MFR - Bioreactor. Values?

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Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Durr. Don't do that then. Even railcraft tanks can have every single block except the frame be valves. Xytanks can as well. 12x12x12 cube of frame+valves! That's six hundred valves.
If this is what you're suggesting:


It's still 1 bucket every 100 ticks.

E: The only setup that will move more than 1 bucket every 100 ticks is this(It doesn't work on a bio reactor for reasons mentioned earlier):



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sigh. I've repeated myself enough. This is the last time:

Once the liquiduct reaches its input threshold for a valve, the bioreactor will switch to a new one. It will then switch between two (computers are faster than you!) until it reaches the threshold for two valves. Then it will add a third.

Your pics, being yet another attempt to prove me wrong, do nothing of the sort. You're not even producing enough fuel to fill the liquiducts, much less exceed the valve input on a single liquiduct pipe. You have exceeded my derp threshold for the day.

Tested, and works. I'm out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sigh. I've repeated myself enough. This is the last time:

Once the liquiduct reaches its input threshold for a valve, the bioreactor will switch to a new one. It will then switch between two (computers are faster than you!) until it reaches the threshold for two valves. Then it will add a third.

Your pics, being yet another attempt to prove me wrong, do nothing of the sort. You're not even producing enough fuel to fill the liquiducts, much less exceed the valve input on a single liquiduct pipe. You have exceeded my derp threshold for the day.

Tested, and works. I'm out.

Can you show your test setup?

I have a 9 item type bio reactor going and it never outputs more biofuel than one liquiduct can transport:


I have not used MFR much, but the biofuel tank on the left is what empties into the liquiduct and is always empty with just one connected. The yellow bar changes based on the number of different items. The purple one says it is a buffer -- it seems to fill the biofuel side and be refilled in bursts when the production items are consumed.

The bottleneck seems to be the internal conversion of purple buffer to biofuel.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And that way, it can be both entertaining and informative for the rest of us, where what you are currently engaged into is just a childish fight of "you are wrong" and "no, you are wrong"...

The question to know is hooking multiple liquiducts can be of use in the case of the highest production is a very interesting one for the ones of us that are planning on using it in the future, and having verified and double checked facts would definitely be helpful.

Both your screenshots have proven part of your argument, but the point remains, what happens when you decide to feed it the max number for the input?
Is it slightly too much for only one liquiduct to handle completely?
If yes, is the surplus evacuated in a second output, or does it accumulate inside?

If none of you guys are willing to provide answers to the point you are both arguing on, then please do.

Not saying that either of you is wrong, really, as it might just be a lack of information, or older informations.

EDIT: seems like the answer was finally given while I was writting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Slay Mithos I think Peppe just answered your question but you post it long so you might have not seen it before hitting post.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Can you show your test setup?

I have a 9 item type bio reactor going and it never outputs more biofuel than one liquiduct can transport:


I have not used MFR much, but the biofuel tank on the left is what empties into the liquiduct and is always empty with just one connected. The yellow bar changes based on the number of different items. The purple one says it is a buffer -- it seems to fill the biofuel side and be refilled in bursts when the production items are consumed.

The bottleneck seems to be the internal conversion of purple buffer to biofuel.
Ah I see. I'm glad you actually showed you were doing something rather than saying I'm right because I know I'm right.

So it seems the conversion inside the bio reactor is 10 mB per tick.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
TL;DR "Buffer" to "bio fuel" conversion rate is 1mB/tick (20mB/second).
(MineFactory Reloaded version 2.7.4-255, Direwolf20 pack 1.0.11)

I can't seem to find good information on the reactor, but wild claims by the dozen.

The one thing that is immediately evident is, that it generates more fuel per item the more types you supply. This information is on several wikis even.

The bottleneck seems to be the internal conversion of purple buffer to biofuel.

I found exactly this. I timed it and 1000mB (millibuckets = 1 Bucket) took 50 seconds.

Considering that 1 tick is 50 milliseconds and 20 ticks (best case) happen in 1 second, that makes 1000mB in 50,000ms (or 1000 ticks). No matter how many different types of items you supply, the buffer gauge will always only convert at 1mB per tick, or 20mB per second indeed.

Now also considering the cheapest BuildCraft fluid pipes transport 10mB per tick (i.e. 200mB per second), neither the pipes nor the fluiducts (thermal expansion) will ever be fully utilized by one bio reactor. As this seems to baffle some users here.

Now if you wait until the "bio fuel" gauge hits full (not the "buffer" gauge), you can very very quickly drain its internal tank.

