of recipes needs glowstone dust and quartz from the Nether (I <3 you, AE), so a quick visit to the Nether to gather materials is essential, even when my gear is like, a leather something and so on... (you can see where it goes...)

I had like, full fortune TiCo hammer and pickaxe, speed, and nice durability. I (still) don't know why, I aggro'd some Piggies. Then came my master plan - Dig a tunnel on the netherrack, and close it. But somehow two or three of a dozen ones still got inside and killed me.

What I got? A tunnel full of goodies from about 1 day of work and a dozen piggies guarding it.

I <3 Minecraft.
Full fortune hammer but only leather armor? But why...?!?
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well, here goes... after building my base, and climbing the thaumcraft research ladder, I was out playing with my portable hole, trying to find caves, just because i could. (this was with a full thaumium capped silverwood wand) after trting straight dowm a few times, i put a hole into the side of a nearby hill. thinking that i saw a cave, i stupidly walk inside, only to find a dead end. I turn around to see a quickly approaching starry wall, and got trapped in the middle of a hill with no way out, but another hole. bieng the quick thinker that i think I am, I look up,and thought, "hey, I have bat morph,I can fly out!" and promptly fell to my death, as the new hole opened beneath my feet. the bottom was still imbeded in stone, thereby trapping all of my gear in stone. i respawn, then promptly crash before I get a chance to turn around... i get back in to find me at my bed, with all my gear. :p
So just started out with Thaumcraft got early start with the Greatwood Wand core, Gold caps, and I got most of the Wand Foci, as well as the Boots. So I make the boots, wear them, am wearing some regular diamond armor. Had a new sword made from one of the suggested weapons thread from here as well as a new pick. (TiC) I use a Filler to destroy a mountain and decide to use my new Foci of Equal Exchange to change all the ugly stone to dirt. So I realize that there's dirt beneath me so I shift right click it without realizing that I never changed my foci from the Portable Hole. Combined with the new Portable Hole mechanic where a pit is just made if it can't really find a cave I landed in there and spent the first few seconds trying to jump my way out before spending the last few seconds staring dismally up at the sky. Those were the longest seconds of my life...
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well, here goes... after building my base, and climbing the thaumcraft research ladder, I was out playing with my portable hole, trying to find caves, just because i could. (this was with a full thaumium capped silverwood wand) after trting straight dowm a few times, i put a hole into the side of a nearby hill. thinking that i saw a cave, i stupidly walk inside, only to find a dead end. I turn around to see a quickly approaching starry wall, and got trapped in the middle of a hill with no way out, but another hole. bieng the quick thinker that i think I am, I look up,and thought, "hey, I have bat morph,I can fly out!" and promptly fell to my death, as the new hole opened beneath my feet. the bottom was still imbeded in stone, thereby trapping all of my gear in stone. i respawn, then promptly crash before I get a chance to turn around... i get back in to find me at my bed, with all my gear. :p

It was all a terrible terrible dream
I usually use MPS with fly. One day I have changed to thaumcraft robe and was leaving my tower by jumping out from the window.... on the way down i realized that I couldn't fly in my thaumcraft robe :(
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I had this gigantic base of GregTech stuff and alot of boilers + reactors.

I was making my roof look better while it was raining.
So the GT machines blew up to the rain. Making a chain reaction that blew the WHOLE! cable system i had up.
The TE3 machine who i use for boilers died in the explosion. Boilers didn't like it. Those now blew up too.
Then my plan was that day: Upgrade roof. Finish reactor explosion resistant walls.
I wasn't finished with the last. the explosion blew up the wall in the reactor and i don't know what but it exploded afterwards.
I then got banned from the server for ''Massive server lag and taking a crap on the landscape'' Because the landscape was 1 big hole with multiple explosions everywhere. EVERYTHING i had blew up.
I ragequitted modded MC for a month after that.
Seeing WayofTime reminded me of another darwinderp

Step 1. Build blood altar.
Step 2. Get knife.
Step 3. Stab self several times.
Step 4. See that your health hasn't dropped, so stab just once more.
Step 5. Server lag catches up and "Redius Died" gets spammed a few times.
Step 6. Wake up at spawn because your bed was obstructed.
Step 7. Die to mobs at spawn, because that's how these things go.
Step 8. Get a drink.
I usually use MPS with fly. One day I have changed to thaumcraft robe and was leaving my tower by jumping out from the window.... on the way down i realized that I couldn't fly in my thaumcraft robe :(
Something similar to this. Last world I built a giant floating tower of mageness with floors devoted to the various magic mods. Playing about with witchery, get the full getup with hat robes and shoes. Oh, I think, I need more saplings, I'll just go down and get some. Go down the levitators, exit tower, run to edge of platform, exit platform, forgetting that I have a bank of levitators for this express purpose which I spent a lot of time and resources building, also forgetting that I have yet to fire up the osmotic enchanter and get the slowfall stuff on my boots. Ahh!, I think, well i have morph maybe I have time? Push ~ nope, no bat form favorited for you good sir. The last thing going through that Steve's mind was his knees. At least spawn was close (under the tower as it happens) still felt rather stupid. Felt much stupider when I did it again 10 min later, but such is life, Short painful and full of screams.
It was all a terrible terrible dream
heh, the game corrupted my save a day later... i guess ill never know :p but I'll be looking for player fossils when I'm mining under hills now :p
(I was lucky enough to have a nei save I had just made so i brought what i had in that to make a new base in a new world)