I don't know if you can use this type of bio fuel in other engines, but MineFactory's biofuel generator does not chug a whole lot of it, while still easily powering more than a handful of machines.

[...]stick a bunch of ducts to pull out the whole 1440mb/t.

This is a slight and critical misconception. If you use 9 different types of items, you generate 1440mB per operation, though still at a rate of 1mB/tick.

As such, 1440mB per operation at 1mB/tick * 50 milliseconds per tick = 72,000 milliseconds. This means, if you're using 9 different types of items, you will have to supply 1 of each every 72 seconds to keep the reactor running.

I've also found that 64 of one type of item only generates 320mB, that's 5mB per item (4 items/second) instead of 80mB as listed on wikis. To find the correct value, refer to the reactor's ingame UI ("Efficiency" bar). 9 types of items now actually generate only 1425mB per operation, close to the old figure, but it needs 71,250 milliseconds per batch of items consumed.

The rates for 1 through 9 types of items are 5, 25, 70, 150, 275, 455, 700, 1020, and 1425 millibuckets per batch of items. Remember though, still at a rate of 1mB/tick!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The powers of necromancy are strong with this one.

A warning to the unwary, the majority of the information in this thread may not be accurate for the latest version of MFR.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, indeed ;)

As I stated, for the lack of finding accurate information on any version anywhere.

And that's why I also stated the version at the top of my reply. You know what they say... "there's a million threads about this, use the search function!".


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
You are indeed correct that most wikis are currently out of date for the reactor as lower numbers of item types were severely nerfed because of how easy it was to mass produce single items. Bioreactors a have also been nerfed in production rate since this thread. Instead of the current 1 bucket every 50 seconds they made 1 bucket in 5 seconds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If anyone needs help automating max efficiency bioreactors, just use computercraft turtles. Very resource friendly and simpler to setup


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If anyone needs help automating max efficiency bioreactors, just use computercraft turtles. Very resource friendly and simpler to setup
What are you using the turtles for? Harvesting? Supplying the harvested items to the bioreactors?
And how are they more efficient than a single max-size MFR Harvester pulling 9 different item types off of crop sticks and shuffling the results into barrels and/or an ME Network?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I hate doing this since this whole thread is full out dated information from builds of MFR long since changed.

BUT as for recent ways (as of 2/26/2014) SFM can do the inventory management down to the exact slot number much easier then coding turtles.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I hate doing this since this whole thread is full out dated information from builds of MFR long since changed.

BUT as for recent ways (as of 2/26/2014) SFM can do the inventory management down to the exact slot number much easier then coding turtles.
Fair enough. Resource wise though, a turtle is cheaper to make. You only need iron, redstone,stone glass and a chest[DOUBLEPOST=1393457174][/DOUBLEPOST]
What are you using the turtles for? Harvesting? Supplying the harvested items to the bioreactors?
And how are they more efficient than a single max-size MFR Harvester pulling 9 different item types off of crop sticks and shuffling the results into barrels and/or an ME Network?

I use turtles for loading. Autochecks its inventory every few minutes and dumps 1 each if conditions are met. The redstone signal to disable the reactor is also handled by the turtle. Any excess materials gets dumped into my AE system


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fair enough. Resource wise though, a turtle is cheaper to make. You only need iron, redstone,stone glass and a chest

turtles are always going to be the cheap answer to any automation. They laterally can do almost everything provided you can code them or find code for them. Which is the issue many folks do not want to learn lua just to automate things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Once I automate my setup, I'll have power FOREVER! I have a tier 5 witherskeleton soul cage that grinds the skellies and stores the bones and coal in deep storage units. The coal will be either burned directly or turned into coalfuel(which is better?) and the bones are autocrafted with xycraft fabricators then piped into bioreactors which CAN TURN DYE INTO BIOFUEL! I will hook my biofuel gen to a xycraft tank to a liquid steam boiler which will produce pretty much UNLIMITED POWAH.. And bones+coal! Soo worth it! And if getting a wither skeleton shard seems hard, get 2 soulshards, kill one wither skeleton(1 shard) and then fill up another killing mobs from some dungeon or using the nifty trick with spawners on cave spider spawners in mineshafts. Combine a tier 5 and the wither one kill shard in an anvil and BAM! Wither skeleton shard!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
turtles are always going to be the cheap answer to any automation. They laterally can do almost everything provided you can code them or find code for them. Which is the issue many folks do not want to learn lua just to automate things.
Why would you need any external slot aware inventory manager? Sometime after the bulk of the posts above the reactor was changed to only allow one stack of each type in it's inventory?